Sunday, November 15, 2020

Quotes of the Week

Enlightened insights taken from the past week’s reading:

"With the media going all-in on a Biden presidency Texas is squarely in the crosshairs. The neo-Marxists plan to use a Biden administration to crush anyone opposed to their twisted vision of the world. This is not a conspiracy theory. It’s taking them at their word.

Biden’s handlers and enablers have made it perfectly clear that they intend to target our right to keep and bear arms, break the back of the oil and gas industry, dramatically increase federal taxes, obliterate the sovereignty of our state, and deliberately execute punitive retribution on anyone who deviates from their ideology.

Texans have had their options narrowed down to one – #TEXIT.

TEXIT has never been a 'Plan B' for the TNM, and it can no longer be a 'Plan B' for those who cherish Texas independence. It’s time to make Texas independence happen and for Texans to rise to the call like Houston, Travis, Crockett, and Bowie."

Daniel Miller

"How hard is it to collect and count ballots? I don’t wish to disparage the people working these elections. The process is probably far more complicated than many Americans realize. But this is true of most systems, which brings me to a key point Is collecting and counting ballots more difficult than running a vast health care system that involves pricing, insurance, medication, billing, and the very lives of individuals? The answer is no.

Is collecting and counting ballots more difficult than attempting to manage the spread of an invisible virus without ruining the livelihoods, spirits, educations, and very lives of hundreds of millions of people? Again, the answer is no."

Dan Sanchez

"Just a few years back, the majority of both Democrats and Republicans defended the surveillance and invasions of Americans’ freedoms imposed under the 'War on Terror' with the facile argument that innocents should have nothing to hide. Now, suddenly, calling for transparency and accountability when it comes to counting votes is evil and unacceptable.

How many countries has the US sanctioned and 'regime-changed' citing statistical discrepancies in their election results? Yet anyone so much as suggesting that the numbers coming out of certain cities in the middle of the night aren’t pure as driven snow is vanishing into the Memory Hole.

In their Declaration of Independence, America’s founders wrote that governments derive 'their just powers from the consent of the governed.' Right now, there is a not-insignificant number of Americans on both sides of the political fence growing inclined to withdraw that consent. Controversies over this election are just one of the causes for that."

Nebojsa Malic

"Reinforced by the greens’ wilderness fetish, the result is that nearly all of California and many other regions are now vulnerable to conflagration. And people who reject masks for COVID are wearing them because of the smoke. Perhaps people will learn a lesson at last.

The belief that the government can suppress forest fires resembles the belief that politicians can outlaw COVID or control the weather. It’s King Canute all over again issuing orders to the tides.

The greatest wisdom in government came from Irving Kristol’s immortal words: 'The unintended consequences of social action are always more important, and usually less agreeable than the intended effects'."

George Gilder

"In a fair fight between herd immunity and lockdowns, herd immunity wins hands down. Herd immunity maintains freedom, a normal economy, the option to develop vaccines, and it reduces the risk that vulnerable people will get infected. Lockdowns destroy freedom, destroy the economy, cause greater numbers of ancillary deaths, produce psychological harm and prolong the process of gaining widespread immunity via the exposure of invulnerable people to the disease."

Michael Rozeff

"If history is any indicator, the weakest generations when faced with overwhelming crises will demand protection, as they always have, whether it be physical protection or financial protection. And inevitably they will turn to government and the money elites for a feeling of safety in exchange for their freedom. They don't value their freedoms because they have never enjoyed the feeling of independence anyway. The trade for comfort becomes easy for them.

Stress inoculation is a lot like strengthening your own immune system — sometimes you have to work through sickness when you are young in order to improve your immunity to sickness later in life. By the same token, you have to experience stress events when you are young so that you can better deal with crisis later in life. Otherwise, you grow up as malleable as jello and just as easy to devour. The good news is, even as adults stress inoculation can be learned. As our world grows more and more unstable and uncertain, being able to manage our own fears is becoming paramount to our continued liberty and livelihood."

Bob Livingston

"Under both parties the nation’s finances will run to seed. Deficits will mount. Debt will snowball. Growth will stagnate.

We concede, the two parties are different. They are not 'both the same.'

One party will drive the nation over a cliff doing 90. The other will drive it over the cliff doing 70."

Brian Maher

"Any country that seeks to control others is a country that seeks aggression. Any country that seeks aggression is a country that seeks war. Any country that seeks war is a country that seeks domination. Therefore, any country that seeks control, aggression, war, and domination is a country that must enslave its people in order to advance this agenda of imperialism. This is a description of the United States of America today. It has become a nation based on control, aggression, war, and domination, and only a totalitarian regime can achieve and hold empire."

Gary D. Barnett

"The anti-poverty warrior who is so good he eradicated poverty would have nothing to do which is why such wars aren't intended to be won, but endlessly expanded. This thins the ranks of those who work for a living and swells the ranks of those who vote for a living."

Bradley Miller

"'Culture' is composed of the customs, traditions, and beliefs of a group of people. It’s a way of seeing the world and interpreting reality. It determines what’s right and wrong and good and evil. Culture is what ties people together or divides them. It’s a composite of religion, politics, economics, philosophy, and language—but the composite is more important than any one component.

Culture is what ties groups and countries together. When a cultural split develops—such as the one we now have in the US—a country cannot, and, more importantly, should not stay together.

It’s poisonous to keep different cultures together in the same political unit. Politics is all about deciding who decides who gets what, how, and at whose expense. It can be fairly cordial if everybody shares the same culture. If they don’t, it’s a formula for disaster."

Doug Casey

"If some free person can figure out a better (cheaper, faster, safer, more reliable, more efficient, more comfortable, more beautiful) way to get from location X to location Y, that is good. If some free person can devise an amusement that is more fun, more relaxing, more healthful, more restorative and helps one work better, that is good. If one can freely cook tastier food and provide it to people more efficiently than their own kitchen efforts, so that they have more time and energy to devote to tasks they wish to engage in, that is good. All of this and far more happens in free markets, and it’s all to the good. Freedom and free markets are the essential condition for these good things to happen. And they are all morally right.

What is not good and what is morally wrong is the suppression of all of this free activity. It reduces trade. It reduces well-being. It ends progress. It literally kills people. This suppression is called LOCKDOWN. A lockdown is the very opposite of free markets. It destroys all that is good."

Michael Rozeff

"After 55 years of special privileges and special pleading for black Americans, where do we stand?  Integration has failed.  Black Americans, or more correctly, those who speak for them, want black-only towns, black-only college dorms, black-only dining halls, and a black national anthem.  Except for the black anthem, that’s what they had a half century ago prior to 'affirmative action.' 

How is it that when blacks demand segregation, it is not racism?"

Paul Craig Roberts

"The real triumph of the state occurs when its subjects refer to it as 'we,' like football fans talking about the home team."

Joe Sobran

"Hollywood does not care anymore about making money or even necessarily influencing your ideals. If they can't brainwash you, they are perfectly content to remove all happiness from your life by ensuring you never see anything other than what they want you to see. Think of it as the Spanish Inquisition of the Dark Ages but with a technological edge."

Brandon Smith

"As with all collectivists, whether they call themselves Marxists, communists, fascists, Democrats, Progressives, etc., they believe that the ends justify the means, and the means includes telling mountains of outlandish lies about their opponents.  Abe Lincoln was an early-day master of this dark art, by the way, writing myriad anonymous letters to the editor smearing his opponents."

Tom DiLorenzo

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