Sunday, January 7, 2018

Quotes of the Week

Enlightened insights taken from the past week’s reading:

"There is something which unites magic and applied science (technology) while separating them from the ‘wisdom’ of earlier ages. For the wise men of old, the cardinal problem of human life was how to conform the soul to objective reality, and the solution was wisdom, self-discipline, and virtue. For the modern, the cardinal problem is how to conform reality to the wishes of man, and the solution is a technique."
C.S. Lewis 

"Racism isn’t abnormal or unnatural. It’s actually a primitive survival characteristic. It’s perfectly normal, from an evolutionary or genetic point of view. In fact, birds of a feather flock together, and like attracts like. If you’re walking down a lonely city side street at night, who’s more likely to give you trouble: Some young Jews going to a chess club meeting, or some young blacks going to a bar?
Of course, we discriminate, based on whatever factors are relevant. It’s stupid not to. But race is just the first filter. There are many others. The key to intelligent and moral action is to treat people as individuals, not as members of groups, whenever possible. Just the opposite of what so-called 'identity politics' is all about. They see people primarily as members of racial, ethnic, linguistic, sexual, or other groups."
Doug Casey

"The state, in order to maintain itself, used and forged many instruments of indoctrination – the family, the church, the school – to build in the soul of the citizen a habit of patriotic loyalty and pride. This saved a thousand policemen, and prepared the public mind for that docile coherence which is indispensable in war."
Will Durant

"Socialism is inherently immoral unless it becomes voluntary – Capitalism is potentially dangerous unless it is bound by the Non-Aggression Principle."
Marley James

"Why do all governments want to confiscate arms of their people? It is quite simple. The government political system fears an armed citizenry. Organized crime, no matter how legitimate it may appear, wants no risk of being overthrown and no personal risk of the politicians and bureaucrats. It wants no threat to the state that it cannot calculate and control.
The state is therefore the enemy of the people. Otherwise it would not fear the people and want to disarm them. We can clearly understand disarmament because we recognize that the state and its bureaucrats and politicians are on one side and the people are on the other."
Bob Livingston

"After all, the real difference between most people isn’t intellectual, it’s emotional, psychological, visceral: libertarians self-identify while socialists group-identify. It’s why, if there is ever to be anything close to peace in the world, that all good, decent, caring people must adopt mutually applied voluntaryism. Let everyone be an individual when they want to be and a part of something bigger than themselves when they want to be, with no coercion or bullying or recrimination from anyone.
Forcing square pegs into round holes and round pegs into square holes will forever be a losing game. We are all individuals and we are all social. Help one another when asked but otherwise leave one another alone and we’ll get along just fine."
Garry Reed

"Despite all the court historians, nomenklatura apologists and contemporary mouthpieces who sing paeans to government and the denizens who run it, the agenda remains the same: the destruction of individual direction and volition and the harnessing of the captured citizenry to the whims and will of the self-appointed zookeepers. You have been lied to and civics class in the government education system then and now has been a descriptive mechanism to rationalize yoking individuals into the collective hive of the state.
Civics is simply government obedience training."
Bill Buppert

"Throughout the Western world politics has degenerated into fraud. No government serves the public’s interest. Except for some former Soviet satellites in Eastern Europe, European governments have defied the will of the people by admitting vast numbers of refugees from Washington’s wars and others pretending to be refugees. The European governments further imperil their citizens with their support for Washington’s rising aggression toward Russia. The universal failure of democratic politics is leading directly to war."
Paul Craig Roberts

"Nikki Haley is such an asshole, I do not see how any diplomats can take her seriously, much less the North Koreans. She’s mean. She’s demanding. She’s irritating. She has a one track mind. She wants her way and only her way. She doesn’t coordinate with the State Department. On North Korea, she says one thing, Tillerson says another. Trump says all sorts of things. This so-called 'team' is a joke. No one would pay any attention to these American buffoons if they did not possess arsenals of terror."
Michael Rozeff

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