Thursday, February 28, 2019

US Crimes of the Week

Truthful headlines (and just one week’s worth) offering you more reasons to separate yourselves from The Regime’s madness:

It’s the classic white-to-black, wealth redistribution plan- meaning closing the “wealth gap” through outright robbery.

The bill aims to “equip teachers” to indoctrinate their students with disinformation supplied by climate kooks.

Disregard for a moment the fraud perpetrated here towards young minds and consider how these overpaid “teachers” can’t even successfully teach them reading and mathematics. How are their students going to understand any of this?

Now head choppers will have nukes. 

His DC Demons will bring rainbows and fairy dust to do “those living in non-democratic regimes.” 

And if he has to kill tens of thousands of these same folks to accomplish that, so be it.

His false flags have already begun!

Need proof?

Apparently, The Regime’s covert coups are now being replaced by overt coups.

“Embrace “democracy” or we will starve you!”

She calls it “financial assistance”- a much friendlier sounding term to get votes.

Emperor Wannabe Coming for Your Money to ‘Resolve’ Your Ancestor’s Sins

He’ll set up a “task force” to investigate your ancestors. Then after all the guilty pay their sin tax, we’ll all move “forward” as a “nation with one destiny.”

The last clown who talked that way got his head blown off.

First it was a complete pullout. Then it was 200 troops to remain. Now, just one day, later, it’s 400.

Any bets that those numbers will have increased a week from now?

Whatever the number, they claim these remaining troops will remain “indefinitely” - meaning forever!

And the area where they’re remaining is the area most likely where they’ll risk open conflict with Russian troops.

Let’s see if we can calculate how many jihadi terrorists have been created by the slaughter….

She’ll fit in perfectly among the DC Demons

Just look at her platform and the slave and enslaving mentality is obvious.

Will she have to pay reparations?

Fraud and looting are obviously two of her favorite tools of crime.

Well, at least until you or someone else can present “ideas” that are goofier, more insane, more economically ignorant, and more liberty hating than hers!

She also seems a bit confused about where she lives.

It’s just a vague suggestion now, but you can bet that forced sterilization will soon be on the docket.

Why remain a suffering subject? Why do you need a “US?”

Secession, anyone?

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