Friday, February 9, 2018

US Crimes of the Week

Truthful headlines (and just one week’s worth) offering you more reasons to separate yourselves from The Regime’s madness:

Apparently, The Regime is just not killing enough people around the world. He makes it sound like his fighters are armed with nothing but pea shooters.

He says tax slaves need to cough up another $50 billion to create just the right amount of lethality.

He wants more ways to threaten them, which in turn, creates more motivation for North Korea to develop even more lethal weapons. This approach only makes sense to a complete idiot.

He calls them “sanctions.”

How often does this happen with those not in any “official capacity.”

Of course they blame it on you because you will be suffering slightly less tax-theft. As usual, no mention is ever made of possibly spending less.

Which is why The Emperor needs still more stolen loot to “rebuild” the military. 

Having this depraved display on May Day would be more appropriate than July 4th. 

Perhaps the god-Trump’s strategy to defeat North Korea is to be more like them! Or is it a backdoor way to eliminate some leftist goblins?

That’s $45 billion more to help the Kabul Regime “defend” themselves- which they still can’t do after 16 years.

Honestly, does it really matter to you who the hell rules Afghanistan?

For you scoring at home, that’s $3080 per meal.

The brilliant minds at FEMA thought a crooked contractor that sells clothes was capable of large scale disaster relief.

But heck, she’s a black female. And that’s what’s important.

Why not send FEMA to North Korea to help starve them (see above)?

He wants to throw out “blue ribbon committees” and instead, mimic the Philippines. Which means thousands of extrajudicial killings.

That should make your streets a fun place to hang out…..

This from the same individual that gave us “WMD” in Iraq….Spreading dis-information seems to be a required activity of ex-emperors- especially cotton pickin’ ones.

Why remain a suffering subject? Why do you need a “US?”

Secession, anyone?

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