Sunday, April 29, 2018

Quotes of the Week

Enlightened insights taken from the past week’s reading:

"The greatest evil is not now done … in concentration camps and labour camps. In those we see its final result. But it is conceived and ordered (moved, seconded, carried, and minuted) in clean, carpeted, warmed and well-lighted offices, by quiet men with white collars and cut fingernails and smooth-shaven cheeks who do not need to raise their voices. Hence, naturally enough, my symbol for Hell is something like the bureaucracy of a police state or the office of a thoroughly nasty business concern."
C.S. Lewis

"Talks of 'decartelization' of big corporations, like Amazon, for example, is seen as economically progressive by the mainstream politicos.
To them, it makes perfect sense that we would need to unravel the great tyranny of products and services. 
And yet, those who call for the decartelization of large and powerful nation-states (or supranational states) are deemed by the same flock as 'reactionaries' … or 'backwards' … against progress. 
Why? Because, in the current paradigm of modern democracy, power is a fixed pie. 
Peter must take from Paul in order to thrive. And government is the great doler."
Chris Campbell

"Even if there were no constitution and/or no Second Amendment, that is, even if the constitution were amended in an attempt to eliminate or modify this right, this right would still be a human right and a natural right. The right to defend oneself necessarily accompanies the rights to one’s life, liberty and property; because unless one has the means to effect those rights, they are not in effect, and life as a material human being doesn’t get much more basic than possessing rights to one’s life, liberty and property."
Michael Rozeff

"Until PPS [private property society] is achieved shouldn’t we prefer that government policies closely match what would likely be the rules when it is achieved? Open borders advocates should direct their wrath at government intruding itself into what could otherwise be a private property society rather than at those of us who wish to solve the problem by creating that society. Why some want to welcome violent (do I need to say, virulently anti-libertarian) people into American society is beyond me."
Jim Cox

"Men threatening insurgency, armed struggle and violent noncompliance are going to have a hard go of it if they don’t stop getting butt-hurt at the guy refusing to stand for the National Anthem at the ball game. It did occur to them that taking up arms against their government Praetorians and advocating break up of the nation isn’t exactly the same nationalistic patriotism they advocate, right?"
John Myers

"Democracy is an organism used to pacify the people. And what is an organism? An organism is a repetitive dogma that neutralizes the mind. Its purpose is to integrate the freedom concept of democracy into the American psyche. It is not formal. It has no overt organization. It may function legally or illegally within the law or above the law. It is never identified as to its true name and purpose. It has no ethnic, social or legal connotation. It is powerful psychological warfare."
Bob Livingston

"There is, of course, no such thing as a white or black race. There are many different nationalities of whites, and they have done a good job throughout history of killing each other. Similarly, there are many different black tribes and Asian ethnicities who also have fought more among themselves than with others. But all of this goes by the wayside, along with the fact that in the world the 'racial minorities' are actually majorities and the 'white majority' is actually a minority. There are more Chinese or Indians alone than there are white people." 
Paul Craig Roberts

"Poor people are usually poor for a reason. They have bad habits. I know all the excuses and sob stories, and some of them are even true. But I don’t want to associate with people who have bad habits, whether they’re rich or poor."
Doug Casey

"Thought-control is necessary for the repression of populations ruled by despotic regimes. That it is proudly and openly being used by self-described liberals and human-rights advocates in free societies is not only hypocritical and shocking; it is a form of aiding and abetting regimes whose ultimate goal is to eradicate Western ideals. The relationship between the two must be recognized for what it is: a marriage made in hell."

"We should never try to make the welfare state slightly more efficient. Our goal should be to let the monstrosity die in full public view, and stink up the environment.We don't need to make Medicare more efficient. We need to let it go bankrupt in full public view. We should tell people why it is going bankrupt. We should show people why it cannot be reformed. We should tell them not to become dependent on it. Above all, we should not try to fix it. Anything that could be done to fix it is simply a way to extend the life of the fascist state.
The way to fight the fascist state is to show that it is inherently morally corrupt, and that any attempt to make it slightly less corrupt is simply putting the monstrosity on life support. Let it go belly-up as soon as possible.
Anything that cuts its funding is a good idea. Anything that embarrasses it is a good idea.
We should never try to reform the welfare state. We should seek only to bankrupt it."
Gary North

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