Thursday, July 7, 2022

Quotes of the Week

Enlightened insights taken from the past week’s reading:

"All censorships exist to prevent anyone from challenging current conceptions and existing institutions. All progress is initiated by challenging current conceptions, and executed by supplanting existing institutions. Consequently, the first condition of progress is the removal of censorship."

George Bernard Shaw

"The Western World will not be a problem for Russia much longer. The West is collapsing in its own degeneracy, dying from self-hate.  The West dishonors its founders, its heroes. The West tears down its own historical monuments, black-lists its own classic literature, teaches hatred of itself in its own universities and public schools, and now has created two powerful enemies. The West rejects its values. It has no morals, no respect for truth. The US government has trampled the Constitution into the dirt.  As the US is the Constitution, the US has trampled itself into the dirt. The law schools are silent or encouraging of the destruction. As the rest of the West is American empire, all goes down with the US."

Paul Craig Roberts

"If you’re not being falsely labeled a racist, a bigot, a Russian operative, a fascist, or all of the above by the totalitarian establishment, you’re probably not being effective. Refuse to engage the enemy on its terms. Trust that there is an untapped yearning for freedom out there in those who see through these cheap, cartoonish tactics, especially now as the Regime is failing so spectacularly.

The 20th century saw a reversal in the trend towards human freedom. The 21st has so far been worse. We are at a crossroads. It is not hyperbole to say the choice is freedom or slavery. Let no one for a moment be confused as to which side we’re on."

Tom Mullen

"The two big hysterias currently plaguing the world both center on State involvement in science—or at least scientism. One is COVID, a relatively trivial flu blown out of proportion. The other is anthropogenic global warming (AGW),which has recently been rechristened as climate change.

In my view, both will eventually be debunked and discredited. Unfortunately, if you run counter to either narrative right now, you’ll be canceled, fired, and/or ostracized.

It’s very much like what happened to Galileo when he ran counter to the prevailing wisdom of the Middle Ages. Of course, the ruling class doesn’t actually burn books anymore, but only because books today are mostly electronic. These attitudes constantly appear on sites like Google and Twitter.

There’s an excellent chance that these people will discredit the very idea of science because they’ve wrapped themselves in the veil of science or, more precisely, what’s become known as 'The Science.' They’re creating something much more serious than just another economic disaster."

Doug Casey

"It never ceases to amaze us: The CCP [Communist Chinese Party] is wedded to a nonsensical political philosophy but at the same time they’re supposed to be Sooper Eevil Geniuses, presumably plotting America’s downfall at every turn. Seems to us American leaders are doing a bang-up job of bringing about America’s downfall on their own.

Sorry if we sound harsh, but why the pursuit of foreign devils when so many are among us right here at home?"

Dave Gonigam

"Propaganda is not something that you can take or leave. Constant bombardment of word patterns penetrates the consciousness, rearranging neuron structure. It is an electro-chemical reaction that dehumanizes the human ego. The result is that man no longer thinks for himself. He thinks the thoughts disseminated to the group. Even though he may not be totally transformed, group thoughts and group dynamics dominate.

This is the esoteric system of American psychiatry. In modern America, if one has an ego, he has a disease that requires treatment. If he questions the mainstream, he is sick, he is 'anti-social' and accused of wrongthink. He's a 'right-wing fanatic.'

Folks, we have reached the totalitarian regime foreshadowed in George Orwell's 1984, where all that we do is watched and where even our thoughts have become crimes. We are guilty of wrongthink should we wonder, imagine, question, probe, research, disbelieve, or think in any contrarian manner."

Bob Livingston

"The first panacea for a mismanaged nation is inflation of the currency; the second is war. Both bring a temporary prosperity; both bring a permanent ruin. But both are the refuge of political and economic opportunists."

Ernest Hemingway

"Some who favor the public schools assert that an informed public is necessary to a functioning democracy. True, and beyond doubt. But we do not have an informed public, never have had one, and never will. Nor, really, do we have a functioning democracy.

Any survey will reveal that most people have no grasp of geography, history, law, government, finance, international relations, or politics. And most people have neither the intelligence nor the interest to learn these things. If schools were not the disasters they are, they still couldn’t produce a public able to govern a nation."

Fred Reed

"'What is it that you fellas do that you’re so damned proud of?’

So asked Pat Buchanan on 'Crossfire' several decades ago while discussing 'gay pride' parades.

Heterosexuals don’t hold parades to celebrate that they have sexual relations, fly funny looking flags, or get the government to declare a whole month to be Heterosexual Fornication Pride Month.  What’s up with that, anyway?  Almost all Americans have long had a who-the-hell-cares-what-you-do-in-bed attitude.  Most, I would argue, resent having other peoples’ sexual behavior constantly pushed in their faces on television, movies, schools, social media, colleges and universities, and elsewhere.  It’s all virtue signaling run amok by people who apparently believe that there’s nothing in the world more virtuous than what Pat Buchanan was referring to."

Tom DiLorenzo

"When a nation stays neutral, it's a sovereign country with free will, but when it joins a bloc like NATO, it becomes an army base of an over-ambitious superpower that wants to control world order."

Mohammed Zaki Ansari

"In truth the US is friends with Saudi Arabia not in spite of the Saudi regime’s murderousness and depravity but exactly because of it. The US doesn’t oppose tyrannical dictatorships; it loves them. A totalitarian monarchy which operates in an immensely geostrategically crucial region with complete control and zero transparency is the most perfect friend a globe-dominating empire could possibly ask for."

Caitlin Johnstone

"All of man's misfortune comes from one thing, which is not knowing how to sit quietly in a room”.“All of man's misfortune comes from one thing, which is not knowing how to sit quietly in a room."

Blaise Pascal

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