Sunday, April 22, 2018

Quotes of the Week

Enlightened insights taken from the past week’s reading:

"Trump is seen as a sort of caricature of Based Stickman in the White House by his constituency out bashing in commies heads all day long. When in fact, he is just a typical New York City liberal who made a bunch of money and got elected by promising a government wall boondoggle. Centrist statism of the worst sort rules his actions. Even though he has signed the biggest budget in history, threatens to take America into the next world war with Syrian intervention, and ironically enough, wants at least 5 or 6 gun control measures added to the federal registry of an already over whelming 76,000+ pages, the Molon Labers still view him as the iconic symbol of liberty and the bulwark against the Left, the 'real enemy.'
'Cognitive dissonance is only dissonant if you recognize it.' Indeed."
John Myers

"We notice that whenever there is a 'populist' movement in politics, it almost always leads to the military wing of the Deep State taking control.
Caesar, Lenin, Mao, Mussolini, Hitler, Perón, Castro—revolutions begun in the name of the 'people' tend to degrade into military dictatorships.
Why? Because government is always a way for the few to take advantage of the many… and the fraud is easier to pull off when you can invoke those atavistic 'us versus them' emotions.
The lumpen naturally rally ‘round the flag and support the military—no matter how absurd the situation.
And if they don’t, you shoot them."
Bill Bonner

"All nation states are built upon group dynamics which by nature attract parasite classes and inferior people. Finally, this evolves into implosion and self-destruction. 
In the last days, there is not enough individualism left to pose a threat to the government. No matter then, as government is in a state of vast corruption and it begins to collapse under its own weight, the mob turns on itself."
Bob Livingston

"It is absurd to expect governments to descend into barbarism gradually, step by step — as if there were a train schedule to political hell and people could get off at any stop along the way. People forget how quickly the forms of political power can turn civilized behavior into unrestrained pillage and mass violence. Most people strolling the streets of German towns in the late 1920s would never have suspected that, within two decades, the government would launch a policy of genocide. Similarly, someone visiting Moscow in 1913 or Phnom Penh in 1969 would probably not have seen the barbarity just around the bend. Politicians rarely give formal warnings of how they intend to abuse the power they acquire."
James Bovard

"Considering that the only slavery experienced by any living black or white person is income tax slavery, race is an issue only because it has been orchestrated as an issue along with gender and sexual preference. These divisive issues are the products of Identity Politics spawned by cultural Marxism.
In real Marxism, conflict is class conflict. Workers and capitalists have different interests, and history is a struggle between material interests. The capitalist is the villain and the workers are the victims.
In the pseudo Marxism of Identity Politics, the white race is the villain, especially the white heterosexual male, and racial minorities, women, and homosexuals are the victims."
Paul Craig Roberts

"We human beings cannot blame devils, angels or Gods for what we do. Freedom to choose and act is an essential part of our makeup, and no devil, angel or God can be held responsible for this freedom or its consequences when we use it. If they can be held responsible, not each of us, and we lack such primary freedom that’s beyond any devil or any God, then what? Are we machines ruled by predetermined causes in some sort of choreographed and senseless lives? In that case, the result is nihilism. Our freedom to act may be an illusion, but if it is, it’s an illusion we can be sure of, a very convincing one."
Michael Rozeff

"The prime directive of every living entity—including governments—is to survive. They’ll try to do so at any cost. They’re like giant dinosaurs in their death throes, thrashing around wildly. They’re very dangerous. You’re going to have to be a very smart little mammal that hides in a hole to not get crushed by them."
Doug Casey

"While I believe that Texas would be wise to maintain her own separate sovereignty apart from yet another union, the idea of splitting the USA according to ideology is an idea whose time has come. Such a divorce is not ideal, but sometimes the only solution is to separate. This was true between the US and Great Britain, between Texas and Mexico, India and the UK, Great Britain and the EU, and now among the states of America. If for nostalgia’s sake, or our worship at the altar of Lincoln, we insist on keeping the Union together, determined to continue the holy-war (glory, glory, hallelujah!) to force our will on the 49%, confident that we will eventually make them like what we’re forcing on them, then we at least better be prepared to be on losing side of that equation."
Ryan Thorson

"The use of right and left is profoundly misleading, there is only individualist and collectivist and the latter are always interventionists in every way. The Left-Right descriptor muddles any explanatory framework. ALL political actors are de facto and de jure communists in the collectivist potential once the machinery of government rolls forth."
Bill Buppert

"Right now, hubris-soaked politicos and elites can entertain the fantasy that NYC, Boston, LA, San Francisco, Chicago, etc., are irresistible: they're not.They're great for those feeding at the trough but not so great for those filling the trough."
Charles Hugh Smith

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