......with those who do it best:
Maybe global cooling......

......will save this precious rat:

Support The Troops! Feed them well!
Are you that desparate yet?Time to shore up the defenses against Palestinian goats:
Maintain the proper spacing......
......to blast away over another grave:
Ma Nature keeps the murderers under ice......
......while protecting the children......
......and letting them play:
The locals wisely keep their distance:
Political promises- as disposable as a grocery list:
The high flying fantasy world of government economists:
Within reach. Touch, love, ......
......and ogle your Lincoln savior:
Dear soldier boy,
Your services are no longer required. You may return home:
A gay old time. I wanna hold you hand in Afghanistan:
You gotta look sharp......
......if you want to keep the world in chains:
Great collection, as always.
Thanks, Don. It seems like the photo pickings on the web have been slim the past month or so. Lots of weather, sports, and cute animals but not enough with meaty subjects.
Makes it more challenging for the editor. :-)
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