Enlightened insights taken from the past week’s reading:
"What happened to those Catholic high school students from Kentucky who had been to the March for Life, who wore those MAGA hats, is only the latest—and perhaps the most scandalous and searing—example of this climate of venom and unconcealed hatred. And it is not a hatred that emits from our folks, not from the 'deplorables,' but from that 'other America' that feels threatened by the 'natives'—threatened by those of us on the giant fly-over plantation between the million dollar mansions surrounded by walls in Silicon Valley and the paneled million dollar board rooms on Wall Street where the international globalists gather to plot the future of the world: a world enmeshed in slogans about 'the fruits of democracy' and 'equal rights,' where 'racism' and 'sexism' will finally be banished….but where, in fact, the very contrary will exist, where democracy will have become a totalitarian dystopia a thousand times worse than what George Orwell envisioned in his phantasmagoric novel Nineteen Eighty Four."
Boyd Cathey
"It is entirely possible that the US is capable of functioning like a normal nation and simply defending its own shores and sustaining itself without interfering in world affairs. It is entirely possible that the threat everyone imagines of some foreign power stepping in as the unipolar dominator should America vacate that role is the product of fearful imaginings with no bearing on reality and a fundamental misunderstanding of humanity. It is entirely possible that we are capable of creating a world where nobody dominates anybody, and no iron-fisted world leader of any kind is needed. Either way, the train we’re on is headed for a brick wall, so we’ve now got nothing to lose by stepping off."
Caitlin Johnstone
"The free market, individualism, personal liberty, personal responsibility, hard work, free speech – the values of western civilization – are being washed away, everywhere. But it’s hard to defend them, because the argument for them is intellectual, economic, and historical. While the mob, the capita censi, the 'head count' as the Romans called them, is swayed by emotions. They feel, they don’t think. Arguments are limited to Twitter feeds. Or 30-second TV sound bites."
Doug Casey
"Individuality can’t be achieved by means that destroy individual decision rights. The Democratic Socialists do not understand that their vision is self-contradictory, destroying what it sets out to create.
This flaw is joined by a second. They have no vision of freedom of choice in governance or competition in governance. They picture 'the economy', 'the government', 'a democratic community' and 'our socioeconomic order' being replaced by another one. They imagine only single units that are large-scale aggregates. They fail to imagine diversity at these high levels of aggregation. They fail to envision competition, and freedom of individuals cannot be enhanced without such competition.
The latter flaw is joined by a third. The word 'democratic' is their magic wand by which all is made right. Democratic control of economy and government is their aim, and whatever this is, it’s supposedly productive of individuality. Democratic control of economy is inconsistent with both individual decision rights and an economy with decision-making that satisfies people’s wants, the latter two being indissolubly linked."
Michael Rozeff
"We are, each of us, alone. And this is the first law of masculinity. And it is the most important law. Your value is equal to the value which you bring to the tribe. We are not equal. You are not special. Respect is earned, not given. Your brothers will not love you unconditionally for who you are, just being yourself. They will criticise you, push you to your limits, bring out the best in you, and give you their respect when earned. And this isn’t shocking at all. This is common knowledge to any man. Your childhood is over. The boy is dead. It’s time to be a man for the rest of your life."
Jack Donovan
"Most Americans are under the false belief that the U.S. government is an agent of good in the world and Federal agencies want to protect citizens from harm. But history is rife with examples of government action ostensibly to 'help the people' resulting in privation, destruction, death and turmoil. Anyone who has truly studied the history of governments around the world has seen that the elected class — with very few exceptions — is populated by a psychopathic mix of destroyers and seekers of wealth and power. They pay little mind to the consequences of their actions. What is relevant to them is their glorification, gratification and security at the seat of power."
Bob Livingston
"Conservatives…are not serious. They have no animating spirit. They don’t much talk about liberty or property or markets or opportunity. They don’t mean what they say about the Constitution, they won’t do a thing to limit government, they won’t touch entitlements or defense spending, they won’t abolish the Department of Education or a single federal agency, they won’t touch abortion laws, and they sure won’t give up their own socialist impulses. Trumpism, though not conservative and thoroughly non-intellectual, drove a final stake through the barely beating heart of Right intellectualism, from the Weekly Standard to National Review. Conservatism today is incoherent, both ideologically and tactically incapable of countering the rising tide of socialism."
Jeff Deist
"So here is where it leaves you: you have an Offal Office occupant whose roots are that of a crony capitalist in the Mussolini style of state corporatism melded to a hybrid Northeastern progressive steeped in the soft communist marinade of a New Yorker. Once you grok this, all of his behavior and spinelessness on weapons ownership makes sense."
Bill Buppert
"Trump Derangement Syndrome triggered a huge swath of human cholesterol into an immediate frenzy. Well, let the blowback begin. Say what you want about Trump folks, but they fight back with both guns drawn, and are relentless in engaging the lies of their vicious and psychotic enemies on the Left. We could use some of that spirit in the libertarian camp."
Karen De Coster
"Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is guilty of promoting stupid policy she doesn’t fully understand, the consequences of which will have very negative consequences for Americans of all types. She is deserving of public ridicule and in a better world would be soundly voted out for her severe ignorance.
She should not, however, be treated as a beltway outlier.
Her complete ignorance of economics simply means she fits in perfectly with the rest of Washington and most legislators around the world."
Tho Bishop
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