Thursday, June 13, 2019

US Crimes of the Week

Truthful headlines (and just one week’s worth) offering you more reasons to separate yourselves from The Regime’s madness:

Welcomed with free diapers, these criminals use fraud instead of firearms as their weapon of choice.

They enter with ease (some with armed escorts) and given free, unhampered travel.

Thousands enter each month to create thousands more anchor babies.

Many have evil intentions while others spread disease (with more on the way).

There are easily 100 million people who would qualify for “asylum.” Are you prepared to take them all?

Regime controlled media elites (and ex-Regime Goons) declare such an invasion as appropriate and necessary while using absurd comparisons.

DC criminals see walls and protective barriers as useful for themselves while a foreign group of tyrants orders a private wall to leave its gate open!

The Emperor gets more defenders at the Mexico-Guatemala border but not the Mexico-Texas border:

Watch this lunacy become more and more laughable in the weeks ahead.

The Regime is now officially attacking any dissent to this constant war propaganda.

They’ll always find a way to steal from you, because they truly believe your money belongs to them first!

More and more capital is sent to The Imperial City. So, is your life now any better? How many of these newly employed operatives will serve you?

Either give her and her fellow gangsters more money or they’ll become more corrupt than they already are!

Our coast will be defenseless while they stir up more terrorist acts against China.

Polish tax slaves get a freebie at the expense of DC tax slaves.

DC is the world’s most perfect bully.

Not only your money and property belong first to The Regime, but your thoughts, as well.

Only their version of terrorism should be allowed promotion.

He wants to make it as easy as possible for The Regime and Big Agra to stuff more GMO garbage down your throat.

They’ve begun the first step toward such a reality- They want to hold the manufacturers liable for customer misuse of their legal product.

There are no limits to the idiocy of desperate hoplophobes.

Why remain a suffering subject? Why do you need a “US?”

Secession, anyone?

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