Thursday, July 14, 2022

Quotes of the Week

Enlightened insights taken from the past week’s reading:

"They push for destruction, of people, of countries and of continents.  Ukraine is just the latest example, no doubt, of the ravenous desire of the elites to engender war, destruction, pollution, starvation, refugeeism, family helplessness and community collapse.  The rationales presented have become ludicrous, insane, crackpot, and even evil.  Not just intrinsically ludicrous, fundamentally insane, obviously crackpot, and recognizably evil, but we see now a widely shared human perspective on the extreme danger to life, peace and prosperity posed by global totalitarianism.

Change is simple – it starts with seeing, and recognizing, what is wrong, and changing course into something just a bit better, and more correct.  Bible language might call this the straight and narrow path, but it beckons all of us."

Karen Kwiatkowski

"A ban on assault weapons would be only the first domino to fall — the 'stepping stone,' as the Washington Post admitted decades ago. After an assault-weapons ban fails to end shootings, advocates will demand that all semi-automatic firearms be prohibited and confiscated. (The vast majority of rifles sold in recent decades have been semi-automatic). And if such a ban was proclaimed and still failed to end violence, then politicians would of course have no choice but to confiscate all handguns. Each failed government intervention would provide the pretext for politicians to redouble their repression of Americans."

Lew Rockwell

"The curious task of economics is to demonstrate to men how little they really know about what they imagine they can design."

F.A. Hayek 

"The world is in a process of rearranging its ways of doing things, getting things, and being things. And it's very distressing. It's hard to see where things might go. We always have to understand that there are Mr. Rumsfeld's old unknown-unknowns out there, or as Taleb calls them the Black Swans. And so life tends to be non-linear. The universe tends to produce nonlinear phenomena, and a lot of surprises happen. The final thing is that God is a prankster. He likes to mess with us."

James Howard Kunstler

"War has been used for thousands of years to subdue and control the masses, all in the name of safety. The threat of war will continue to be an arrow in the quiver of the ruling monsters, just as is being witnessed today with the aggressive posturing by the U.S against Russia, China, and much of the rest of the world. But conventional war has ceased to be the first tool of tyranny, as now the bogus threat of non-existent 'viruses' and plagues, created division, and purposely stoked hatred have become the 'modern' methods of warfare. Modern war is no longer war against far away imagined enemies using guns and bullets under the guise of nationalism, but war directed specifically against the domestic populations on a global scale. This tactic not only allows for total control over societies, but also allows for mass murder by the state of its own citizenry, which is democide. One of the most state desired benefits of this atrocious approach to killing, is that it allows the rulers to target specific individuals or groups that are falsely made out to be a threat to government and the public. All those said to be out of favor with the ruling class are said to be a danger to the status quo, causing at the same time due to unending propaganda, the frightened general population to support aggression toward those brave enough to stand against the state."

Gary D. Barnett

"The only reason why The Government would want to disarm you after 246 years is because they intend to do something that you would shoot them for."

Author Unknown

"Thinking will not overcome fear but action will."

W. Clement Stone 

"It strikes me that a generalized fear of the virus was the best candidate to unleash this revolt against freedom because such fear is so primal, so primitive, so medieval, so pre-freedom and pre-modern in many ways. A perfect storm to overthrow centuries of progress. Here’s the thing: the revolt is still in place and will be long after the lockdowns are over and the mandates are loosened." 

Jeffrey Tucker

"The best way to predict the future is to study the past, or prognosticate."

Robert Kiyosaki 

"Climate scientism traffics in propaganda instead of testable hypotheses. It resolves matters by consensus, like with virtually all experts agreeing that the sun rotates around the earth—before Copernicus and Galileo. Climate scientism supports political ends. It is phony science, which government bosses and power-hungry elitists declare is the justification for their exerting greater control over our lives. 'Scientism' demonizes dissent and declares that the 'science is settled.' A scientific priesthood runs it, suppressing new ideas and pretending to be the sole arbiters of climate truth."

Dr. Donald W. Miller Jr

"To outsiders looking in, zealots are an endless source of comedy. You can't help but laugh because their ticks and cricks and outbursts are nonsensical and absurd. As long as they don't have any real power, these people act as a reminder of what happens when human beings abandon reason for madness. They are frightening, but they serve the purposes of entertainment as well as keeping the rest of us grounded. When they do gain power, however, that's when things stop being funny.

Civilizations throughout history have consistently dealt with the problem of zealots, but the greater threat is the existence of narcissists and psychopaths sneaking into positions of authority and encouraging zealotry among the masses. Generally, psychopaths are seen as an anomaly that is quickly identified and shunned in order to prevent them from climbing too high up the ladder of social influence. The problem is they are not as rare as one might hope and many of them have the ability to hide among the herd."

Brandon Smith

"The right to self-defense is inalienable from the right to life. Weaken one and the other is devalued. 

Surrender your arms today and forfeit your life tomorrow."

A.E. Samaan

"Keynesians think money printing doesn't cause inflation, but a decrease in unemployment does. Their ideal economic system should oscillate between inflationary booms that enrich the rich and deflationary crashes that impoverish the poor.

The trade-off between unemployment and inflation is one of the most ridiculous and utterly refuted pieces of Keynesian economic fiction. The 1970s were just a global falsification of this stupidity, and only a completely corrupt criminal could still believe in it today.

Yes, Keynesian criminals truly think that putting poor people out of work, lowering their wages, and making them destitute will help keep prices down, but no government spending or bank bailout is ever too much.

Once the fiat scam is finally unwound, there really ought to be economic Nuremberg trials for everyone involved in promoting Keynesian propaganda. Being a complete moron who actually believes this criminal garbage is not an acceptable defense."

Saifedean Ammous

"It is difficult for a country, an empire, to build up tensions that lead to war if the chosen enemy does not engage with you, does not respond to you.  The best chance of avoiding nuclear war is for Russia and China to keep a wary eye on the West but otherwise ignore the West and avoid engaging with the West.  Russia and China should go about their own business."

Paul Craig Roberts

"Let the future tell the truth and evaluate each one according to his work and accomplishments. The present is theirs; the future, for which I have really worked, is mine."

Nikola Tesla 

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