At least, according to his Goon. “Withdrawal” to me means everyone out, a retreat. But not to your Orwellian Overlords.
Ignore The Emperor’s babbling just three days earlier.
This Orwellian Genius equates such an action with “strengthening ports of entry.”
All spearheaded by the war loving DC Regime, of course- the “force for good in the world.”
She’s only been a Gangster for a week and already is guilty of hypocrisy. What about the working class she “cares” so much about? Will this slip-up tarnish her “AOC” moniker- Acolyte Of Communism?
Because they missed one paycheck. Over the decades I missed scores of paychecks. Protesting never was a logical option to improve my situation- only seeking work. How does holding up signs to indifferent strangers put food in your mouth?
I’m betting all these sexually molesting goons make more over a year than I do as a private businessman. I have some weeks with no income. You see me protesting? Don’t these clowns save anything for a rainy day? Or is that an outdated, “insensitive,” and “racist” concept?
And their concerned about losing their “pensions?” Apparently they don’t realize they “work” for an organization that is completely bankrupt. Bankrupt organizations don't give out "pensions."
Despite his imprisonment in another country, none of this would be occurring without the existence of the DC Regime. They're the ultimate ring leader for international crime.
It’s OK as long as some paperwork says they are “married”…..
The Leftist Loonies get ever more brazen in their totalitarian goals. The “if it just saves one life it’s worth it” “reasoning” is wearing thin.
Imagine having to drive a dying friend to the emergency room and your breathalyzer malfunctions or you had used mouthwash an hour earlier and the alcohol on your breath is detected? I guess your friend’s life isn’t worth considering here. Apparently, the lives of those killed by drunks are worth more than your friend's.
They think it’s okay to steal your money and build a wall in Jordan, but it’s downright “immoral” to do so in the US Commie Collective.
He’s working “in the best interest” of the people by violently meddling in their affairs.
However, his view is a bit different when the meddling works the other way.
Meanwhile, inspired by his Goon subordinate, The Emperor offers some demonic ideas of his own.
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