Sunday, November 18, 2018

Quotes of the Week

Enlightened insights taken from the past week’s reading:

"Any undocumented person arriving at any border of the United States, regardless of age, sex, or country of origin, must immediately be refused entry.  No courts involved.  End of discussion."
Robert Ringer

"What libertarians understand is that knowledge isn’t confined in the minds of the chosen few, biological or electronical; new ideas, revelations, discoveries, inventions, innovations, creations, conceptions are widely distributed throughout a multitude of human minds.
In a controlled society you have no Wright Brothers or Henry Fords or Jonas Salks, what you get are Bushes and Clintons and Trumps.
The past exists in the minds of the controllers, no matter how benevolent or well-meaning they may be, while the future dwells in the minds of individuals.
Libertarianism flourishes, collectivism fails."
Garry Reed

"America is a unique concept, and it was an excellent concept. Its values—what it stood for, at least in theory—were actually unique in the world’s history. But people conflate that with the U.S., which is now really just another one of the 200 nation-states that cover the face of the Earth like a skin disease. I’m all for the idea of America. It’s unique, it’s good, it’s wonderful. But the U.S. is just another nation-state, like Burundi, Burma, or Ecuador—there’s less and less practical difference. Be especially careful when you conflate the U.S. and America."
Doug Casey

"The rule at hand is that the word gender is not a substitute for the word sex, and that in the world of real things, you don’t actually get to declare what sex you are. You can engage in all kinds of behaviors, such as enjoying intimate relations with members of your same sex. You can pretend to be a member of the opposite sex. In statistically very rare instances, you can come into this world with genital abnormalities that present developmental problems, but most of the people currently pretending to some kind of 'intersex' status do not fall into that category. The game of pretend can be very personally intense, I’m sure. But it’s still just a game of pretend."
James Howard Kunstler

"You’ll notice a vote in this country is never about changing the system to one of zero theft and initiated aggression on the part of the state. It’s always about a nest of psychopaths offering a menu of the same violent and economically illiterate voodoo that is government bookkeeping and barbaric behavior on residents and non-residents alike."
Bill Buppert

"Who gave the tiny group of people, who until recently were almost universally regarded as oddballs outside the domain of everyday life, the right to ruin the careers and lives of people who use the ordinary language that we all grew up with? Who gave these people power over the way the rest of us speak? Why should they have this power? it makes no sense whatsoever. It is evidence of a culture that has lost all respect for truth and all confidence in itself."
Paul Craig Roberts

"Democracy and fiat money are the twin towers of public deception. Both are required to deceive Americans concerning their own affairs. Both are empty, so far as individual liberty and the common good are concerned. The common wealth of the people has been perverted into a collective 'public good,' or disguised socialism, which is used as the primary appeal to advance both democracy and the love of money."
Bob Livingston

"The people of Texas are tired of living under 180,000 pages of federal laws, administered by 440 separate federal agencies and 2.5 million unelected bureaucrats. The people of Texas are sick of having their lives dictated by politicians they didn’t elect forcing policies on them they don’t want."
Daniel Miller

"Our income and our labors are taxed and redistributed to those who won’t work, to inefficient and corrupt governmental agencies, to programs that might violate our faith and to morally despicable foreign governments- of which many hate us despite the money we give them."
David Thomas Roberts

"Anyone who calls for open borders in a world of state borders might be mouthing the word 'liberty'; just keep in mind: it isn’t your liberty that they are talking about."
Bionic Mosquito

"Schools teach exactly what they are intended to teach and they do it well: how to be a good Egyptian and remain in your place in the pyramid."
John Taylor Gatto

"The poisons we ingest due to big government cannot possibly be remedied by getting the country to ingest even more of them, but that’s what Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is pushing enthusiastically. A government with the powers it has today already places freedom at extreme risk. What Ocasio-Cortez proposes, which is well on the way to total government control, can all be voted in and all be found constitutional! Isn’t that possibility itself proof that the country has swallowed a poisonous substance disguised as a harmless drink? Do we now want to ingest the whole bottle of poison or shouldn’t we de-tox?"
Michael Rozeff

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