Thursday, February 24, 2022

Quotes of the Week

Enlightened insights taken from the past week’s reading:

"Remember this. The people you're trying to step on, we're everyone you depend on. We're the people who do your laundry and cook your food and serve your dinner. We make your bed. We guard you while you're asleep. We drive the ambulances. We direct your call. We are cooks and taxi drivers and we know everything about you. We process your insurance claims and credit card charges. We control every part of your life.

We are the middle children of history, raised by television to believe that someday we'll be millionaires and movie stars and rock stars, but we won't. And we're just learning this fact. So don't fuck with us."

Chuck Palahniuk

"The US is nearly the last country on earth that still holds to the WWII-era concept of war for territorial gain. Russia wants to 'own' Ukraine like most people want to 'own' a 2003 Saturn. That is why despite neocon/neo-liberal hype, magnified by the lock-step US media, Russia is not about to invade Ukraine.

This fantasy is being pushed by those who desperately need to continue to gin up enthusiasm for a thoroughly idiotic and counterproductive imperial enterprise."

Daniel McAdams

"In the midst of this COVID tyranny, haven’t we all been looking for an issue that will galvanize huge numbers of people?

And not as some kind of stunt. But rather as an inevitable outcome of deep faith.

Faith and justice come from the same everlasting tree.

I hear the voices that say we can never rouse a billion people from their slumber. But they are wrong. Nothing is impossible. The so-called evidence of history is never more than What Was. And even down through history, 'what could never happen' was the status quo until a breakthrough shattered it."

Jon Rappoport

"Since 1630 and the arrival of the Puritans on the North American continent life has never been the same. They are the busy body 'Karens' at the grocery store, the woke willful idiots at the colleges and universities, the cancel culture bullies on Social Media, the insane hordes of bureaucratic petty tyrants throughout all levels of local, state, and the federal government. Self-righteous, abusive, and closed minded. The puritanical termites of progressivism."

Charles Burris

"The Yankee curse caused the "Civil War" and continues to plague us to this day.  As Clyde Wilson once said, Hillary Clinton would be a 'museum-quality specimen' of a Yankee:  Privileged, imperious, arrogant, sanctimonious, amoral.   As would be Nancy Pelosi, Anthony Fauci, the Lying Media Scum cabal, all the CDC bureaucrats, and all others who believe that they are God’s chosen people who have a God-given right to order all of the rest of us around, using whatever means possible, including violence.  They are the Hollywood millionaires who demand that Joe Rogan be censored.  Your neighbor who screams at people at the grocery store for not wearing masks.  The neocons who constantly plot to restructure the map of the planet in their image through endless war and invasion.  The academics who worship the likes of Lincoln, Trotsky, and Churchill.

This was never a North-South thing, but an attitude thing derived from the New England Puritans.  As Clyde Wilson also said, the Northern-state firefighters and police who rushed into the Twin Towers on 9/11 were not 'Yankees' but just good Americans."

Tom DiLorenzo

"Doctors are just the same as lawyers; the only difference is that lawyers merely rob you, whereas doctors rob you and kill you too."

Anton Chekhov

"Regardless of the fear tactics being used, this is not about any 'virus,' it is about a communistic takeover of society in order to achieve global control of all monetary systems, all property, and all people. The end game if the people en masse do not soon dissent, will be the creation of a complex technocratic system run by the claimed 'elite' few at the top of the power pyramid. A two-tiered system is sought, the master class and their entourage of partners and enforcers, and a slave class of all those left after the genocidal attack that is coming to fruition due to the deadly bioweapon that is the 'Covid vaccine.' Every new shot, every new booster, will be another nail in the coffin of humanity.

This is a massive conspiracy, not a theory, and one that has been planned for decades. It is now on the verge of success, after many years of failed attempts to gain global control, the most recent being the terrorism threat called 9/11; a coup and inside job that set the stage for this current bioweapon attack against mankind. Depopulation through death and sterilization is already underway, and the only way to stop it is to eliminate the division and infighting amongst those willing to fight back. Avoid the herd mentality of collectivism, stand together as individuals against these tyrannical enemies of freedom, and dissent, disobey, and just say no to any and every order."

Gary D. Barnett

"Vaccination is a barbarous practice and one of the most fatal of all the delusions current in our time. Conscientious objectors to vaccination should stand alone, if need be, against the whole world, in defense of their conviction."

Mahatma Gandhi

"We are now experiencing a trajectory of history of which we have no prior experience, a previously prosperous and stable democracy facing a complete loss in public confidence in government, public health, media, and experts in general. They went too far. Something has to give way soon to protect us from chaos."

Jeffrey Tucker

"The belief in a supernatural source of evil is not necessary; men alone are quite capable of every wickedness."

Joseph Conrad

"I think that there is a subsection of the population that does not want to admit a separation of the U.S. is in progress even though it is a fact. They want to believe the false left/right paradigm applies to the regular population because they don't want to accept the inevitability of the breakup of our country. They want to believe that if we just deal with the elites at the top of the pyramid that the division at the bottom will simply disappear. This is naive.

There are principles and ideals which are mutually exclusive; they cannot exist within the same society at the same time. There are moments in history when tribes form and cults rise, and generally, these groups grow from either a desire to control others or a desire to remain free. We are living in such times."

Brandon Smith

"All this havoc, this misfortune, this ruin, descends upon you not from alien foes, but from the one enemy whom you yourselves render as powerful as he is, for whom you go bravely to war, for whose greatness you do not refuse to offer your own bodies unto death. He who thus domineers over you has only two eyes, only two hands, only one body, no more than is possessed by the least man among the infinite numbers dwelling in your cities; he has indeed nothing more than the power that you confer upon him to destroy you."

Étienne de La Boétie,

"Patriotic Americans have always wrapped themselves in the flag. USA! USA! USA! The neoconservatives have told them that they are exceptional and indispensable with the right to rule the world. Americans are not even aware that Washington has created a crisis.

The Russian government has reached the conclusion that its years of accepting provocations and insults, relying instead on diplomatic efforts to reach a peaceful and reasonable accommodation, did not succeed. As Putin said, we retreated and retreated in the interest of peace, and now they are on our doorstep and we have nowhere left to which to retreat.

And still Washington does not hear."

Paul Craig Roberts

"Why WOULDN'T our Southern ancestors have preferred White supremacy?

If you have a choice of living under Black supremacy, Muslim supremacy, Jewish supremacy or White supremacy which would you choose today?"

Michael Tubbs

"There are basically two types of people in the world—people that like to manipulate the physical universe and create things and people who like to manipulate other people and control them. The people who go into government, whether they’re Democrats or Republicans, are the latter. They’re dangerous.

The problem is that the average citizen in every country around the world has come to think that the government is the most important entity in society. It’s not; it’s a coercive fiction, a parasite that produces nothing. The wrong kinds of people are being given even more control.

Once people with a certain psychological mindset—that second type of person I just mentioned—take control, things inevitably get worse."

Doug Casey

"Freedom is not a panacea for every challenge in life. But it is far superior to boundless submission to tinhorn dictators who know far less than they claim. Politicians like Trudeau and Biden, who fuel mass rage against any group that does not kowtow to officialdom, are sowing seeds of hatred that will proliferate long after the pandemic ends. In the long run, people have more to fear from politicians than from viruses."

James Bovard

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