Thursday, June 21, 2018

US Crimes of the Week

Truthful headlines (and just one week’s worth) offering you more reasons to separate yourselves from The Regime’s madness:

And let the War Against Robots begin. But only certain kinds of robots.

At least for now.

This is a classic situation of creating “law” to fight a “problem” that doesn’t or barely exists. Soon, you will see the appointment of a Robot Czar to lead the war. He’ll be assisted by thousands of bureau-rats in the new Department of Robot Affairs. A whole slew of new “problems” will be created to keep the funding coming.

Meanwhile, the pedophiles, deprived of their inanimate victim, will be forced to satisfy their deranged appetites using…real kids.

No matter the situation, banksters always win and never lose. Only those under the reign of the DC Mafia pay the price.

They’re necessary to pick up the bodies of those executed by The Regime’s terrorist allies.

To them, ending a military occupation of a supposed “ally” is just not acceptable.

And it’s fake law.

Can you imagine being a defendant in a case where you can’t even see, let alone challenge, the “evidence” held against you?

Loyalist yokels actually believe “China” will pay these taxes. Of course, these yokels will pay them, either as an embedded cost in the price of a product or higher prices due to reduced competition.

And at the same time, threatens more war on the pocketbooks of his enslaved subjects.

The Regime considers the act of a offering less expensive goods as “larceny.”

Trump Chumps supposedly despise the Deep State but apparently are willing to enrich its funding by billions more from tariff (tax) money.

They all share a financial interest in keeping the propaganda flowing.

They’re looking at becoming 100,000 times more efficient at storing all your “private” information.

It’s obvious, “compassion” doesn’t work- just as “compassion” doesn’t dissuade hungry stray dogs from repeatedly coming to your door.

"Compassion" is seen as weakness to predators and parasites. They'll work to take advantage of it.

Make this “journey” so perilous and dangerous that very few even attempt it.

Mine fields along the border and a shoot to kill directive are the only actions that will stem the flood of border jumping invaders. And it will deprive hysterical goblins, shrill, privileged wenches, and hypocritical, two-faced, professional grifters of virtue signaling targets.

Suspend the abused “asylum” process and seriously discuss abolishing it. On a planet with 7 billion people, you could easily find 100 million who would have a legitimate argument for “asylum.” Are you prepared to accept them all?

And forget “detaining” border jumpers. Until the wall and minefields are built, immediately transport all back across the border.

Start a media campaign directed at our rude southern neighbors who invade their neighbor’s property without being invited. Explain to them how such invaders may be treated. Show them photos of people in cages and videos of crying children (even if they are fake). 

It’s a low cost and efficient way to change the minds of thousands.

And it be will far more effective than misplaced "compassion."

He was actually doing something right.

Just one more step to open borders suicide.

The Kiddos of Criminals will now be joining their "parents" in prison cells. How long will it be before the whining wackos start complaining about that?

The Empire must “lead” the planet by putting death machines in space. And it’s all fueled by the usual “national security” paranoia.

Killing will (supposedly) become more “efficient.”

The Regime has “zero tolerance” for those who uncover and publicize their crimes.

Regime War Criminal Spouts Ultimate Hypocrisy

This from a creature whose "values" are expressed by bombing women and children indiscriminately, anonymously, and proudly from the air.

Why remain a suffering subject? Why do you need a “US?”

Secession, anyone?

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