Thursday, June 2, 2022

Quotes of the Week

Enlightened insights taken from the past week’s reading:

"Thanks to all those veterans who participated in 'the war to end all wars' in 1917-18 which led to the rise of Hitler and the Nazis.  And for saving us from being forced to speak Japanese and eat sushi.  And for saving us from being forced to speak Russian and become communists.   And for saving us from being forced to speak Korean and become communists.  And for saving us from being forced to speak Vietnamese and become communists.  And from being conquered by Somalia and Grenada.  And for bombing aspirin factories in Sudan and Chinese embassies in Europe.  And from being forced to speak Arabic and become Muslims.  And for causing the death of half a million Iraqi children, a 'price we are willing to pay' according to your former boss, U.S. Secretary of State Madeline Albright.  And for bombing all those weddings, schools, and funerals in Iraq and Afghanistan.  As male bimbo chickenhawk Brian Kilmeade would say, 'freedom is not free'."

Tom DiLorenzo

"We defend our president with guns,

We defend our congressmen with guns.

We defend our governors with guns.

We defend our celebrities with guns.

We defend our sporting events with guns.

We defend our jewelry stores with guns.

We defend our banks with guns.

We defend our office buildings with guns.

We defend our factories with guns.

We defend our courts with guns.

We defend our children with a sign that reads:




"The 'long train of abuses and usurpations' outlined in the Declaration of Independence pale in comparison to the blatant violations forced upon us by two-and-a-half million unelected federal bureaucrats.  We are compelled, by the threat of social ostracization, loss of employment, and/or incarceration, to accept policies that stink to high heaven.  We are taxed beyond the threshold of viability and forced to pay for programs and systems that go against our best interests.  

True Texans and all freedom lovers absolutely despise this.  We are angry.  We are resolved.  We will tolerate no more the assaults heaped upon us by our domestic enemies.  For those who want to save America, we bid you Godspeed.  All we ask is that Texans may decide our own fate.  Let the United States morph into whatever they choose, but let Texas stand firm.  Let Texas lead.  Let Texas be free.  Mr. Clardy, the current generation of Texas patriots are not cowards. We sound and look like Texans who stole the cannon from Santa Anna and then thumbed their noses in his face with the Come And Take It flag!  These are the Texians who listened to Deguello, knowing full well the fate awaiting them in defeat."

Daniel Miller

"You have power over your mind – not outside events. Realize this, and you will find strength"

Marcus Aurelius, Meditations

"You can’t regulate 'disinformation' and 'misinformation' without first determining what it is, and you can’t determine what it is without assigning someone the authority to make those distinctions. There are no beneficent, impartial and omniscient entities who can be trusted to become objective arbiters of absolute reality on our behalf. There are only flawed human beings who act in their own interest, which is why we’re now being censored and propagandized about a war.

In literally the very next instant after being given the authority to decide what’s true and false on our behalf regarding Covid, those same government, media and tech institutions launched into World War II levels of propaganda and censorship over a war we’re not even officially in. It was like they all said 'Oh good, we get to do that now, finally.' The consensus that it was fine to launch into a shocking information lockdown about Ukraine was already formed and prepped for roll-out the day Russia invaded. It was taken as a given that they had that authority."

Caitlin Johnstone

"Mass democracy, under shifting rules often determined by nine politicized judges, is not a prescription for harmony and goodwill among 330 million very diverse Americans. Those millions don't much agree about guns, God, abortion, and plenty more. But they don't have to agree. In a 'postliberal' and post-good-faith environment, aggressive federalism and realistic discussions of political secession are the obvious path forward. If you claim to love your fellow American citizens, unyoke them from the federal superstate and demand the same for yourself. The universalist, totalizing impulse, which resulted in the dramatic centralization of state power through the twentieth century, must be reversed in the twenty-first. The other way lies political strife, and worse."

Jeff Deist

"As you can see, the Mex cartels aren’t just a bunch of stupid mules with guns humping cocaine and fentanyl. They’re smart. They’re formidable. They’re, well, a lot like the CIA in certain respects, carrying out carefully planned ops to destabilize nations. Only in this case, they’re destabilizing us.

But we’re not supposed to see that. We’re supposed to believe unlimited immigration and open borders are messianic, are utopian, are reflective of our caring and our sympathy and our good will and our essentially kind nature and our religious values.

We’re supposed to think that ANY attack against the people of America is righteous and justified, because it’s basically our fault.

We’re not supposed to wake up to the con.

We’re supposed to send weapons to the Ukraine, but nothing to our own border."

Jon Rappoport

"You can't have a healthy home and a worldwide empire. They can't coexist. You can't care about Baghdad and your own backyard."

Bill Kauffman

"I want the ordinary citizens of Western countries to hear me as well: they are now trying to persuade you that all your difficulties are the result of some hostile actions of Russia, that your own purse should be used to pay for the fight against the mythical Russian threat. All of this is a lie.

The truth is that the current problems faced by millions of people in the West are the result of years of action, error, short-sightedness, and ambition on the part of the ruling elites of their states. These elites are not thinking about how to improve the lives of their citizens in Western countries. They are obsessed with their own self-interest and super profits."

Vladimir Putin

"The modern conservative movement has made a litany of mistakes from cosigning on the welfare state to being enthusiastic boosters of the intelligence community and national security state. Their devotion to the status quo has blinded them to how the very monster state they support or at least tacitly accept is now being used against them. With state actors wanting to treat various factions of right-leaning Americans like Islamist insurgents in Iraq and genuine domestic terrorists, conservatives are getting a rude wake-up call about the dangers of trusting the federal behemoth."

Jose Nino

"In America today those who control our politics, our culture, and our media consider those of us who dissent the enemy, to be feared and controlled, if not suppressed.

The Disinformation Governance Board and its objectives are one more chilling example of what awaits us in the new American Gulag."

Boyd Cathey

"Interventionism inevitably leads to socialism, central banking inevitably leads to hyperinflation, total cashlessness inevitably leads to total surveillance, and 'guaranteed income' inevitably leads to guaranteed enslavement. A deadly poison remains a deadly poison even when ingested in a gradual manner."

Jakub Bożydar Wiśniewski

"The land of the Khazars (Ukraine) has been filled with corruption, barbarity, murder and war since the 6th century. It is a land that has never understood or appreciated civility and law. The lawless rulers of Ukraine have joined with virtually every tyrant and despot (and thug and gangster) that came along—including and especially Adolf Hitler. To call Zelensky and his bloodthirsty band of Nazi mercenaries 'heroes' and to risk World War III to defend these Hitler wannabe’s is the height of insanity."

Chuck Baldwin

"The first lesson of economics is scarcity: there is never enough of anything to fully satisfy all those who want it. The first lesson of politics is to disregard the first lesson of economics."

Thomas Sowell 

"Accept nothing at face value, question everything, and make your decisions based on logic and reality backed by irrefutable facts. Once you arrive at this position, all doubt will disappear, a light will shine, and real knowledge will be the result. This attitude can only lead to a clear understanding of self, and truth will then and only then become apparent."

Gary D. Barnett

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