Friday, November 5, 2021

Quotes of the Week

Enlightened insights taken from the past week’s reading:

"We have allowed elected officials to see themselves as our betters, as the American nobility, as the dispenser of rights. We pretend the politician is our buddy, not a scheming, lazy employee.

Throughout history up to today, the master-servant model is well understood. The master must merely have a goal in mind, it is the servant’s job to make it happen. The head of the house doesn’t need to know the mundane details of the kitchen operations when demanding that dinner be served promptly at seven o’clock. It is up to the servant to make it happen, or suffer the consequences.

There is no 'partnership' between a master and a servant. Citizens are not in partnership with politicians. Politicians in our republic exist to implement the agenda set by the citizens in keeping with the limitations of the Constitution."

Michael Quinn Sullivan

"The most dangerous man to any government is the man who is able to think things out... without regard to the prevailing superstitions and taboos.

Almost inevitably, he comes to the conclusion that the government he lives under is dishonest, insane, intolerable… Every decent man is ashamed of the government he lives under."

H.L. Mencken

"This 'virus' terrorism that has been structured and stoked by this heinous government for the purpose of depopulation, power grabs, and control over society, is now being greatly ramped up in order to shut down all questions, all speech, all facts, and all those that would not comply with draconian mandates issued by this corrupt state. If such a criminal coup is able to be accomplished by the state thugs, all opposition to the status quo of planned economic demolition, sickness, mind and body destruction, and death by the ruling class will have been effectively stopped, leaving only those ready and willing to act as slaves instead of fighting for their own liberty. In effect, with the gallant truth seekers marginalized or taken down, no resistance will be evident, and only the compliant sheep-like masses will be left, negating any defense against totalitarian rule. But of course, that is the plan.

We are faced with extreme terrorism, but it is not being waged by foreign mercenaries, jihadists, white supremacists, or domestic dissenters, it is the state itself that practices terrorism against the people. In essence, war is being waged against this country from the inside by this government, its controllers, the mainstream media, the pharmaceutical industry, the big technology sector, the banking system, and all government’s other fascist partners. The American governing system is the enemy of all of us, and few will be exempt from its tyranny if large scale resistance is not forthcoming. Democide has already begun!"

Gary D. Barnett

"The word 'truth' itself ceases to have its old meaning.  It describes no longer something to be found, with the individual conscience as the sole arbiter of whether in any particular instance the evidence (or the standing of those proclaiming it) warrants a belief; it becomes something to be laid down by authority, something which has to be believed in the interest of the unity of the organized effort [to enforce totalitarianism] and which may have to be altered as the exigencies of this organized effort require it."

Fredrich Hayek

"Q: What is free speech?

A: Free speech is when war profiteers are allowed to openly lobby for more wars and the mass media are allowed to brazenly lie to us and corporations are allowed to buy government officials and members of the public are allowed to say whatever they want as long as they say it quietly in the privacy of their own home."

Caitlin Johnstone

"The welfare state is the oldest con game in the world. First you take people's money away quietly and then you give some of it back to them flamboyantly."

Thomas Sowell

"Not even Woodrow Wilson, not even FDR, openly raged against the political leaders and populations of other states in the union who dared to persist in freedom in the presence of federal imposition. This is what Biden is doing now, in complete defiance of the federal system The dangers here are immense for the future of the American republic. We are supposed to have a federalist style system. But the crazed socialist ideology that is now in control of Washington seeks total power and will stop at nothing to get it."

Jeffrey Tucker

"We don’t need societal change. We need you and me to change. We need you and me to be able to assert our rights in our own lives and in our own spheres of influence. That shifts the world around us, the spheres of influence around us. It makes that world around us more free. A few people like that in every community grows into a few dozen, and maybe even eventually into a few hundred. Tyranny cannot handle dozens of people in each community who are each capable enough to say 'Show me the writ,' 'Show me the policy,' every time they are confronted with an order they find unjust.

It’s not 1775 anymore, so people wouldn’t say, 'Show me the writ.' They would say, 'Show me the policy,' 'Show me the warrant,' or 'Show me the law.' The spirit is the same, though. It’s the first step to understanding what another is requesting of you."

Allan Stevo

"The notion of the young teaching the old is an extension of a philosophy from the early 1900s called 'Futurism.'  It teaches the idea that all 'old ideas' should be cast off and all new ideas are automatically superior. It teaches that all tradition and heritage is a prison that holds humanity back from progress. Futurism is the root ideology that helped to spawn both the rise of the National Socialists (Fascists) in Europe as well as the Bolshevik Revolution in Russia.

Of course, those of us who are a little older than 20 years of age know from experience that there are no new ideas, only old ideas like authoritarianism repackaged as new. Tear off the shiny wrapper and social justice and Critical Race Theory have the same rotten putrid guts as the communism and fascism of old."

Brandon Smith

"My take on it is that removing all the people of color from store packaging and cultural iconography is itself racist.

Walk through the aisles of the grocery store.  Now you see nothing but white folks on the packaging.  Remove the Indian, keep the land.  There’s another brand of butter right next to the now-genocided Land O Lakes with a white woman on the package.  Think!  What do you think just happened?  It’s Caucasians everywhere on every box.

They should call it Klan Mart or Wallace World: the Whites Only Superstore.

The NFL has the Vikings and the NBA has the Celtics.  They should call them the Aryan Leagues.  College football has the Irish.  The NCAA isn’t the NAACP.  And colleges are now promoting racial segregation like the old days.  What could possibly go wrong?

So, uh, who exactly is racist?  Me?

Maybe you should look at things from a new perspective.  It’s really up to you."

Larry L. Beane

"For decades, communists sold communism under the banner of 'the people.'  Myriad socialist hell-on-earth economic shitholes were named 'The Peoples Republic of . . . .'  If 'Peoples' was in the name of the country, one thing was certain:  The people had nothing whatsoever to do with their government.  Nothing.  With the worldwide collapse of communism in the late ’80s the commies admitted their true feelings.  To hell with the people, they said.  We hate the people.  They deplete the world’s resources and cause pollution and global warming, another ice age, and climate change.  The people are in fact deplorable as Hillary Clinton, America’s Stalin, famously declared.  We need to resurrect communism in the name of the bugs, worms, snakes, and all other critters, plants, and rocks, lakes, and mud puddles everywhere — Mother Earth.  Mother Earth replaced Mother Russia as the ideological symbol for communist totalitarians everywhere (Whether they call themselves 'environmentalists,' 'democratic socialists,' 'progressives,' 'social justice warriors,' 'liberation theologians,' or by any other deceptive label).  And like their twentieth-century comrades, they will not hesitate to break a few eggs to make an omelet, even if it means the death of millions."

Tom DiLorenzo

"What we have been seeing played out on the streets of America, particularly in large Blue State metropolitan areas and dense urban cities is classic planned chaos and the 'Strategy of Tension.' Unable to dislodge Donald Trump by the Russiagate hoax or the malicious soft coup impeachment process, his sworn enemies, using COVID-19 as their pretext, have turned to the destruction of the economy by repressive lockdowns, creating mass unemployment and annihilation of small businesses, thus fracturing civil society. The Biden regime, Democrats, elements of the deep state, and their complacent, compliant regime media pawns, turned to an age-old psy/war strategy to be wielded as an ax against Trump and his supporters as 'domestic terrorists,' insidiously using the weaponized corpse of the slain George Floyd and the events of January 6, 2021 as the new rationale for these riots and insurrections, and the repression by the Biden regime."

Charles Burris

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