Tuesday, October 13, 2020

A Message for Santa Abbott, 'Governor' of Texas


Watch this video to see how a real governor responds to a fake crisis.

No, Greg- You’re not a King.

No, Greg- That wheelchair you sit in is not a throne.

You must immediately take action on the following:

1) End the lockdown- Allow all businesses to open at maximum capacity!

2) Open the schools entirely- meaning no virtual option or mandatory masks and distancing!

3) End this demonic, god damned mask mandate!

4) Give a formal apology to Texans for your murderous and destructive actions.

5) Immediately resign and preferably, wheel yourself out of Texas for good!

The final two points of action may just help you escape judgement from a Texas version of what’s now occurring in Germany.

Grow a pair! Being paralyzed and crippled is no excuse for your poor judgement and incompetence!

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