Sunday, April 15, 2018

Quotes of the Week

Enlightened insights taken from the past week’s reading:

"The absence of coercive state machinery has nothing to do with creating or maintaining the conditions that foster the creative and pragmatic functioning of societies. The self-interests of men and women freely exchanging with one another is sufficient to allow them to peacefully cooperate one with another for their mutual benefit. That mankind will always be plagued by those who are attracted to plunder as their least-costly means of acquiring wealth, as well as by misanthropes who enjoy the exercise of power over others, should dissuade the rest of us from setting up the machinery for the accomplishment of such ends."
Butler Shaffer

"‘Common sense’ reform is often anything but -- and excludes in the conversation the underlying problem… 
The men behind the guns… the knives… the cars… the blunt objects… the cups of acid… the fists… the knees… the legs… the teeth… 
The criminals! (And precisely why they feel the need to commit violence in the first place.) 
It’s simple. 
Piling on more laws doesn’t make for a safer society. 
It creates more criminals, and punishes law-abiding citizens." 
Chris Campbell

"The only way to protect the right of Texans to bear arms from from a federal government determined to eventually relegate the second amendment to the dust-bin of history is to assert our tenth amendment rights, reclaim full Texas sovereignty, and resign the Union. All other measures are a delay tactic, a losing battle. In light of the otherwise inevitable total-supremacy of the federal government, those that still want to bet the farm on Washington, giving it another thousand chances, might want to sell their guns now, while they’re still allowed to get something for them. For make no mistake, momentum is on the side of the gun-grabbers, and Washington is more likely to help them achieve their goals than stand in their way."
Ryan Thorson

"Private policing includes private self-defense, and that includes guns in the hands of people who have not disqualified themselves. When the same commie and socialist types who are against paying for policing also insist on gun control, can we believe that they really have the interests of poor people at heart? The vocal commies and socialists who lead the charge against capitalism and wealth want one thing, and that is to control governments themselves so that they can rape private property holders and the 'wealthy'. They intend to inflict their own totalitarian measures."
Michael Rozeff

"When this melange talk about defending 'tradition and community' what are they  [conservatives] talking about? Defending traditional French cuisine? Performing classical music such as grand opera? Defending traditional ethnic folk dancing, clogging, or square dancing? No, they are talking about defending the state, that hegemonic and parasitic entity which, from the time of ancient Sumer, has been the source of  the greatest criminal conspiracy ever perpetuated upon humanity. All States originate in conquest and exploitation, and as elite oligarchies, continue to exercise this monopoly of crime over their subject peoples through war, taxation, conscription, and indoctrination. All statists would be totalitarians if they could get away with it."
Charles Burris

"Little do ideological armies fighting for world supremacy realize that whoever wins, if any win, will turn out to be the same identical system of authoritarianism based on manipulation of the indoctrinated masses.
In fact, all wars or so-called ideological struggles between combatants whose only difference is in their names. Not one in 10 million will ever know that Nazi Germany was exactly like American democracy that has replaced the republic. Both democracy and Fascism are/were ruled by authoritarianism based on group propaganda and the subversion of the individual."
Bob Livingston

"Anyone who thinks [splitting up the Union] is a radical idea has an extremely narrow view of history. If you don’t believe me, go try to book a plane ticket to Czechoslovakia, or look at a map of Europe from the year 1600, then look at one today. See any differences? Borders move. Countries split and change hands. They do this for a myriad of reasons. Ours would be a major cultural shift toward the left and half the country refusing to go along with tyranny."
Jesse Kelly

"Oddly, it’s only whites, males, and Christians that have to be careful using 'hate speech' or non-PC speech today. Members of so-called 'historically oppressed' minorities can say whatever they want. Which is pretty rich, since they’re actually majorities in many parts of the US today. And their native cultures allow for about zero freedom of speech—or any other kind of freedom, for that matter."
Doug Casey

"The best way to stop government school shootings is shutter every one of them raze them to the ground and fire every government teacher in America. Then the rebuilding can begin."
Bill Buppert

"A woman who demands further gun control legislation is like a chicken who roots for Colonel Sanders."
Larry Elder

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