Thursday, November 29, 2018

US Crimes of the Week

Truthful headlines (and just one week’s worth) offering you more reasons to separate yourselves from The Regime’s madness:

But that would be the Syria/Turkey border, not the Texas/Mexico border. 

Apologies if I got your hopes up. Isn’t it a crime that a government protects other countries’ borders, but not it’s own?

However, they’re willing to prick wave the rest of the world (that is of no threat) by aimlessly flying billions of dollars of lethal war machines through the Amerikan, chem-trailed sky.

Meanwhile, there seems to be no limit to the number of sob stories offered by the parasitic invaders arriving from the south of Texas.

They’ll continue to spread new and improved lies to fuel their war of words until they get their shooting war.

Still no admission of guilt coming from The Regime about their proven chemical lies.

Every other “report” has been proven fraudulent and every prediction they have made as come up short. But defeating a well financed cult will take some time.

This is just another DC fear mongering ploy to raise your taxes and destroy your wealth and liberties.

But none of them were Saudi journalists, so don’t expect a public outcry by loyalists.

The DC Regime declares their forces are there “legitimately.” So it is now “legitimate” to violently invade a sovereign country, team up with local terrorists, and then kill people?

Isn’t that what terrorist regimes do?

He has is own idea on how to use “the twin tools of censorship and propaganda.”

He claims you can easily “stand” the price increase.
Trump Chumps agree:

“Whip me! Beat me! Chain me!”
“Tax me! Tax me! Tax me!”

She claims that not having mentally ill circus freaks in the military affects “readiness.”

Isn’t it a crime that such a creature is allowed rule your life?

Their “charges” against Nicaragua sound like a perfect description of the crimes committed by the DC Regime.

Regime Gangsters Want to Spend Your Money Investigating ‘White Nationalism’

No mention of an investigation of black nationalism which has been around longer than the pale face version.

Why remain a suffering subject? Why do you need a “US?”

Secession, anyone?

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