Leninism- frozen out in most of the world, except the US:
Raise your arms in anger for what they did.......
......then raise your arms in surrender and get ne-kid:
Yemen, you’re next!
“Look at me, I’m in tatters! I’m shattered”

"A good deal of tyranny......
......goes by the name of protection."
Crystal Eastman
"They don't attack us because we're rich and we're free, .......
......they attack us because we're over there"
Ron Paul
Underwear bombers?......
......Make way for the cube bombers:
Our "sustainable, impactful pro-green children":
The “reassuring smell of the herd” comes with a price:
Do not pass Go- Wait and wait for the Blue Bullies:

Let them sleep. They’ll cause less harm:
Will we see more agape love in the new year?
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