Pay no attention to that man behind the curtain:
Blah, blah,blah….. Haven’t we heard this before?
Johnny Law and fun never seem to mix:
Johnny Law and honest commerce never seem to mix:
The Ex-Emperor gets his writing hand ready....
....while staying quiet about what he sees:
Mr. Liddy faces the music:
Though they may plead and argue, ....
....eye their directions with suspicion, ....
....then look them in the eye....
....and don’t hesitate to call their bluff:
No such luck- trying to make a silk purse out of a sow’s ear:
Liberated Iraqis give thanks to their new masters:
Bush’s baby turns six:
Sorry, the deficits will grow much larger....
....and I foresee trillion dollar deficits for the next ten years:
The Audacious One points to still more ways he will make our lives better....
....while sweating out still another verbal gaffe:
Just another day of workin’ the fields by them simple, down home folks from Chicago:
Gay Republicans come out of the closet:
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