Monday, November 30, 2009
Please Save Me From Clean Water & Italian Welders

Sunday, November 29, 2009
Quotes of the Week

Kevin Carson
Lew Rockwell
Benjamin Powell
Steve Watson
Don Cooper
B.R. Merrick
Garry Reed
Michael Rozeff
Thomas L. Knapp
Jan Narveson
UK astrophysicist Piers Corbyn
Gary North
Paul Green
B.Obama, commenting on his unending Afghanistan war.
Rupert Murdoch, complaining about Google linking his News Corp’s publications
B. Obama, passing on the nonsensical Thanksgiving “tradition.”
From “Rules of the Game" - Recommendations to the Climate Change Communications Working Group
Christopher Barron, principal organizer of the Draft Cheney for Presisdent movement.
Image Review of the Week
20th Century death count, .....
.....a never ending tabulation:
"Reason, I sacrifice you to the evening breeze."
Aime Cesaire
A hopeful sign. Death can even be offensive to professional killers:
The glamour and glitz of the Imperial Presidency:
You must stay constantly stay aware of the gun in the room:
Confused about the message:
"Privacy is not something that I'm merely entitled to, it's an absolute prerequisite."
Marlon Brando

The healing hands continue to stay busy:
Foot soldier- One who performs necessary but basic, often mundane tasks:
The Washington stock exchange- sacrificed livestock......
......traded for pretty rags:
Fuel up for another day of killin’............and nationalist rabble rousing:
When people are viewed as animals, ......
......don’t be surprised......
......if they act like animals:
The addiction of the masses- Frenzied consumerism......
......and insipid entertainment:
Street wisdom:
Take notice- A 2012 contender?
Thursday, November 26, 2009
It’s Another Obama Miracle!
One reason I no longer enjoy the “holiday” season is the further politicization and abuse of the meaning of this period of the year. Walmart has joined the holiday chorus of thanking US troops, without whom we, apparently, would have nothing to eat or be thankful for. After all, they “give us” our freedom.
The holiday season has morphed into an obligatory ritual of thanking and remembering those who defend and kill for The Empire. The wisdom and love of the Prince of Peace? Why, that’s just a mindless distraction for goofy peaceniks.
Excuse me while go I throw up.
Sunday, November 22, 2009
Quotes of the Week

Michael Gaddy
“The foremost or indeed the sole condition required in order to succeed in centralizing the supreme power in a democratic community is to love equality, or to get men to believe you love it. Thus the science of despotism, which was once so complex, is simplified, and reduced, as it were, to a single principle.”
Alexis de Tocqueville
Bob Wallace
Kent MacManigal
Garry Reed
Joseph Heller
Lew Rockwell
Kent MacManigal
“I, on the other hand, don’t really give a f*ck.”
Don Emmerich, commenting on the useless hubbub over Sarah Palin’s Newsweek photo.
Washington Post, about the coming nationalization of subways and intrastate light rail systems
Dominique Strauss-Kahn, Head of the IMF.
B. Obama [Then why did you help create such a debt?!]
Thoraya Ahmed Obaid, the U.N. Population Fund's executive director
From a recent report from The Anti-Defamation League
Sara Palin, the so-called “Rogue.”
Herman Van Rompuy, EU President.
John F. McManus, president of The John Birch Society
Carl Levin, contemplating how to pay for the USG’s never ending wars.
Ozark, AK Police Chief Jim Noggle, defending the use of a taser against a 10 year old girl.
Image Review of the Week
X marks the spot for secession:
Terrorists are everywhere:
Useless pomp and ceremony is soooooo tiring:
Militarists are nothing if not fashion conscious:
Conflicting or complimentary messages?
Silent protest through looks of disgust:
Killers For Jeezus just can’t be thanked enough:
Is there anything spookier than a military memorial.....
.....where a precious, individual soul is remembered as nothing more than feet that marched, a head that followed orders and a weapon that killed on command?
The size of his lies keeps growing:
“Rogue,".......or Retard? Sage,.......or Sell Out?
What to make of the world? Something to fear or something to embrace?
Monday, November 16, 2009
Statist Art

Goebbels and Goering couldn’t have said it better. What’s ironic is at the moment I was viewing this picture, the indoctrination center was in lockdown while drug sniffing canines cruised the hallways looking for contraband.
So, is it a cradle…….or a prison?
Sunday, November 15, 2009
Quotes of the Week

It may therefore be asserted, generally speaking, that if democratic nations are naturally prone to peace from their interests and their propensities, they are constantly drawn to war and revolutions by their armies. Military revolutions, which are scarcely ever to be apprehended in aristocracies, are always to be dreaded among democratic nations.”
Alexis de Tocqueville
John Sampson
B. R. Merrick
Alex R. Knight III
Jacob Hornberger
Butler Shaffer
Kent McManigal
Harlow Shapley
Thomas L. Knapp
Anonymous retired army Capt. who served 7 years in the 173rd Airborne
“We are a society of people who have gone down the rabbit hole with the Mad Hatter and March Hare and believe that somehow contrary to basic mathematical laws like one plus one equals two the economy can be improved by taking money from one person and giving it to another or by dropping it from a helicopter. Given their drunken social state, it makes perfect sense to them.”
Don Cooper
Russell D. Longcore
Michael Kleen
Charles Mackay
Will Grigg
This world will not be a peaceful one if we do not work for more global order and more multilateral cooperation.”
German Chancellor, Angela Merkel
Albert Turner Jr, Perry County, AL commissioner, commenting on proclaiming Monday, November 9 as an official holiday celebrating the election of the nation's first black president. [......well, half-black, anyway.]
Arnaud De Borchgrave
This is by far the biggest test of Obama's ability to fulfill the role of consoler in chief."
Todd J. Gillman, Dallas Morning News
B. Obama, “honoring” those murdered at Ft Hood.
Col. Stephen Carney, head of ROTC at Norwich University, Northfield, CT.
Chicago Mayor Richard Daley
Anonymous American executive, explaining how trucks supplying US troops in Afghanistan are protected.
Rear Admiral James Barnett, U.S. Navy (Ret.)
Image Review of the Week
Let music fill the fields.....
.....instead of marching armies:
Why not pass on the parade…… and pass on some wisdom?
Carbon capture goes extreme:
Twenty years after one wall came down.....
.....there are more walls than ever:
Leviathan’s favorite cannon fodder:
Obamatrons applaud their health care victory:
Too bad they couldn’t have their weapons when they were alive:
Crocodile tears for the dead meat.....
…..while looking for more recruits to fill the graves:
Bad influences. Don’t let your kids hang out with the wrong crowd.....
.....or rotten babysitters:
Nothing novel on the news front- just historical reruns, .....
.....annoying tyrants, .....
.....and timeless pleas for common sense:
The jackboots haul away our last hope:
.....while repeating war chants and mantras:
Militarists are ga-ga over O-ba-ma:
Who next will be consumed by the fiery beast of war?
Listen to your rulers- they know best:
Passing on the meme- Killing and war is just fun and games: