Sunday, July 25, 2021

Quotes of the Week

Enlightened insights taken from the past week’s reading:

"The meltdown in South Africa isn’t a natural disaster or a random fluke. It’s a choice. South Africa was the first modern nation to be refounded on the anti-white principles of critical race theory, and now it is reaping the whirlwind of that choice. 

South Africa did everything that is being done in America right now. As a hyperdiverse multiethnic, multilingual society, South Africa has followed almost every prescription embraced by the globalist ruling class.

This is about more than riots. This wave of violence will eventually peter out. But there is no reason to be optimistic when that happens. There will be no sense of having survived a calamity, and having a chance to rebuild. When this wave of burning and looting and killing are over, there is nothing to look forward to but the next wave."

Revolver News

"The modern matrix has everything to do with how knowledge is acquired.

Television, in the main, does not attempt to impart knowledge. It strives to give the viewer the impression that he knows something. There is a difference.

The impression of knowing is a feeling, a conviction, a belief the viewer holds, after he has watched moving images on a screen and listened to a narrator. THIS is what the viewer prefers. He wants no part of knowledge."

Jon Rappoport

"In ancient Rome, the people had NO POWER at the ballot box. Nonetheless, the Emperors were forced to deal with the people because the MOB could always storm the palace, drag the emperor out, and mount his head on a spike to be paraded around the streets – which they did many times. Power at the top is NEVER absolute.


History warns these would-be dictators [responsible for lockdowns and mask tyranny] will fail. They will be remembered for their inhumanity and their tyranny. I STRONGLY urge those in the media had better switch sides. History warns it could still be your head on a spike! History repeats because the passion of humans never changes!"

Martin Armstrong

"It seems that the modern understanding of the terms 'anarchy' and 'state' have been intentionally twisted around so as to be opposite of reality. In essence, the state reeks of lawlessness, chaos, and disorder, while anarchy is steeped in the concepts of freedom and liberty. This could never be more obvious than it is today. In our obnoxious postmodern world, the masses have been trained to think and act due to conceived perceptions instead of reality.  Therefore, state claimed truths are lies, and state claimed lies are truth. It does appear that all has been reversed in order to fool those are easily fooled."

Gary D. Barnett

"There is an even broader purpose behind the vaccine push. It is absolutely essential for government to claim credit for the end of the pandemic. The easiest path from here to here is obviously to push as much vaccine as possible and thereby draw a line from cause and effect. Forget natural immunity. Forget seasonality. It’s government that saved us! This is the official story, and they will stick to it like superglue.

The strategy is so transparent, and they will probably get away with it. Even though no one can say for sure to what extent vaccination prevented more severe outcomes from the disease. The research is all over the place on this question. Doesn’t matter. Officials have to believe governments did something great over the last year, and the vax is the best candidate to fill that description."

Jeffrey Tucker

"The elites love war abroad and at home. It distracts the masses from government's ongoing theft and manipulation. Anger with one another allows them to continue their looting. It promotes threats and violence, which allows them to further clamp down on freedom.

Endless wars, abroad and at home, equal totalitarianism. It's totalitarianism under the sweet-sounding name of democracy. Governments, along with organized religion, have seized upon your belief in god to promote wars, encourage false patriotism and regiment populations because of the 'divine nature' of the crisis.

In my experience, everything boils down to following the money. The whole world knows about the U.S. military industrial complex war machine and its pursuit of profits. But Americans tend to turn a blind eye. They still buy the propaganda that foreign wars are defending American 'freedoms.' The opposite is true."

Bob Livingston

"In so far as 'scientific' Socialism is metaphysics, a chiliastic promise of salvation, it would be vain and superfluous to argue scientifically against it. It serves no useful purpose to fight mystical dogmas with reason. There is no teaching fanatics. They must break their heads against the wall."

Ludwig von Mises 

"There are only two real mandates for the government, only two reasons for its existence... to secure America's borders from invasion and to protect the freedoms of the citizenry. That's it. It is not the job of the government to compel you to take an experimental and questionable COVID vaccine over a virus that 99.7 percent of people will easily survive. It is not the job of the government to create artificial 'social equity' by favoring one group or ethnicity over another. It is not the job of the government to spy on millions of Americans because they do not agree with the leftist ideology. It is not the job of government to make war on the very people it is mandated to protect. 

Yet, this is exactly what the government is doing today while its totalitarianism is disguised as humanitarianism. In other words, they are essentially arguing that they must make war on the people in order to protect the people from themselves."

Brandon Smith

"All eyes are opened, or opening, to the rights of man. The general spread of the light of science has already laid open to every view the palpable truth, that the mass of mankind has not been born with saddles on their backs, nor a favored few booted and spurred, ready to ride legitimately, by the grace of God."

Thomas Jefferson

"As the economy collapses in the Greater Depression, Covid will be assigned as the reason. As opposed to the business cycle, taxes, inflation, debt, and government regulation. So Covid may act as a great disguise. The government and the Deep State can shift the blame for the coming nastiness.

It’s rather clever."

Doug Casey

"If we pay close attention to events in our world, we are reminded of the fallacy of the long-standing belief that 'in unity there is strength.' Formalized, structured systems foster strength for the organization only to the degree it promotes the weakness of its members. Centrally-organized behavior creates a jugular vein of vulnerability, a point which, when attacked, allows the attacker to control or destroy the entire group."

Butler Shaffer

"Now it is the First Amendment that is being banned as racist. Free speech allows people to speak facts. But facts contrary to the ideological narrative are racist and cannot be spoken. In destroyed America today wokes even forbid the use of gender pronouns. If you call a female 'female' or 'her' you are in violation of speech codes, have committed a hate crime against transgendered, and are a candidate for being censored and cancelled.

And this country is said to be 'indispensable,' 'the light of the world,' the arbiter of truth and freedom, the hope of the world even as the US Constitution, which once gave hope to the world, is destroyed.

In America today white Americans no longer have the protection of the US Constitution. White Americans are oppressors to be 'eliminated' in order that black people can escape oppression."

Paul Craig Roberts

"Compartmentalization is a weapon of the propagandists. It’s a glitch in our cognitive processing which means they don’t have to work as hard to keep us living in a lie-based reality tunnel; all they have to do is construct our perception of reality for us, and from there our own psychological defense systems will do the work for them.

The oligarchic empire which rules our world is not truly hidden from view; we see signs of it all the time, it’s just too uncomfortable for most of us to look at. The monster isn’t hiding under the bed, it’s staring us right in the face and we’re looking all over the room except where it’s standing because to meet its gaze would obliterate our world.

But obliterate it we must. Lie-based worldviews are what hold the empire together; the powerful spend so much energy propagandizing us because they need to in order to retain power. Without it, we could realize that they are unleashing immense evils upon our world, and that there are a whole lot more of us than there are of them.

And this is what we must do if our species is to survive into the future. We must find a way to move past the cognitive dissonance from a lie-based way of living into a truth-based way of living, and become a truth-based species with a truth-based relationship with each other and with our ecosystem. If we keep hiding from reality, we’ll compartmentalize ourselves right out of existence."

Caitlin Johnstone

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