Sunday, March 10, 2019

Quotes of the Week

***MY 1000TH POST!***

Enlightened insights taken from the past week’s reading:

"Most governments don’t go out with such a massive bang. 
They just slowly degrade over time. Their shoes become cinder blocks and, one day, they just give up and jump into the river. 
It begins with policies that destroy incentives, discourage innovation, and sap the brains of the citizens by expanding only mindless, useless work not grounded in any economic realities… 
They hire a workforce of rubber stampers, responsible for little more than getting in the way. 
They waste untold amounts of money on tying and untying their own shoelaces… until it all grinds to a halt." 
Chris Campbell

"One widespread characteristic defect of the Yankee national character  I have mentioned—a tendency to reduce public matters to self-centered personal emotions.  There is a socialist side to this that has become glaringly evident of late in California and elsewhere.  There is also a fascist side—people who react violently to any notion of breaking up the good ole U.S. of A., 'the greatest nation on earth.'   This is what happens to people who have no culture and no religion and can only gain identity from their feeling of belonging to a powerful government.  Such people are unable to tell the difference between government-worship and real patriotism—the love of one’s land and people.  And they are out there, believe me.  Every time I write a little something in defense of the Confederacy I receive denunciations as a traitor who will soon meet my just demise."
Clyde Wilson

"One may deal with people of ALL kinds fairly and squarely, no matter what their race, religion, sex or sexual preferences. Most of us learn to do so. This is far from enough for the left-wing National Socialists. They want their agenda codified in law. They want to control speech and thought.
Unless the left-wing Nazis are seen for what they are and their ideas rejected, they will continue to take over. The ultimate result may well be warfare within America. The rightists will firm up their side, but any victory of theirs will also be oppressive. The forces of freedom have to coalesce on their own agenda in order to fend off these menacing extremes."
Michael Rozeff

"Few people ever come to the realism that big government in cooperation with big business work together to perpetually extract labor and wealth from the people. This is called fascism, and make no mistake that it is alive and well.
Fascism is now incubated, concealed and sold as democracy in America. Bureaucratic tyranny is as bad in the United States as in any so-called fascist or even communist country. It is just more sophisticated."
Bob Livingston

"EVERY country which has EVER engaged in socialism has injected the death of their own society by suicide. When law favors one group over another, the very purpose of coming together to form great societies ceases to exist."
Martin Armstrong

"Infanticide has been a progressive pipe dream for over a century. Keep in mind that politicians are death fetishists first and foremost. For serial killers, psychopaths and sociopaths, political office is the ultimate cloaking device to practice your evil in public and rob the taxpayer at gunpoint to pay for your sumptuous living."
Bill Buppert

"Identity politics has turned Western civilization against itself. Those claiming victim status have acquired many privileges that violate equality under law. They are granted quotas in university admissions and appointments and in business employment and promotions. They can bring charges against those of European descent for insensitivity and racism by misconstruing language, expressions, body language, facial expressions, art works and scientific theories as racist. Females have acquired similar power over men. Black studies and women studies rewrite history in order to present the white male as a more hateful figure."
Paul Craig Roberts

"Let me draw your attention to the fact there is no limit to how far out of control stupidity can get. Einstein was right. After hydrogen, it’s the most common thing in the universe."
Doug Casey

"The corporate-state media lives in terror that the truth will somehow leak out of the corporate-Imperial fortress, imperiling their jobs and perks. Their job isn’t to report any truth that lays waste to the self-serving interests of the ruling elites; their job is to protect the ruling elites by 'reporting' politically-correct narratives and playing up culturally divisive incidents to distract the masses from any awareness of their political invisibility and lack of financial independence or agency. 
The MSM’s other job is to scrub any mass dissent from their 'news.' So for example, U.S. corporate-state media coverage of the yellow vest movement in France is near zero. This is not random; it is all part of skewing the 'news' to meaningless controversies and fawning politically correct / approved narratives stories."
Charles Hugh Smith

"There is no honor in going to someone else’s country and butchering people you don’t know because some political general, which is to say some general, told you to; A hit man for the Mafia is exactly as honorable."
Fred Reed

"Some conservatives lament that the government doesn’t care about POWs. But of course the government doesn’t care about POWs. If the government really cared about any of the soldiers in its military it wouldn’t send them to fight undeclared, immoral, unnecessary, and unjust foreign wars. It would only use them to defend America, secure American borders, guard American shores, patrol American coasts, and enforce a no-fly zone over American skies."
Laurence Reed

"Tell me who you cannot criticize and I will tell you who is your master."

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