Thursday, November 9, 2017

US Crimes of the Week

Truthful headlines (and just one week’s worth) offering you more reasons to separate yourselves from The Regime’s madness:

Regime Spooks Claim Evidence of Iranian Misbehavior

These are some of the same folks who claimed the presence of WMD’s in Iraq.

“Deficiencies” abound in the latest fatwa from the Climate Cult.

Apparently, these “scientists” have never heard of “correlation does not necessarily mean causation.”

I’d be curious to see if the word “sun” even appears on any of the pages of this report. To do so would probably be considered blasphemous to the human hating, pagan evangelicals.

And looky here…..The Space Cadets find that Antarctica is heating up because of…..volcanoes!

This might sound like good news at first reading, but the individual is being punished for standing up for the rights of the accused.

And they demand that you and yours get used to it.

Expect a big push for state gangster control of all social media.

And they want someone to quickly create the technology to do so.

Instead, they call it a “surcharge.”

Raise the body count by at least 14 souls now categorized as collateral damage.

They don’t choose to complete a required audit. Why would they bother to obey some obscure gun law?

Hell, their politi-gangster employers can take bribes, why can’t they?

They claim they’re not stealing but just want to “stimulate vigorous participation by the private sector.”

This is how they were able to “blame” Kaspersky for “hacking.”

The Regime calls them “trainers.” They’ve been there 16 years. How are there still any people left to “train?”

Mark it as an improvement over their previous failure rate of 95%.

Some good news for the resistance:

It’s always good therapy to laugh at your captors, abusers and occupiers 

Why remain a suffering subject? Why do you need a “US?”

Secession, anyone?

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