......The failing god......
......is not giving up its charade:
"Well you got everything all lit up for the world to see......
......But you ain't found nothing so you're settin' me free, ......
......You make your money puttin' fear at those oppressed, ......
......You ain't nuthin' but a bully with a star on your chest."
Wayne Hancock, Johnny LawNo time to waste. Get the agenda moving.......
......and people believing:
"Keep me away from the wisdom which does not cry, ......
......the philosophy which does not laugh......
......and the greatness which does not bow before children."
Kahil Gibran
The dream of the nanny state. Bubble wrapped for safety:
Republican response to the (sad) State of the (forced) Union:
Yo, Tony. Ya need to wash da blood off ya hands:
Goofy state pageantry......
......is just too much for some:
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