Thursday, May 30, 2019

US Crimes of the Week

Truthful headlines (and just one week’s worth) offering you more reasons to separate yourselves from The Regime’s madness:

Emperor Sending More Killers to Middle East

At least the numbers are down from the originally projected 10,000.

But the question immediately pops into your head- For what?

DC claims it’s to protect their “interests,” which of course means the interest of the empire.

Regime Goon Orders New Restrictions on Sharing Information with Regime Gangsters

The Gangsters supposedly have “oversight” over the Goon and his military fiefdom, but he doesn’t see it that way.

Regime Declares War on Journalists and Truth

The Regime’s revenge proceedings have started against the individual most responsible for embarrassing it and exposing it’s innumerable crimes.

Glory be! Out of nowhere (thanks to The Emperors’ support of the persecution), the Regime Controlled Media is suddenly supportive of Assange!

Such data will not only be used to refine their propaganda but to also search for more journalists and truth tellers to persecute.

It’s called “meddling” and is only a crime when others do it to the DC Demons.

There’s eve some concern about being implicated in war crimes, but that won’t stop DC from continuing the slaughter.

They are suffering from supposed “unjustified retaliatory tariffs.” When someone fires a bullet at you, is it “unjustified” for that assaulted party to return another bullet?

One state intervention in trade (tariff/taxes) calls for another intervention to compensate a DC-designated victim group/crony industry.

And you and I pay more for every intervention!

Remember these spying goons the next time your local government raises taxes to pay [private] hackers their ransom bitcoin.

In the spirit of Christo-fascism, he can’t wait to see aircraft full of body bags landing at Dover. Then comes a short, obscene ceremony celebrating the sacrament of human sacrifice in service to the DC King. Film at 11:00

Why remain a suffering subject? Why do you need a “US?”

Secession, anyone?

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