Tuesday, November 28, 2017

Random Rogue Rants-Part II

You can read Part I here.

Amerikan style “Thanksgiving” is more about gluttony than gratitude. Which is one of many reasons I’ve ignored the silliness for well over thirty years, now.
If I want to give thanks, I’ll do it when I please, not when The Herd directs me to (and I’ll certainly do it more than once a year). If I want to eat a turkey, I’ll damn sure eat one when I please, and not on a Herd-determined day of the year.

And isn’t it somewhat perverse to claim “thankfulness” by eating like a pig? What’s the connection? If any action besides stating thankfulness is necessary, wouldn’t fasting be more appropriate?

Honestly, I recognize none of The Herd’s holidays. I find them either silly, childish, hypocritical, celebratory of state violence and aggression or a combination of some or all.
I find it much more worthwhile to create my own holidays. I create them to celebrate an individual achievement or an event inspired by others that directly benefits me or mankind in general.
Some historical events I see worth celebrating: Texas Independence Day and the 1865 assassination of US Emperor Lincoln.


At least one of two events must occur before I would ever again vote (though never again at the federal level):

1) A referendum is offered to the voting slaves for Texas Independence.


2) All ballots for state offices include a “None of the Above” option to vote for. If NOTA wins, then that particular office is abolished for at least the next election cycle (i.e, if the office holder is up for re-election every two years, that office remains vacant for two years). If NOTA wins a second consecutive election, than that office is permanently abolished and can only be renewed after a massive petition campaign by that specifically affected electorate.

I would continue to not vote for any federal offices, as I continue to view such a ruling regime as illegitimate. 

Cody Wilson is one of those strong intellects that absolutely terrifies the state. They know they don’t have the resources to counter his reasoning and inventiveness and is therefore a direct threat to their power. I think a few years from now Cody will either be filthy rich and on top of the world or rotting in a prison. I sure do hope it is the former.

I try not to look at my personal past too much, even the good times. I prefer to live in the moment and build for the future. The only time I look backward is when I find myself drifting and unmotivated. I then look to the past and remember my consciousness and state of being as a youngster, motivated by creativity and imagination and looking to make use of the observed  wonders of the world . 

The problem with conservatives is their religious zealotry toward "the republic." Their cry is always, "Restore the Republic!" But why restore a complete, unadulterated, failure! Lysander Spooner articulated the enslaving idiocy of the constitution way back in the 1850's but no one listened. Stinkin' Lincoln PROVED the impotence of that useless document a decade later. Yet here in the 21st freakin' century, people still cry to restore this abomination. The new cry should be, "Abort the US- Secession NOW!"


I enjoy watching competent people even when the labor they’re performing isn’t particularly “skilled.”

Go eat at a Waffle House on a busy morning and watch the employees work- which isn’t hard since the place is so tiny. Watch them work in their crowded kitchen, moving around in close quarters with their colleagues as if choreographed. All actions are directed with maximum efficiency (cooking and waiting tables) with no wasted motion. And most do it with an obvious personal drive (not afraid of hard work) and a smile on their face.

If you get the right location, it can be very inspiring to watch.


My response to radical (non-surgical) trannys:

"I am a wild badger forced to live as a human. I wish to harmonize my outer appearance with my inner feeling. But you racist, specie-ists, insist on seeing me as my birth category and nothing further.........
Intolerant bigots!"


Why “drain the swamp” when a far more useful action would be to pack up, head for higher ground, and let the swamp critters drown in their self-created debt and depravity?


It seems perfectly logical to me to assume that those US loyalists who willfully demean themselves by bowing to their king would equally be willing, whether asked or ordered, to grab their ankles to please their DC Master.


US loyalists love war. It makes them feel important, dominant, and gives meaning to their pathetic, useless lives. War fever inspires them to wave their red/white/blue war rags and bow to The Regime's hired killers in displays of splendid idol worship. Without war fever, they would lack direction and purpose.
Knowing that, how can you expect them to swap such blissful dementia for reason and logic?


I offer this challenge to those who believe that words on paper (“constitutions”) will protect them from violent predators: Write “Bears shall not attack humans” on a piece of paper, then hold it in front of a charging grizzly. 
Then report back to me about your successful defense.

I remember the left in the 1960's- sharp, intelligent, articulate, peaceful people. They may have been wrong about many things, but at least they could construct a sentence and articulate an argument. Now, the left is just goblin bots programmed by social media, offering nothing but grunts and chants.


I love “America,” but I’ll be damned if I’ll stand and salute some ugly war rag with prison stripes while singing a disgusting, demonic war anthem. 

Loyalists/collectivists/fascists need to decide whether they will live as free men, or remain compliant, obedient, bitchy slaves, subservient to a fascist, Yankee regime whose only reason for existence is to financially rape and imprison them.

Those of us who insist on living as free men will not be cowed into submission by their Lincoln-ista whips.

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