Thursday, August 17, 2017

US Crimes of the Week

Truthful headlines (and just one week’s worth) offering you more reasons to separate yourselves from The Regime’s madness:

Regime Goon Threatens ‘Destruction’ of North Korea

And US loyalists wonder why North Korea is “threatening.”

The Goon’s comment is complementary to The Emperor’s “fire and fury.”

Think of it as a public relations and propaganda agency to aid spreading the 7th century ideology of murderous sand monkeys.

This one centered on the “opioid crisis,” caused in part by the previous drug war- meaning more wasted money, more cops, more legal abuse, more stolen property, and even more deaths.

Congratulations, Venezuela! You are officially in the cross hairs of the DC Death Cult.

Wait for it……Surprise! More troops! Why not? Such action has always worked so well in the past....

I still haven't found out how they define "victory." How will they know when it has been achieved? When all Afghans are dead?

So you say you need The Regime to “protect you” from corporate criminals
Think again.

They consider it a “trend in illicit finance.” “Illicit” meaning an activity that does not serve the interests of The Regime and its bankster cronies.

He wants to be a “kingmaker” for the Bolsheviks; meaning he wants to groom future tyrannical gangsters to rule the US Commie Collective.

All dissidents must be punished.

Our rulers can never find enough “terrorists” to keep us scared, so they continue to create them.

“The agency bars individuals from receiving benefits on behalf of another if they have been convicted of fraud, robbery, or homicide.”

If that’s the case, shouldn’t they also start prosecuting government employees who commit those same crimes as part of their “jobs?”

It always starts with just a few troops and before you know it, they’re running around like they own the place- and all on Russia’s front door. I’m sure they won’t mind. Instead, they’ll be thrilled with their armed, Regime neighbors……

All necessary to support loyalist predators and parasites.

He doesn’t like it that his mafia and others are collecting less protection money.

Some good news for the resistance:

The fewer number of willing participants, the fewer wars started by politi-gangsters.

So where are the cries to tear down this son-of-a-bitch?

Watch this closely. If successful, let’s hope other dissenters who are slandered are emboldened to take the same action.

Why remain a suffering subject? Why do you need a “US?”

Secession, anyone?

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