Thursday, May 31, 2018

US Crimes of the Week

Truthful headlines (and just one week’s worth) offering you more reasons to separate yourselves from The Regime’s madness:

“Stand and worship the god-State and its war rag… or leave!”

Feel safer now?

And then they lie about not doing it.

The demonic US is desperate to defend their anti-Assad terrorists who are being routed.

Through what else- your smart phone.

They also monitor your GPS data to decide whether you’re a “risk” by seeing where you go and the places you visit.

“You don’t have a country without steel,” he claims. Meaning “you don’t have a country” unless you buy more expensive steel and autos from local union thugs.

The god-Trump reasons that if US consumers preferred to buy $337 billion more of Chinese goods than overpriced, Amerikan made crap, the Chinese must be “complicit in abusive trading practices.”

“If you agree to kill for the King, we’ll reward you with a free U. S. of A. membership card and bodybag!”

To “deter” the evil Russkies.

So we’re supposed to believe confirmed liars and criminals who continue to promote fully discredited claims?

It’s to keep track of those whose reactions have been naughty and not nice toward their groping and passenger humiliation.

And expect to witness a “steady drumbeat” of it.

“We are going out of our way to cooperate with Pacific nations, that’s the way we do business in the world,” says the Regime Goon. 

Apparently, bombing Korea, Vietnam, Cambodia and Laos into the stone age, slaughtering Filipinos en masse, and the firebombing and nuking of Japanese civilians is a cooperative way of doing “business.”

Some good news for the resistance:

The Regime’s abuses of experimentation and torture make earlier Nazi crimes look like an 8th grade science project.

Why remain a suffering subject? Why do you need a “US?”

Secession, anyone?

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