Sunday, September 3, 2017

Quotes of the Week

Enlightened insights taken from the past week’s reading:

"It is incredible how 'as soon as a people becomes subject, it promptly falls into such complete forgetfulness of its freedom' that it can hardly be roused to the point of regaining it, obeying so easily and so willingly that one is led to say, on beholding such a situation, that this people has not so much lost its liberty as won its enslavement. It is true that in the beginning 'men submit under constraint and force'; but those who come after them obey without regret and perform willingly what 'their predecessors had done because they had to'. This is why men born under the yoke and then nourished and reared in slavery are content, unaware of any other state or right, and considering as quite natural the condition into which they were born.”
Étienne de La Boétie

"The main objective of all socialists is to use the coercive powers of the state to force some kind of societal 'plan' or plans on the entire society, replacing all the individual plans that people normally make for their own lives.  It is about totalitarian control.  The problem, wrote Hayek, is how to organize a mob large enough to be able to enforce the views of the behind-the-scenes architects of the totalitarian scheme."
Tom Dilorenzo

"The Confederacy, monuments to the men who fought for it and the Confederate battle flag are symbols of rebellion against an overreaching, socialistic, highly centralized and authoritarian government; so it's no wonder the elite power brokers want it erased from memory. While it was waved by racists during the Civil Rights movement, so was the American flag in at least equal numbers. In fact, the American flag flew over a 'racist America' far longer than the Confederacy stood as a nation. These facts demonstrate the abject hypocrisy and vapid thought processes of the elites, the race hucksters and their MSM propaganda machine."
Bob Livingston

"Confusion is endemic to government. Elected officials and their hired help routinely lack understanding. They are eternally ignorant. They never know anything with any clarity. They are always uncertain what to do or why to do it. Only by an occasional accident does government ever work in a praiseworthy way. Its standard state of being is confusion."
Michael Rozeff

"The social justice cultism of leftists, growing ever more violent and illogical, is meant to push conservatives not just into the arms of the Trump White House, but it is also meant to push us towards a more totalitarian mindset. The more aggressive the left becomes, the more inclined the right will be to use government as a weapon to pulverize them with an iron fist. This is exactly what globalists want, for once conservatives abandon our Constitutional principles in the name of defeating the left, we will have become the monster we have always sought to defend against. We will have lost the long game and the globalists will have us exactly where they want us."
Brandon Smith

"The development of soldier drones allows wars to be fought without boots on the ground. But make no mistake about it, such systems can be turned inward against the people to retain power as well as was done to the Bonus Army. The one common denominator is that government lies all the time and manipulates the military for political purposes. Since the Spanish American War, not a single war was fought to protect the American people from any invasion. When government controls the media, darkness flourishes."
Martin Armstrong

"A popular Government without popular information or the means of acquiring it, is but a Prologue to a Farce or a Tragedy or perhaps both. Knowledge will forever govern ignorance, and a people who mean to be their own Governors, must arm themselves with the power knowledge gives."
James Madison

"Lincoln is theology, not historiology. He is a faith, he is a church, he is a religion, and he has his own priests and acolytes, most of whom . . . are passionately opposed to anybody telling the truth about him . . . with rare exceptions, you can’t believe what any major Lincoln scholar tells you about Abraham Lincoln and race."
Lerone Bennett, Jr.

"In the United States 'conspiracy theory' is the name given to explanations that differ from those that serve the ruling oligarchy, the establishment or whatever we want to call those who set and control the agendas and the explanations that support the agendas.
The explanations imposed on us by the ruling class are themselves conspiracy theories. Moreover, they are conspiracy theories designed to hide the real conspiracy that our rulers are operating."
Paul Craig Roberts

"It is the open, competitive market economy that, precisely, gives each and every individual wide latitude and liberty over his own personal affairs. It is the market that enables each of us to make his own choices concerning the profession, occupation or productive calling to pursue. It is the market that enables each and everyone of us to have the freedom to make our own choices to earn an income and spend that income as we consider best in terms of the values, beliefs, purposes and desires that we think may bring meaning and happiness to our individual lives."
Richard Ebeling

"By the way, shout out to all the preppers who don’t need to buy $100 bottled water [because of Hurricane Harvey], and who already have their generators. They are probably saving the asses of people who were ridiculing them last week for their paranoid nature."
Joe Jarvis

"I will cut your ass in half!"
Unidentified, shotgun wielding man, warning looters while guarding a store in Houston.

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