Thursday, April 30, 2020

US Crimes of the Week

Truthful headlines (and just one week’s worth) offering you more reasons to separate yourselves from The Regime’s madness:

And it’s not just some doctor down the street making a video on his phone.

Even an actual bio-tech company doing actual research can be censored.

It is labeled “fraudulent” by the Disease Goons; Goons ignorant of the fact that Vitamin C has been used as a successful treatment for corona virus throughout the world.

It turns out that ruining the careers of health professionals and poisoning Americans has been his only skill.

Follow his “guidelines” or die…

Try not to laugh while reading this.

Is it less ethical to watch their beloved kiddie porn at home rather than watching at their office desks?

Have they been “ethical” up to now by lying about infection and death rates?

Will they be concerned about being “ethical” when they physically hold be down and force and poisonous vaccine into my body?

The folks that lost $21 trillion dollars of your stolen money in seven years think they can get your toilet paper to you more efficiently than private business…

Defeat “The Virus” and grow boobs at the same time!

Hey, Mikey! Here’s a gentle reminder- Iran doesn’t have a “nuclear weapons program.”

Hey, Mikey! Your blockade ain’t working too well!

I guess this what they call “democracy,” these days.

Hmmm…Then they “removed” their video. Too many “thumbs down,” perhaps?

What a classic example of how government intervention in markets (including labor markets) completely screws them up!

I hope Lew Rockwell doesn’t mind that I stole his perfect “honest headline.”

"We’re in a 'war,' after all!"

Why remain a suffering subject? Why do you need a “US?”

Isn’t it time for Texians to practice “DC-distancing?”

Secession, anyone?

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