Thursday, October 25, 2018

US Crimes of the Week

Truthful headlines (and just one week’s worth) offering you more reasons to separate yourselves from The Regime’s madness:

He then increases the punishment because he gave his dying wife an unauthorized plant to relieve her suffering.

Gangsters look out for each other.

They’re sending out fraudulent applications to border invaders.

Just a friendly reminder in case you have forgotten.

It would significantly hamper DC’s ability to prick wave Pyongyang.

The DC Demons consider the entire Pacific Ocean to be an American lake.

This kind of information helps feed the Texas independence movement.
Such nonsense as anchor babies, unlimited chain migration and (hopefully) even the "asylum" scam will end.

And they aren’t even unbreakable.

Here are some excellent, affordable alternatives.

Yet, he surrounds himself with globalist trash. 
What a fraud.
He built his empire on cheap money loaned from globalist banksters!

How can you be "nationalist" toward a political collective (the "US") that is not even a nation, but a forced collective of sovereign states?
US loyalists think exactly the same as globalists. They favor centralizing power in one place to rule disparate populations numbering in the tens of millions.

If he was actually going to send the military they would already be on their way. You don’t secure a nearly two thousand mile long border over night. The personnel there now aren't even armed! You might as well send a Boy Scout troop to hand out "Welcome!" packets,

The most you will see is a couple menacing looking helicopters flying low over the border area- kind of like those jet fighters flying aimlessly through the skies on 9/11, trying to convince people that they were actually doing something.

It’s all theater.

You’ll get “services more localized and physical in nature.”

Sounds like lots of creepy new surprises are in store.

Why remain a suffering subject? Why do you need a “US?”

Secession, anyone?

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