Thursday, January 24, 2019

US Crimes of the Week

Truthful headlines (and just one week’s worth) offering you more reasons to separate yourselves from The Regime’s madness:

Criminals always have their price, don’t they?

And they certainly have no loyalties or conscience.

Terrorism and corruption are the most abundant creations of the US Regime. And both will continue to occur as long as the odious War Against Some Plants is allowed to continue.

Where you would be the one suffering. Supposedly, you would then scream and beg to be looted and molested to receive their divine protection.

If "disaster" means DC being turned to ash, then I'm all for it. No one would miss it outside the Payroll Parasites and the Welfare Parasites.
The next best “disaster” would be mass suicides among DC operatives and loyalists who can't bear the death of their beloved god-State.

They need proof for their imaginative, Collusion Conspiracy Theories involving those evil, election interfering Russkies.

Count on the DC Military to discover ever new ways to spread fear- all to justify their never ending looting.

Generous, ain’t he?

No mention is made why Georgy Boy can’t pay for his own protection. Instead, he clamors to continue the looting of tax cows to pay for it.

Hey, Georgy Boy- Did you make sure to wash the blood off your hands before handling that pizza? Make sure to scrub with hot water and soap! This video from the Health Gods should make it easy.

Apparently, he isn’t aware that Iraq was not a center of internecine violence until the DC invasion.

I’m still waiting for that “withdrawl.”

This proves past statements regarding Regime involvement in bombing Yemen as just…more…lies.

It’s not such an outlandish, authoritarian idea- He just wants the ban long enough to find out “what’s going on….”

Whatever that means.

He actually believes a piece of cloth on one’s head can “poison your mind.” Is this the kind of deranged, mentally ill freak you want ruling you?

And this one claims that the “promise” to use these materials is “racist.”

So what other inanimate objects are “racist?” Other than guns, of course.

And these low-IQ creatures expect to be taken seriously? 

“We can’t articulate a reasoned argument, so we’ll just call people and their inanimate objects names!”

No one is better at disseminating disinformation than the Loony Left.

Isn’t hilarious to see her sudden interest in those “violating the constitution?”

Why? Because they are billionaires. Oh, and because someone in Alabama got ringworm.

Lesson: Envy has always been an effective trigger for Maoists.

You only have twelve years left, folks, so wake up and pay up! Our Waitress/Bartender-in-Chief knows best.

Lesson: Fear has always been an effective trigger for Maoists.

Exposed- Regime Assisted in Slaughtering 332,757 Unborn Children

And that was in just one recent year.

And you’ll be pleased to know they extorted over a half billion dollars from you and others to pay for it.

Regime Gangsters Bar US Withdrawal From Terrorist Alliance

Why remain a suffering subject? Why do you need a “US?”

Secession, anyone?

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