Thursday, February 21, 2019

US Crimes of the Week

Truthful headlines (and just one week’s worth) offering you more reasons to separate yourselves from The Regime’s madness:

Party A performs a service and Party B pays them money in exchange for that service in a completely voluntary transaction. Both parties are pleased and no state initiated violence or coercion has occurred.

Such an action will drive any Maoist crazy.

In their mind, anyone who wants to send rockets into space also wants to send nukes.

But then, you would have to actually have nukes, wouldn’t you?

Meanwhile, the disinformation and war mongering campaign continues, led by morons like this.

Are there any examples in history where threats and “confrontation” brought “peace?”

And I don't consider one party surrendering to threats and coercion as "peace."

But they still manage achieve record debt.

And The Emperor gets chumped.

Look for another trillion dollar boondogle to intervene in an area of life that is none of DC’s business.

The fact that this testing was done within spittin’ distance of China is just ah…eh…a…you know…coincidence!

If they can’t find a “crime” that was committed, believe me, they’ll make one up.

They call it “humanitarian aid” but they’re setting up in Columbia to try to get this “aid” across the border. Expect tensions and eventually violence, which will spark calls for US troops.

They use crafty lawyer language to downplay her obvious crimes. “Gross negligence” becomes “extremely careless.”

“Nothing to see here, folks. Now move along.”

He wants just enough troops to be a “stabilizing force” within a “safe zone.”

Of course, that “stabilizing force” is just a trip wire. When they’re inevitably attacked, back go the thousands of troops that had left.

Keep Fear Alive!

Is there a more “unreasonable search and seizure” than this?

“Having already used surveillance technology to render the entire American populace potential suspects, DNA technology in the hands of government will complete our transition to a suspect society in which we are all merely waiting to be matched up with a crime.”

Prepare to pay more for that new Toyota you had your eye on.

The Orange Lord declares it a critical matter of “national security.”

Shiites and Sunni-al-CIA da (who have hated each other’s guts for centuries) are now working together to take down The Great Satan.

Do these clowns realize the millions of sane people who are laughing at them?

Why remain a suffering subject? Why do you need a “US?”

Secession, anyone?

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