Thursday, December 2, 2021

Quotes of the Week

Enlightened insights taken from the past week’s reading:

"Empires have a logic of their own.

That they will end in grief is a foregone conclusion."

Bill Bonner

"World War 3 won’t be about nuclear weapons or conventional armies, but biology and computers. The cyber war aspect will be huge because the entire world now runs on computers. In fact, the world is starting to run on artificial intelligence. I don’t doubt that robotics will come into its own soon.

As far as a cyber pandemic and closing down the Internet is concerned, I’d say that’s a near certainty. They definitely want to do that, because the fact of the matter is that you’re only as alive as you can communicate with others.

If you can’t get your thoughts or news of what’s going on out to other people, you might as well be sealed in a tomb. It makes sense that people who want to control other people want to cut down on popular means of communication. They’ll find excuses to keep what they consider to be unsound views off the internet. It’s already happened in regard to the so-called pandemic. Contrary views, no matter how well-reasoned and factual, even from renowned sources, are quashed. Dissent, or even discussion, isn’t tolerated. You’ll find that spread to all other areas of intellectual and political discourse.

We already can’t travel easily; domestic flights are inconvenient, and international flights are down about 85%. Vaccine passports are on the way. In many places, we can’t gather, even in small groups. And of course, the next big thing—the big thing—is a heavily controlled internet.

At that point, all you’ll have is what you’re told officially and what you can see in your own little local area. These people are all about quashing communication. It’s a great formula, critical, really, for control. They don’t want people organizing to challenge them."

Doug Casey

"For those intelligent souls that continue to refuse to be 'vaccinated,' prepare to be shunned, tattled on, monitored, threatened, locked out of society, refused service, harassed, and possibly worse, but do not back down. Without a deadly 'Covid' injection, at least you can remain healthy and free from that poison, but once you take it in order to appease your masters, who knows the horrors you may endure. In order to be free, one must act free, and voluntary submission to tyranny negates any right to freedom."

Gary D. Barnett

"Taxation is the price we pay for failing to build a civilized society. The higher the tax level, the greater the failure. A centrally planned totalitarian state is a complete failure of civilization, while a totally voluntary society is its ultimate success."

Mark Skousen

"The communist view of human life has always detested the city. Think back on Mao’s campaign to disperse the population into rural areas and depopulate urban centers. And think about how China daily controls people through technology and propaganda designed to crush individualism. There is that impulse at work among those who created lockdowns and continue their plans for mandates and restrictions."

Jeffrey Tucker

"2000- Y2K is going to destroy everything!

2001- Anthrax is going to kill us all!

2002- West Nile Virus is going to kill us all!

2003- SARS is going to kill us all!

2005- Bird Flu is going to kill us all!

2006-Ecoli is going to kill us all!

2008- Financial collapse is going to kill us all!

2009- Swine Flue is going to kill us all!

2012- The Mayan calendar predicts the world ending!

2013- North Korea is going to cause WWIII.

2014- Ebola virus is going to kill us all!

2015- ISIS is going to kill us all!

2016- Zika virus is going to kill us all!

2020- Corona virus is going to kill us all!

The truth is FEAR is going to kill you…

Turn of the TV."


"An image is circulating online that shows how the mainstream media has garnered viewers over the past 20 years. The three pillars of rhetoric are logos (logic), pathos (trust), and ethos (emotions). The media has been using all three of these persuasion tactics so that people are too afraid to look away from the TV as they may miss 'breaking news' on the next disaster.

They prey upon our emotions (ethos) with fabricated narratives and stories. They prey upon our trust (pathos) with fake experts chiming in on every crisis and journalists pretending they still stand as unbiased, ethical providers of information. Logic (logos) has been completely undermined as independent thinking or questioning the mainstream narrative is now a criminal offense. The media wants you to be afraid to control your thoughts. Remember who controls the media.

Turn off the TV. Seek out the truth independently."

Martin Armstrong

"Eventually, tyranny has to put boots on the ground. A totalitarian system can function for a time on the color of law and implied threats, but it will crumble unless it is able to establish a physical presence of force. Once those jackboots touch soil in a visible way and the agents of the state try to expand oppressive measures, rebels then have a free hand to disrupt them or bring them down But this only works if there are objectives and enough decentralization to prevent misdirection of the movement."

Brandon Smith

"When we vote Republicrat or Democan, we are not voting in a free election. We are merely rubber-stamping an entrenched bureaucratic system under the pretense of American Democracy. You are now meant to believe we have a 'federal' election in this country. We do not. We have elections in each state, and they certify the results that send people to federal office. There is no 'national' election. Only one in one million Americans realizes this.

No matter how obviously bad things get in America, that word 'democracy' gives the people a completely false sense of security. It shields corruption to the core. It keeps Americans going to the polls and voting for myths and fantasies. Above all, it gives American fascism a pretty face."

Bob Livingston

"Reduce the thing to its essentials. These are the facts confronting you:

A man visiting these shores for days must be inoculated, else he is turned 180 degrees around and ordered home.

Yet another man… whose very entrance to the United States ran contrary to its immigration laws… and who intends to stay for years… can roam around unvaccinated and unharassed.

Is this logic? Is this justice? Is this law?"

Brian Maher

"You thought that by taking the vaccine, you’d earn special privilege. You’d wear your badge with pride. But no.

You thought being vaccinated meant you wouldn’t catch the disease. But no.

You scoffed at the idea that the whole pandemic was a hoax, and you were sure there was no evidence that contradicted what the experts were telling you.

You chose not to look into the fact that no one has actually proved the virus exists, or that the test is meaningful, or that the case and death numbers are real. You assumed taking the vaccine would solve all your problems for you.

You were wrong."

Jon Rappoport

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