Sunday, September 1, 2019

Quotes of the Week

Enlightened insights taken from the past week’s reading:

"A challenge to Bernie Sanders, Pocahantus Warren, Beto O’Rourke, and all other Left-wing, politically correct, hypocritical opportunists:
Tell me which American city you think is most overrun by White Supremacists, and I’ll walk their downtown at night, unarmed, without bodyguards, wearing a Star of David on my jacket if you walk downtown St Louis, Missouri—at any time of day—similarly unarmed and unguarded. If you wish, you may substitute Detroit, Michigan, or Memphis, Tennessee, for St Louis."
Robert Katz

"Government, of course, can produce nothing, let alone a miracle; and when it presumes to drop manna on its chosen people, it simply takes what some produce and hands it over to others; its largess is never a free gift. And as for wages, they still come from production, even though there are sectarians who maintain that wages come from the safety vaults of a soulless boss. The consequences of disregarding these two dictates of nature are too well known to call for discussion."
Frank Chodorov

"The CIA should be abolished because it’s dysfunctional, but also because it serves no useful purpose. It’s never ever predicted, through its so-called 'intelligence gathering,' anything of value – ever. The Korean War, the rise of Castro, the fall of the Shah, the rise of Islam, the fact that the Soviet Union was just an empty shell – you know, they thought the Soviet Union was actually competing with the U.S. from an economic point of view. They’re always absolutely wrong on everything. It defies the odds of pure chance. They’re not just useless, but extremely dangerous. All the coups and revolutions they’ve plotted were disasters.
Can you abolish them? Can you get rid of them at this point? No, they’re far too powerful. And anybody that tries is either going to be killed and/or discredited by their black propaganda. At this point the situation’s completely out of control, and we just have to see where it ends. As an individual American, you should try to insulate yourself from these people. Because they’re not going away; they’re going to become even more powerful."
Doug Casey

"Some would argue, only the federal government has the deep pockets necessary to fund space exploration. True, the federal government has deep pockets, but the pockets are not its own. They are the pockets on the pants, shirts, and coats of every American. I don’t know about you, but I don’t like my pocket picked. Let Americans who want space explored voluntarily pay for it out of their own pocket."
Laurence Vance

"I usually equate our current governmental framework to the 'One Ring' from Lord Of The Rings, and I still think there is no better analogy. The core problem is that the system is not only run by corrupt people, it has also been built by them. The system as it stands today is a corruption machine that manufactures evil. Adding good people to an evil machine is not going to stop it. And, as with the One Ring, the people who think they can use an evil machine for good purposes often end up corrupted themselves. You cannot change it, you cannot exploit it for good, you can only destroy it.
In other words, conservatives in the liberty movement in particular need to throw out their illusions that the globalists will be defeated using the very systems the globalists created to serve their interests. And if you cannot change a corrupt system from the inside, then it must be dismantled from the outside and rebuilt from scratch. A constitutional framework and the Bill Of Rights can help in this effort, but these are laws on paper that cannot defend themselves. Without fierce vigilance on the part of the citizenry, laws and rights can be erased."
Brandon Smith

"The state is a monopoly of legislation and law enforcement. In all conflicts, including those which it or its representatives are involved in, the state or people appointed by the state decide who is right or wrong. The predictable result is: the state is always right, in everything that it does. Whether robbed, plundered, killed, lied to and threatened in the name of the state – or summarized in single sentence: when force is exerted on other people and violence is used against other persons – everything can and everything will be painted by it and its agents as just and assigned with another, deceptive and attractive name. This makes the institution of the state naturally attractive for all people who would like to rob, plunder, kill, lie, defraud other people, that is, use violence against others. Above all, it is these kinds of people who therefore try to infiltrate and take over the institution of the state. And if, as under democratic conditions, the entrance in and the occupation of the state stands free and open for everyone, that is, when it becomes a downright competition for votes between power thirsty crooks, then it is to expect, that the persons who will get to the top of the state are those who possess the greatest talent of rhetorically covering up their own predatory, treacherous and murderous intentions and selling these as good deeds to the voting masses. In short: The best demagogues, the best pied pipers, and corrupters get to the top."
Hans-Hermann Hoppe

"One benefit of the new millennium is the communists have become much more bold and confident in their control to advance their deepest held beliefs in the public sphere. The faculty lounges are filled with disenchanted feminists who waddle into the professors’ lounge, park their brooms on the rack and step over to the cauldron with other miserable wretches to conjure new ways to make government supremacism a reality. I can’t make any of this shit up and it is hard to understand that my tax dollars were thieved to subsidize this kind of Marxoid swill."
Bill Buppert

"When people are living under a regime that wields the power to control the economic exchanges they enter into with others, there is no way for those people to be considered genuinely free. Freedom necessarily entails the right to travel wherever one wants to travel and trade with whomever he wants to trade. Any infringement on freedom of travel and freedom of trade, whether through tariffs, import quotas, trade restrictions, sanctions, embargoes, and trade wars, constitutes a severe violation of the principles of liberty."
Jacob Hornberger

"It’s capitalism that brings us all benefits or very nearly so; and capitalism is a system of free use of private property. It’s not a system of either war or empire.
To wind down forever wars and not see new ones arising, it’s necessary for states to distinguish measures and policies of defense from those of offense, expansion and threats to the peace. It’s necessary for states to be prevented constitutionally from using their powers to attain broad and rather unattainable goals that reflect the advancement of one particular culture, system, morality, religion and nation to a position of dominance over the whole world. People have to stop their states from concentrating power so as to advance their nation over others. For there to be peace, people have to choose capitalism over statism."
Michael Rozeff

"In times past libertarians correctly and properly held firm that 'we' are not the state! Society and the state were separate and the state is an artificial entity as compared to society, which is natural. While importantly and profoundly still true, this does not take into account the extent to which the state has replaced natural and spontaneous society with its artificial one. It is true that the natural society is not born out of the state; the state is not the thing that naturally binds together peoples. But as the administrative, democratic state has come of age, it has created its own artificial society which is of course a society of Egalitarian Terror."
CJay Engel

"Without an honest Fourth Estate it is impossible to prevent a democracy from becoming a tyranny.  In America tyranny is far advanced.  Suppose that Americans somehow became aware of the truth about Julian Assange’s total innocence that has been disclosed by Nils Melzer, UN Special Rapporteur on Torture.  What could they do about it short of violent revolution and complete elimination of the ruling elites?"
Paul Craig Roberts

"The false sense of superiority that most Americans seem to possess is part of the problem, but how do those who consider themselves better than everyone else, stomach the slaughter of even women and children? How can they simply turn their heads, pretending that all the brutal aggression levied in their name is justified? How can they stand by while entire populations die of disease and starvation due to abominable sanctions? How can they watch families who have the same hopes and dreams as they do, be torn apart at the hands of political and corporate warmongers?"
Gary D. Barnett

"A Pew Research Center survey finds that the six 'least religious' states are New Hampshire, Massachusetts, Vermont, Maine, and Connecticut, in that order.  The six 'most religious' states are Alabama, Mississippi, Tennessee, Louisiana, Arkansas, and South Carolina.  It’s interesting that the American ruling class elite comes primarily from the former group, and that the elites relentlessly smear and denigrate the latter — the epicenter of Hitlary’s 'deplorables.'  I suspect that this phenomenon is related to what Clyde Wilson calls 'the Yankee problem in American history' that has plagued us for almost two centuries.  Hillary Clinton, for example, is what Clyde calls 'a museum-quality specimen of a Yankee.'  (Not all Northerners or New Englanders are Yankees, thank God; a Yankee is a totalitarian who believes he has a 'right' to order everyone else around, and to use the coercive powers of government to do it, the more the better).  New England just seems to have spawned the majority of this unique brand of American totalitarian.  (Hillary being from Illinois — land of Lincoln the quintessential Yankee — and educated in Boston fits the definition like a glove).
But then again, the Pew Research Center may be missing something here:  statism is the 'religion' of the New England Yankee ruling class elite.  In that sense they are very 'religious'."
Tom DiLorenzo

"Government cannot make man richer, but it can make him poorer."
Ludwig Von Mises

"Good people get angry when you lie about them. Bad people get angry when you tell the truth about them."
Stefan Molyneux

"Leaving sex to the feminists is like letting your dog vacation at the taxidermist."
Camille Paglia

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