Tuesday, September 27, 2016

Random Rogue Rants

I find it interesting that any information offered by oil and gas companies (gathered by legitimate research performed by real scientists) is considered “suspect.”   Yet, any statement by any greenie weenie, carbon-hating, Luddite, environmental group (just well enough funded to have a web address and fax machine) is considered reliable and reputable.


I find it disturbing that any shred of remaining freedom in this country is considered a “loophole.”


I tire of the socialist notion that people are owed a living (and even a comfortable one) due only to the fact they exist.  I also am weary of this unspoken obligation that is thrust upon me to wipe people’s bottoms when they poop in their pants, because some yearned for, benevolent, mystical entity (usually created by “government”) does not yet exist to do it for them.


A “debtors revolt” is nothing more than a “Degenerate Display of Deadbeats.” They only seem to become aware of the fraudulent, fiat nature of the money they’ve borrowed when they find it difficult to pay it back.


Working “within the system” to create a government that “serves the people” makes as much sense as feeding a cancerous tumor to help cure its host.


A religion that believes in the supernatural and that its philosophy should be forced on everyone is no different than any collective, political philosophy that claims obedience to its authority will create heaven on earth.  They both deny the superiority and moral necessity of self-government.


The state’s edicts and rule is ultimately maintained through violence, not consent. The obedience of the state’s subjects is not encouraged by self-interest but through fear.


There are people who have good minds and souls, but have not yet broken out of the matrix of state loyalty and obedience. No healthy mind or soul can reject the concept and ideals of liberty when they are properly presented.


Why must I be burdened with taking all these political actions as required, or “allowed,” or “recommended” by this governing institution to control, alter, or abolish this same institution that I had nothing to do with creating? Why is the onus on me? Why isn’t the burden of seeking consent and legitimacy on this institution? In other words, why must I petition a self-proclaimed king? Why mustn’t he petition me?


Yes, a private institution also has laws or rules governing how it is to be altered or even abolished.  But unlike political government, that is an organization with a voluntary membership and only claims to govern (or rule) that specific membership. That organization must petition me to join it and it doesn’t claim to rule me if I do not choose to become a member. 
When I’m born into this world this institution called “government” automatically considers me as a subject, obligated to accept their rule, pay tribute to them, and obey them.  And if I wish to initiate even some small change to that rule, tribute, or obedience, I am also the party obligated take all the steps and jump through all these procedural hoops (that I had no say in developing) necessary to initiate change. I am obligated to make changes to a ruling institution that I did not create nor give consent to.


Jefferson and Madison wrote the Virginia and Kentucky resolutions with the idea that the states would either ignore, or punish the federal government encroachments. I’m  sure such “accountability mechanisms” could be very useful to people who actually created the beast. Particularly, since the beast was still young, immature, and still relatively harmless.  But after a couple hundred years this beast has grown to a huge ugly, overbearing monster that cares little about these age old mechanisms. It takes pleasure in stomping on them with it huge hoofs. 

The solution is people taking personal responsibility for their lives and liberties (including forming militias and working for secession) as a show of force and resolve to keep the beast at bay and eventually starving it.


Jesus Christ was probably one of the few people of historical significance who was born an anarchist (as we all are)  and remained an anarchist for the rest of his earthly life.


I’m a voracious reader. I can recall being so from the age of five or six. I grew up in a small town that had a public library housed in a small, very old, wood frame church. As soon as you entered it, you smelled the odor of old books. I’ve always loved that smell. Every time I smell it I experience the same Pavlovian response that a hungry man gets when detecting the smell of a grilling steak. But instead of being encouraged to feed my stomach I’m inspired to feed my head.


No man can be truly free until he knows the truth. No man can remain free unless he continually seeks the truth.


If you take the time to study just what went on during the crafting of the US Constitution, you may come to this conclusion: Many of  America’s “Founding Fathers” were “fathers” the same way a rapist is a “father.”


When a private individual presents an opinion that I vehemently oppose, I see it as merely a point of view I disagree with, not necessarily a threat. However, when people become part of government, their benign, personal opinions and ideology tend to turn into “national policy.” This policy is enforced by violence and therefore becomes a threat.


The state loves to redefine the language. It labels individuals- citizen, legal, illegal, non-combatant, combatant, militant- as if it was classifying different breeds of cattle. Some breeds are productive for the farmer, some are not. Some breeds are worthy to continue life, some are not.


Few events are more inspiring to me than when a member of the military resigns after becoming a principled libertarian. It’s always heartwarming to witness a bootlicker morph into a shitkicker.


“Administrative leave” means sitting around all day looking at kiddie porn.


“Is Rand Paul better than Lindsey Graham?”
Hell, a cockroach feeding on your still warm dinner is better than Lindsey Graham.


I’ve watched Lonesome Dove 21 times. I never tire of watching it. I asked myself how I could watch a movie that many times and still enjoy it? I concluded the reason was is because this particular western is more than just a great movie, it is great poetry- the story, the characters, the dialog, the scenery- all are pure poetry. 
And, of course, great poetry never gets old, tiresome, or dated.


Being judgmental and discriminatory are two necessary and natural human actions. They both are the result of individuals processing information to make important life decisions. Yet, many categorically condemn both actions, no matter the target, no matter the reasoning involved.
Why? I think it’s because both actions threaten conformity of thought and obedience to authority. Being judgmental and discriminatory are antithetical to following the herd. Being judgmental and discriminatory means you are actually thinking, not just following.


There are laws of economics just as there are laws of physics. Violate them and you pay the consequences.
And no amount of god-State rhetoric or mysticism will change that fact.


"Minority" is a code word for anti-white bigots to designate those who are non-white.
But they can't say "non-white" because they know they'll be called out for the hateful, racist bigots that they are!


Re: the legalization of gay marriage:
After decades of rightfully demanding that government get out of their bedrooms (by the existence of sodomy laws), they've now created a ringside seat for their previous oppressor. 
The power to license brings with it the power to regulate. 

The only foreseeable “good” is that the potential market for divorce lawyers has increased.


“Rap” is the guttural emanations of soulless, untalented, lower primate, ghetto monkeys and soulless, untalented, tone deaf, white trash. The true abomination of this phenomenon is not its existence, but that it is claimed to be “music” and an “art form,” worthy of consideration and listened to by civilized folk.


If anti-gun kooks can claim that guns (inanimate objects) can create crime, how can they claim it’s ridiculous to claim that Gun Free Zones (inanimate constructs) create murder?


My view on transsexuals, binaries, etc. and other reality optional constructs, in a nutshell:

I can put on a collar and leash and shit in the yard, but that don’t make me a cocker spaniel.


I believe in the primacy of the individual. The predations of the state, without doubt, is the greatest threat to that primacy.

Some people see this viewpoint as inspiring, some as foolish, and others as downright scary.


I think you'll find that most statists read little or not at all. They don't have the attention span. Most probably have not read a book since high school, if even then. They prefer sound bites from TV and word bites from social media. They’re easy to digest and no thinking or contemplation is required.


The cops aren't there to help you.
They're there to control you (for the benefit of the ruling class), put you in a cage (for the profit and benefit of the ruling class), to extract revenue from you (to benefit both the ruling class and the enforcement class), and to KILL you, if necessary (if it benefits the ruling class when they feel they can get away with it).
Lesson: Never, ever, call the cops
Lesson: Never, ever, talk to the cops.


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