Sunday, June 23, 2019

Quotes of the Week

Enlightened insights taken from the past week’s reading:

"Donald Trump is the consummate Zionist stooge. He has bewitched Christians and conservatives with his phony religious rhetoric and overt pandering to Israel. Of course, Christians were already poised and ready for a deceiver like Trump to come along. Ever since the end of World War II, America’s evangelical churches have dispensed the devilish and diabolical doctrines of dispensational futurism, which turned them into willing vassals of all things Israel."
Chuck Baldwin

"I’ve yet to meet one person who could justify the '12 years left to live' narrative… but still took it to heart.
It’s not controversial to disagree with it.
It’s just highly politically incorrect. And incredibly emotionally charged.
For that reason…
Anyone who doesn’t see the 'green movement' has all but morphed into a global apocalyptic climate church is... probably, at this point, embedded in the church.
Propaganda machines have always used innocence over reason as a powerful way to push their narrative.
It works well because…
A] It tugs on the heart strings
B] And, to dispute or dissent against a child’s emotional pleas would make one seem petty, insolent, and/or a cold-hearted brute."
Chris Campbell

"Unlimited mass immigration will favor more mass democracy in America. More democracy is inimical to the implementation of libertarian principles. It involves more voting on more issues, and the result is more initiation of violence through politics.
In addition, a broadened and intensified democracy creates so much disorder and violence that it often ends up with a demand for order from a strong man dictator. Authoritarian governments result."
Michael Rozeff

"Most people either don’t vote or do so out of habit or inertia and with little enthusiasm because they realize that the marginal benefit of doing so is so close to zero that only a mathematician could tell the difference.  The media love to tout the occasional close race decided by a few votes, however, these are rare and it is rarer still when a different result would have resulted in any real impact on the voter’s life.  From the standpoint of pure logic, voting is not rational for the individual."
James Ostrowski

"The word 'socialism' today is actually just shorthand for a welfare state, which is what Boobus americanus, the hoi polloi, really want. They don’t really care who owns the factories, the fields, and the mines. What they care about is that somebody gives them a soft life.
When you give people the ability to vote themselves free stuff at somebody else’s expense they’ll do it. But – much worse – they now actually think it’s the right thing to do. Why? Mainly because of the propaganda that they’ve absorbed through college, and the media, the entertainment world, and numerous other places. There’s no question about the fact that the U.S. will turn into a full-fledged welfare state."
Doug Casey

"A group is deadly. A mob is stupid. A collective has no morality. If we are to stand against evil, and stand effectively, then it can only be as individuals – and individuals who recognize that other human beings are also individuals, regardless of any groups or nations they may belong to. The state, at its core, is the antithesis of civilization. If we are to fight it, the best place to start is by reclaiming civilization, and civility."
Bretigne Shaffer

"One can love his country but hate his government and its actions. I love America but not the people who control America and its government. I love America, but its rulers are alien to individual freedom, its government is now anathema to liberty."
Bob Livingston

"Another reason people can find themselves eager to believe smears about [Julian] Assange is that the raw facts revealed by WikiLeaks publications punch giant holes in the stories about the kind of world, nation and society that most people have been taught to believe they live in since school age. These kinds of beliefs are interwoven with people’s entire egoic structures, with their sense of self and who they are as a person, so narratives which threaten to tear them apart can feel the same as a personal attack. This is why you’ll hear ordinary citizens talking about Assange as though he attacked them personally; all he did was publish facts about the powerful, but since those facts conflict with tightly held identity constructs, the cognitive dissonance that was caused to them can be interpreted as feeling like he’d slapped them in the face."
Caitlin Johnstone

"The U.S. does not lose wars because the real objective is never to win. The so-called War on Terror solidified this reality once and for all, even though this continuous war policy has been in effect since at least Vietnam, if not earlier. After the end of WWI, another war was needed to satisfy the hunger of the elites, but until the War on Terror, an end to each individual conflict was always imminent. Now there is no end in sight.
So why would the U.S. government and its puppet masters ever want to win a war, given that losing is actually winning in this multi-trillion dollar business? War is the health of the state, and so long as the proletariat continues to support war and those who prosecute war, war will never end, and freedom will never survive."
Gary D. Barnett

"We see a fundamental awareness among average people in the country that the major cities of the empire are not their friend.  After twenty years of public harping, people finally realize that trillions upon trillions of US government debt is both dumb and dangerous.  We know this because government supported economists have put forth a new theory to calm everyone down!   The US birth rate is down, veterans and their families are angry, the Fed is hated by all, and even the president’s tweets are no longer important to us.
All signs point to the end in our lifetimes of the DC empire, an end worth celebrating on this day, and every day."
Karen Kwiatkowski

"Governments are nothing more than sophisticated brigand bands with bad music, colored rags flapping in the breeze and large bands of armed thugs with a license to kill.
We all pay at the peril of our children and grandchildren as we feed the beast that makes life more and more centralized, regulated and less than optimal."
Bill Buppert

"It was a mistake for my generation to associate Orwell’s Memory Hole and falsified history only with fictional or real dystopias.  Falsified history was all around us.  We just didn’t know enough to spot it.  What living and learning has taught me is that history tends to always be falsified, and historians who insist on the truth suffer for it.  It has been established that many of the ancient historians are unreliable, because they were 'court historians' who sought material benefit by writing to please a ruler.  In my time many an historian has written for income from book sales by enthralling the public with tales of glorious victories over demonized enemies that justified all the sons, grandsons, brothers, fathers, uncles, husbands, friends, and cousins who were sacrificed for the sake of capitalist armaments profits.  No publisher wanted a truthful account that no one would buy because of the stark portrayal of the pointlessness of the deaths of loved ones. Everyone, or almost so, wants to think that their loss was for a noble cause and was 'worth it'."
Paul Craig Roberts

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