Thursday, June 28, 2018

US Crimes of the Week

Truthful headlines (and just one week’s worth) offering you more reasons to separate yourselves from The Regime’s madness:

What else? Got to keep the Regime propaganda machine rolling.

I suppose they also could go to their second Cause of Everything Bad- climate change. How long before they excuse the invasion because “it’s gettin’ too hot down south?”

She considers protecting the borders (and therefore protecting your private property and you from parasites and forced integration) as “child abuse.”

The Black Dresses are oblivious to the fact that this decision creates taxation without representation and inverts the commerce clause and creates an interstate import tariff. 

By using their favorite terrorist allies- the banksters

The more they bomb, the more they lose.

I’m still waiting for someone to explain to me how the Taliban (or any other demonic religious fanatics) ruling Afghanistan affects my “security.” 

Any takers?

I guess they’ll still be bombing there seventeen years from now.

Anyone disagree?

Goebbels would be proud.

Gee, what could go wrong?

Only a goofy, conspiracy theorist would believe this sets a bad precedent.

Can you imagine the wish list this goon must have?

They’re busy training demonic religious fanatics how to kill for the Empire.

Even if the charges are false, why is The Regime giving our money to any charity?

All they have to do is haul (kidnap) some kid and haul it (traffic it) across the border. How many of these kids will wind up being sex slaves for wealthy, Hollywood perverts?

Yes, the leftist goblins love the children. They love to fuck them, they love to enslave them, and they love to kill them.

But it’s okay- The gang leader says “he’s sorry.”

Just think of it of another gift from the Black Lord that just keeps on giving.

How is this any different that what a street mafia does?

He thinks he knows best where a company should build its product and that he can unilaterally impose a tax!

Some good news for the resistance:

Consider it “Extreme virtue signaling.”

Let’s all enjoy watching them become weaker and weaker, making them even easier to defeat.  These misfits aren’t very bright, are they?

"We will not rest until the very last one of these children is reunited with their families."

Fine. Considering that 10,000 of the 12,000 kiddos did not arrive with parents, let’s mercifully bus them back to the these parents for a wonderful, third world shithole reunion.

Why remain a suffering subject? Why do you need a “US?”

Secession, anyone?

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