Monday, July 11, 2022

DC Crimes of the Week

Truthful headlines (and just one week’s worth) offering you more reasons to separate yourselves from The Regime’s madness:

DC Regime Harasses Texas Border Protection Effort

“The emails from Texas Department of Public Safety officials indicate federal authorities are looking at whether the operation may have broken a law against discrimination based on race, color or national origin by organizations receiving federal funds.”

"Texans are not surprised at this point: the Federal government not only created the immigration problem, they actively stand against Texas’ efforts to deal with the problem. By working against Texas in favor of non-citizens who commit crimes, the Federal government illustrates once again the need for Texas independence."

The latest numbers:

675 invaders arrested in just six hours.

5000 invaders apprehended over the July 4th holiday…in just one Texas sector.

192,000 invaders apprehended on the southwest border in June.

476,000 escape into the country in 2022, so far.

Large groups of invaders overwhelm the two busiest sectors in Texas.

Turn them back or shoot them dead!

Regime’s Security Goon 'Very Pleased' Invasion Restriction Will be Ending

And because of that, he believes he and his fellow incompetents are doing a good job.

Turn them back or shoot them dead!

Regime’s Inaction at Border Causes Texas Counties to Declare an 'Invasion'

“We’re about 63 miles to 70 miles from the border. What we deal with constantly is the coyotes bringing people through our community.”

The Texas "Governor" makes his usual half-assed effort which politely said, "falls short of meaningful action."

Turn them back or shoot them dead!

Regime to Allow Deported Border Invaders to Apply for New Legal Status

“This is like the ‘don’t ask, don’t tell.’ We won’t ask you where you’ve been during your inadmissible period, and you don’t tell us. It’s sheer craziness.”

Turn them back or shoot them dead!

Regime Punishes Innocent Border Guards

They used "denigrating and offensive language" towards the invading criminals.

Turn them back or shoot them dead!

Regime Now Flying Border Invaders Out of Texas for Abortions

“U.S. taxpayers are literally paying for abortions, which is a violation of the Hyde Amendment. Of all the things we could impeach Biden over, that should be number one right there.”

Pedophile-in Chief Sends 5 Million Barrels of Your Oil Reserve to Europe and Asia

And looked who benefitted from it!

Other weekly crimes include:

Issuing a dictate to help women kill their unborn babies.

Blaming Putin (again) for escalating gasoline prices.

Exposed- Toddlers Stuck with Regime’s Vax Poison More Likely to Get Severely Ill

This what your DC Daddy calls "safe and effective."

Exposed- Regime’s Vax Poison Causing Seizures in Two and Three-Year-Old Kids

It is ONLY happening on vaccinated kids, and symptoms start 2 to 5 days after the COVID vaccine.

Exposed- Regime’s Poison Peddlers Lied About Trials

“Pfizer’s clinical trial documents, which started getting released on June 1 by the FDA as part of a lawsuit and court-ordered disclosure schedule, reveal that the company classified nearly every severe adverse event that occurred as being ‘not related to shots’.”

DC Regime to Send $400 Million More of Your Stolen Money to Ukrainian Nazis

“Combined with the $13.6 billion bill that was already spent, the US will spend about $54 billion in total on the war in Ukraine in the 2022 fiscal year unless more funds are authorized.”

Exposed- DC Regime and European Gangsters Have Been 'Preparing' since 2014 to Ukraine for Proxy War

“The brutal reality, as summed up by Jens Stoltenberg’s remark, is that Ukraine is already a de facto proxy member of NATO, and has been since at least 2014.”

Exposed- DC Regime’s Retired Hired Killers Training Ukrainian Nazi Troops Near Front Lines

“The New York Times spoke to several retired American special operators who say they are providing training to Ukrainian troops near the battlefield and even planning missions against Russian soldiers.”

DC Regime Comes Up with Goofy Plan to 'Cap' Russian Oil Prices

“But the US-proposed plan is doomed to fail as it requires Moscow’s cooperation, and experts are warning if Russia retaliates by cutting production, prices could skyrocket. Analysts at JPMorgan Chase said in the worst-case scenario, oil prices could soar to $380 per barrel.”

Regime’s Weapons Sent to Ukrainian Nazis May End Up on DarkNet Marketplaces

“RT journalists pretended to be weapons buyers and claimed to have come in contact with Ukrainian arms smugglers offering machine guns, body armor, and some of the US/West’s most advanced weapons, such as Javelin and NLAW anti-tank systems or Phoenix Ghost and Switchblade explosive drones.”

DC Regime Continues Criminal Occupation of Syria

“There is no discernible US security interest in keeping troops at the Tanf base in southeastern Syria, but the Biden administration has not removed them from the country and shows no sign of doing so. US troops have repeatedly come under attack in Syria, and there is always the possibility of clashes with Russian, Iranian, or pro-government Syrian forces for as long as they stay.”

Regime Harasses Arizona

The state has the audacity to require proof of citizenship to vote in an election.

Exposed- Brain Dead Communist Regime Gangster Doesn’t Pay Her Taxes

“New York state filed a tax warrant against Brook Avenue Press, a children-focused publishing house Ocasio-Cortez founded in 2012, on July 6, 2017, to collect $1,618 in unpaid corporate taxes. Ocasio-Cortez has yet to pay a penny of her overdue corporate taxes, causing the current balance of the tax warrant to swell by 52% to $2,461 as of Wednesday afternoon.”

Regime’s Hired Killers Fail Audit

“The Army failed to properly account for tens of millions of dollars' worth of equipment, according to the Department of Defense's (DOD) internal watchdog.”

Regime’s Gestapo Harasses Dissident

She had the nerve to quote the Declaration of Independence in a social media post.

Some good news for the resistance:

Nearly 90% of Texas Republican Delegates Support Popular Vote on Texas Independence

“I can tell you, here at the convention, everyone I’ve talked to, and I’ve talked to at least 100 people, only one didn’t support our movement.”

New Poll Shows 66% of Likely Texas Voters Want to Withdraw from the Union

“We’ve come a long way from the TNM’s founding in 2005, when support for independence was polling in single digits. While these poll numbers are exciting, the only poll numbers that matter are the ones after we get a vote on TEXIT.”

Ex-Gestapo Leaders Face Tax Audits

You should always consider it good news when The Regime eats its own!

Regime’s Space Goons Admit Man-Caused 'Climate Change' is a Fraud

“But the space agency, for whatever reason, has chosen to let the man-made global warming hoax persist and spread, to the detriment of human freedom.”

Regime’s Imperial City Has Traffic Shut Down by Climate Kooks

A small bit of sweet justice.

Why remain a suffering subject? Why do you need a "US?"

Isn’t it time for Texians to practice "DC-distancing?"

Secession, anyone?

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