Saturday, July 29, 2017

Quotes of the Week

Enlightened insights taken from the past week’s reading:

"If the law is unjust, and breaking the law would not threaten the rights of others or violate any moral duties toward oneself, then it is morally permissible to break the law. A law proclaiming the indivisibility of the state is an unjust law because it does not permit citizens to withhold or withdraw consent: it forces them to be subjected to a legal system to which they never agreed. Breaking even an unjust law shouldn’t be done casually, especially by government officials, because it could undermine public order. But if those risks to the rights of others are low enough, then it can be justified."
Jason Sorens

"One of the great myths of our time is that the U.S. is a free market capitalist system. In reality, there is no free market in America and has not been for more than 150 years. A market with regulations and licensing and taxation and incentives and cronyism and restrictions on whom a business may or may not serve is in no way a free market."
Bob Livingston

"If a centralized power were to manage all healthcare resources, it would, over time, begin to see human life as a matter of resource allocation.
It would become the singular arbiter of life and death."
Chris Campbell

"The political class' appeals to American ‘family’ and ‘unity’ is merely a means to obscure what’s really on the agenda— an agenda that goes far beyond the purview of our actual families, villages, townships, cities, and states. The political establishment continues to falsely believe a diverse nation of 300 million-plus people, a nation of nearly 20,000 actual cities, as well as countless families and cultures, can be managed like a singular political body without negative consequences. If only we surrender more of our liberties and governing decisions to Washington D.C., says the political class, 'the people' of the United States can be prodded into unity — as long as we are allowed to chew on a bit of happy talk and watch a charity baseball game."
Joey Clark

"That the Soviet Union, under Stalin’s tyrannical rule, had a written constitution (modeled after the American version) should have tipped off otherwise intelligent minds that words are unable to dissuade violent dispositions! Words must always be interpreted, and when the American state usurped the authority to interpret its own powers (see Marbury v. Madison), it should have surprised no one that governmental powers would receive expanded definitions, while individual liberty would have reduced levels of respect."
Butler Shaffer

"Unlike Hitler and his followers, today’s anti-Southern zealots don’t share a Germanic culture. They instead define themselves by their political community. But similar to the Nazis, they possess a cult-like belief that they’re fighting for “good, since its object is the betterment of all.” They are superior in purpose, so conquest by any means necessary."
Dissident Mama

"Here is the one question for selection of candidates for public office by both political parties: Can this candidate win? Meaning—Has a proven ability to commit crimes and not get caught."
Jack Perry

"Americans should undermine their 'democracy'. They should assault it. It needs assaulting. It needs a strong dose of desecration because it has taken on an entirely undeserved role as a sacred institution. The next marches on Washington should be to downsize the government drastically, to end rules and regulations, to cut out bureaus, to end programs, to lay off bureaucrats, and to eliminate whole departments. The New Deal and the subsequent growth of government built upon it need to be understood as extremely harmful to Americans and something to be repudiated. The country needs to engage in a very, very different kind of restructuring of ideas and government, or else continue going downhill."
Michael Rozeff

"Nationalism is simply the love of one’s language, culture, history and heritage, one’s very identity in short, but as wielded by an empire, nationalism becomes a murderous tool to violate one nation after another. The American empire is destroying the American nation."
Linh Dinh

"Society is not a family. Government is not a parent."
Richard Ebeling

"We are living under a President who proclaims 'America First,' and yet we have a 'defense' budget that does everything but defend this country’s borders from attack: our shipping is still as vulnerable as ever, and our borders aren’t any less porous than they were when Trump came to office. Oh, but don’t worry: our service members can change genders at will, and our Space Cadets will soon be bringing democracy to the red plains of Mars."
Justin Raimondo

"Everywhere you look, economics is despised.
The gimme-free-stuff people hate it, because they don't like being told that there might be undesirable side effects from seizing other people's things.
Politicians hate it, because it imposes logical constraints on what political activity can accomplish.
Even some folks in the business world hate it, because (1) they'd rather agitate for special privileges than hear the case for free markets, and (2) they'd rather have low interest rates than be warned about the causes of the business cycle."
Tom Woods

"Leftists treat normal like it is a setting on a washing machine."
Susan Stamper Brown

Thursday, July 27, 2017

US Crimes of the Week

Truthful headlines offering you more reasons to separate yourselves from The Regime’s madness:

Regime Bolsheviks Align With Neocons

They both want to “secure democracy” (western communism) and bomb the evil Russkies.

No, not the US. That other one.

He wants to “transfer technology” to allies to help start the missiles flying.

Can’t you see that the Evil Russkies want to “stick it to America?”

Weighted down with government grants, subsidies, loan guarantees, or other economic incentives paid for by looting tax slaves.

Old ones are open burned after being dangerously transported from all over the country.

So they don’t have to pay compensation for their illnesses.

Arming them just didn’t seem like enough.

 “…Our [ever increasing number of] enemies will shake with fear because everyone will know that America is coming, and America is coming strong." 

Unlike Syria (where they just give them to the “enemy”), these are lost though repeated battle defeats and desertions. 
Whatever it takes to keep the perpetual war scam in gear.

Expect cyber false flags to become more and more common. They’ll do whatever it takes to keep the disinformation flowing and the subjects alarmed.

All to make it easier to steal your large electronic items.

Some good news for the resistance:

More and more individuals are seeing the disadvantage of centralized power- particularly when that power is held by people who have little in common with the subjects they control.

I don’t imagine an army “manned” by circus freaks will make a very effective fighting force. Which should mean fewer wars started by The Regime.

But, apparently, The Emperor now has other plans.

Why remain a suffering subject? Why do you need a “US?”

Secession, anyone?

Saturday, July 22, 2017

Quotes of the Week

Enlightened insights taken from the past week’s reading:

"People challenged by the complexities of nature are eager to embrace those who promise them certitude in life. This attitude serves the interests of those who own the machinery of the state. Elitists who comprise the Establishment have their flocks of self-appointed 'experts' from within the mainstream media, the halls of academia, and the very institutions that presume to rule all of humanity. These experts are eager to inform the rest of us that life is far too complicated to allow us to understand, much less function, without their direction. Most of us readily accept such thinking, in part because we have been  consistently trained to do so; and in part because it relieves us from the hard work of doing our own thinking. As we were as children, it is easier to have 'big daddy' bear this task."
Butler Shaffer

"Watch that word democracy. It is the charade for criminal politics. It’s hard to believe how writers who pretend to oppose big government endear this most deceptive word. They are either a part of the system or victims of the system’s brainwash. In any case, they are perpetuating the deception.
When you see or hear anyone use the word democracy implying human liberty, you should suspect treason whether the use is intentional or otherwise."
Bob Livingston

"The reason you can afford a supercomputer that fits in your pocket and has more computing power than NASA did in the late ‘60s is the result of market forces, not government management. It is the result of decentralized, competing innovation -- not redistribution of wealth and centralized control.
The government is in the business of making such innovation slow, cumbersome, unipolar, monopolistic and, as a result, extremely expensive. The government is in the business of not caring how much things cost because, after all, it’s not their money. And they can always just raise taxes or print more.
Sustainable behaviors and restraint, be damned."
Chris Campbell

"As a child in government schools, I must have recited the pledge of allegiance thousands of times. And not once did it occur to me that the 'one nation . . . indivisible' part of it is simply an embrace of the Lincolnian heresy, a preemptive attack on the potential for any kind of organized withdrawal whatsoever. At this point in history, can we not see what a terrifying affirmation this doctrine really is? No matter how oppressed people may be, their secession from the overbearing super-state is obstructed by invisible ideological walls. Thus the words of the Declaration of Independence have turned inward and eaten themselves like an absurd snake consuming itself from the tail forward."
Robert Higgs

"Contrary to popular political opinion, 'national unity' is not synonymous with basic human decency and peace among men. Quite the opposite. But as long as 'our' political leaders continue to conflate the two, a cruel irony will be at work here. The more America’s political leaders try to 'unite' the nation through political power at the federal level, nationalizing every issue in the process, the more divided the nation will become. The United States is too diverse to be treated as one big happy family ready to march in lockstep."
Joey Clark

"Unfortunately, the end of the Cold War did not spell the end of America’s national-security state nightmare. We still have the same totalitarian-like system — massive and permanent military-intelligence establishment, torture, assassination, surveillance, regime-change operations, and other characteristics of totalitarian regimes. The only difference is that now it’s all justified by “terrorism” and Russia rather than communism and the Soviet Union. It’s still being portrayed as essential to our 'freedom' and 'security,' just as it was in the Soviet Union and just as it is today in North Korea."
Jacob Hornberger

"The true barriers of our liberty in this country are our State governments; and the wisest conservative power ever contrived by man, is that of which our Revolution and present government found us possessed."
Thomas Jefferson

"The elevation of the presidency to a super-dignified position is a statist device. Insisting on the president being above everyone is stuffy and hypocritical. It’s an act of reverence toward his power and that of the government to make laws. Everyone must kneel and kiss the ring on his finger. He in turn must act with dignity and do nothing beneath his office. Otherwise he lessens the office. So, when Trump makes clear that the president is just a man, after all, statists from Left and Right both get upset."
Michael Rozeff

"The governed are willing to put up with an arbitrary federal government for only as long as the checks keep coming. The voters' grudging support of the federal government and the major political parties is completely dependent on the ability of the government to extract loot from one group and send it to members of the other group. This is the politics of plunder. Politics has been the politics of plunder. But the level of plunder, and the dependence of those who are dependent on plunder, is now on a scale in the United States that it has never been before."
Gary North

"The government is changing citizens’ behavior with incentives and disincentives, which destroys the natural spontaneous order society would otherwise fall into.
The government has basically turned society into a pinball machine which bounces citizens from here to there, taking away control of their destiny. And then, they use their own coercion as an example of why we need more coercion: because people cannot control their own outcomes in life!"
The Daily Bell

"Modern opponents of self-determination and secession will claim that secession cannot be tolerated because it is not 'legal.'
This is scarcely relevant. After all, the colonial uprising against the King was not 'legal,' and it hardly matters whether political victors consider any breakaway secession movements legal. Times and societies change, and nothing is forever or written in stone."
Ryan McMaken

"Telling both sides of a story is Journalism 101. But not evidently when the other side is a perceived enemy of the United States. There are only interests in international affairs, not morality. A journalist should not take sides. But American journalists routinely do in international reporting. They take the 'American side' rather than neutrally laying out for the reader the complex clash of interests of nations involved in an international dispute.
Downplaying or omitting the adversary’s side of the story is a classic case of Americans explaining a foreign people to other Americans without giving a voice to those people, whether they be Russians, Palestinians, Syrians, Serbs, Iranians or North Koreans. Depriving a people of their voice dehumanizes them, making it easier to go to war against them."
Joe Lauria

"Economics describes the process of voluntary, worldwide social cooperation -- a process that occurs with no central direction, and which has drastically improved the average person's standard of living.
For the life of me, I can't imagine how someone could find that boring."
Tom Woods

Thursday, July 20, 2017

US Crimes of the Week

Truthful headlines offering you more reasons to separate yourselves from The Regime’s madness:

Though their conquered territory has been “recaptured,” they still exist as an insurgency.
Meaning, of course, the future holds nothing but endless war.

You know their disinformation campaign is getting desperate when they start making these kind of remarks.

The world was supposed to end in 2016. But now he has reassured us that there “there’s still time to avoid catastrophe.”

His deadline appears to be open ended this time- depending on whether you “buy the book” and “see the movie.”

Consider it just another Regime operated freak show.

He seems to think that Russia would just sit there and take it and make no response. How do such irresponsible children get access to positions of power?

People actually pay money to hear them explain how wonderful each other is. I really expected them to embrace and French kiss. Will wife swapping be next?

She believes our “national security” is threatened if tax slaves aren’t forced to pay for soldier boys to become soldier girls, and vice versa.

This may be her reasoning: “A soldier boy becomes a better fighter when he gets his penis hacked off. He becomes docile and easier to order around.”

Kind of like what happens to a married guy.

Call it his “Let’s Be Evil Tour.” He’ll be busy helping send more predators and parasites to the Imperial City.

The easiest thing to do in this world is to spend other people’s money. And the gangsters see such a record as a positive event. To them, it’s “prosperity.”

And the tests were done on their own brainwashed hired killers. “Support the Troops!”

They’ll be only “temporary,” of course.

Thanks to their war rampaging around the world. Famine is dismissed as irrelevant “collateral damage” - sometimes necessary for spreading “democracy.”

He considers superior businesses that offer lower prices as “predatory.” Meaning, of course, that his bribing, inefficient “constituents” can’t compete. And don't even bother bringing up the lunatic idea of allowing individuals to decide where they spend their money.

Not to worry- The Goon assures us that such theft will be committed with “care and professionalism.”

And that’s just his air wars.

They use men with guns to protect their march against….guns.

Forget that they can “withstand adversary electronic warfare operations.” Some good old fashioned technology can take them out. 
It’s called a “shotgun.”

They’re there to oversee financial regulation.
Is this what a “populist” president does?

They accurately recognize that the violent, predatory/parasitic empire that feeds them is (mercifully) dying. Their solution? 
More violence.
More predation.
More parasitism.

"The very concept of ‘defence’ is thus re-framed as the capacity to use overwhelming military might to get one’s way—anything which undermines this capacity ends up automatically appearing as a threat that deserves to be attacked.”

It is truly the miracle of history that the world has not already been completely nuked into oblivion.

Being union thugs, such workers have an “institutional bias” toward voting for Bolsheviks.

Some good news for the resistance:

A great story about a group of like minded people who reasserted their sovereignty to become self-governing.

States are basically telling him to go f*ck himself and remind him that he is not a dictator, despite what his ego tells him.

Why remain a suffering subject? Why do you need a “US?”

Secession, anyone?

Saturday, July 15, 2017

Quotes of the Week

Enlightened insights taken from the past week’s reading:

"'Law' is too important a concept to be left to lawyers, judges, and politicians. It is a means by which free and responsible individuals bargain peacefully for their expectations with one another. To look upon law as a coercive tool to be exclusively employed by the state is to surrender not only control over one’s life, but all existential meaning as well."
Butler Shaffer

"Government under any name or label is all about making and passing laws for the people. Where there are many laws, there is no individual freedom. Where there is no individual freedom, there is no freedom at all."
Bob Livingston

"So there is no escape from the culture war. There is no escape from the politicization of everything. There is no escape from an escalation of violence in politics. The minority now gets to exert its will over the majority and every vice gets declared a civil right we must all worship and subsidize.
In our present atmosphere there is no escape from the American ISIS that is the political left. Evil preaches tolerance until it is dominant and then it seeks to silence good. Evil is now dominant — but the partisan line is blurred."
Erick Erickson

"If we don’t have privacy, what we’re losing is the ability to make mistakes, we’re losing the ability to be ourselves. Freedom of speech doesn’t have a lot of meaning if you can’t have a quiet space, a space within yourself, your mind, your community, your friends, your family, to decide what it is you actually want to say."
Edward Snowden

"Everything people want violence to do for them violence can do to them. If you are no longer a libertarian you are an authoritarian. There is no in-between."
Garry Reed

"Karma is not a punishment, per se. It is the fruit of unwholesome action. Reaping what you sow. (Likewise, wholesome action leads to good karmic actions.) If we sowed suffering around the planet, then suffering must eventually come back to us at some point. It’s not a punishment. It’s a lesson to understand that since this feels bad, it stands to reason inflicting it on others on a far greater scale must, therefore, be wrong also. No matter who is doing it from here; your party, their party, your president, the one you like or don’t like, I don’t care. Wrong is wrong whether here, there, Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria, I don’t care. Don’t justify evil and tell me it obeys international borders, rendering the United States immune to consequences handed down by spiritual forces far greater than this penny-ante government can control."
Jack Perry

"Absent a well-defined and widely accepted culture there is no hope of moving toward a libertarian world.  Such a culture is not a sufficient condition (as not all cultures are conducive to libertarianism), but it is certainly a necessary condition."
Bionic Mosquito

"A government big and powerful enough to cause widespread psychosis after presidential elections is a government without much legitimacy. People become irrational about politics precisely because government depressingly controls so much of our lives. It chooses winners and losers. It is the superstar player in American society, rather than the referee.
The obvious and reasonable option staring us all in the face is to go our separate ways. Let us consider political secession, radical decentralization, nullification, and localism as the realistic alternatives to a much more unpleasant conflict. Let us reconsider living as a loose confederation of states. 320 million vastly diverse people, from Anchorage to San Francisco to Topeka to Miami, cannot be governed by a top-down central authority in Washington."
Jeff Deist

"Government is always a way for the few to exploit the many. But since the widespread use of cheap guns and cheap newsprint, the few have had to bribe, bully, and bamboozle the many in order to hold on to power.
They call it 'democracy.'"
Bill Bonner

"Capitalism is essentially a scheme for peaceful nations. What the incompatibility of war and capitalism really means is that war and high civilization are incompatible."
Ludwig von Mises

"The United States was never a 'grand republic'.Republics are not republics if they are grand: magnificent, imposing, impressive, awe-inspiring, splendid, resplendent, majestic, monumental. Symbols of grandeur are symbols of empire."
Michel Rozeff

"The aim of totalitarian education has never been to instill convictions but to destroy our capacity to form any."
Hannah Arendt

"To ravage, to slaughter, to usurp under false titles, they call empire; and where they make a desert, they call it peace."
Publius Tacitus

Thursday, July 13, 2017

US Crimes of the Week

Truthful headlines offering you more reasons to separate yourselves from The Regime’s madness:

Emperor Cites Russia for “Fomenting Unrest’

But his lordship apparently has no knowledge of the presence of Regime troops in 150 countries, meddling in their affairs.

His Highness also demands Russia stop their support of “hostile regimes,” meaning any sovereign country that does not bow to the demonic US Empire.

Such knowledge should always be in the back of your mind when watching such programs.

Apparently, he shares the same passion for “liberty” as the esteemed War Wench, who previously won the award.

And no surprise- he “donates” it to glorify a former, bloody battlefield created during a war instigated by one of many former, Emperor-War Criminals.

They match their previous testing failure of 95%- and this is after increasing their groping and sexual assault.

Of course, warning the residents ahead of time would be too much trouble. So, shut up and take it, slave.

Trump Chumps & Chimps need to learn the old, reliable axiom: "Correlation does not mean causation." When similar numbers were offered during the reign of Ol’ Snake Eyes they were dismissed, and rightly so. Why the change with the god-Trump? What did he do- wave his magic wand?

And all just to please his precious, fascist Princess. It’s official- You are now being ruled and robbed by an unelected fashion model.

“Let me be clear, if called upon we are trained, equipped and ready to unleash the full lethal capability of our allied air forces.”

The Regime and its Goons are chomping at the bit to get on with the killin’ and enforce their Bigger Dick foreign policy.

It’s more important than ever that politi-gangsters be dressed appropriately when arguing new ways to murder and pillage.

Regime efficiency at its finest.

He claims to be “The Decider” as pertains to who will lead their government.

Certainly more important than stopping World War III.

And did so despite no criminal charges or due process.

They believe if news isn’t expensive it must be “garbage.”

Now that they and their jihadist allies have destroyed the country, they can easily enter and install their obedient puppet regime.

He refused to submit to FDA extortion.

They spend most of their time begging for bribes.

“Jobs, jobs, jobs!”

They have a “style book” to guide their writers to carefully craft their propaganda and demonize their ideological opponents.

In fact, they are expanding it, making it even more totalitarian.

Some good news for the resistance:

He had the common sense to reject the weak argument offered by three, lonely, anti-liberty, terrorist shrews.

It's always encouraging and hopeful when states reassert their sovereignty.

He’ll take his toys and go home if they don’t pay for his wittle wall.

Sounds like a great way to start the abolition process and end the occupation!

He doesn’t like the god-Trump’s goons spying on him.
The suit probably doesn’t have much chance of success but you have to admire his cojones.

They’re all part of the Rooskie-lovin’ conspiracy to destroy their regressive, fascist, enslaving utopia.

Why remain a suffering subject? Why do you need a “US?”

Secession, anyone?

Saturday, July 8, 2017

Quotes of the Week

Enlightened insights taken from the past week’s reading:

"Political power is built upon group consciousness, not individualism. Politicians appeal to the individual and human liberty, but their careers are built upon helping more and more power flow to the state.
When the American politicians talk about 'human liberty,' they certainly are not talking about our or your personal and individual liberty. 'Human liberty' is a code word for groupism (the crowd). Politicians and bureaucrats never remotely consider personal or individual liberty."
Bob Livingston

"Trained to serve the power structure that presumes to have authority over us, we are quite familiar with the verb form of the word ‘train.’ But the noun usage of that word tells us something of what we have become. 'Training' produces a 'train,' which one dictionary informs us is 'a succession of pack animals traveling in the same direction.'  What better description of what we have allowed ourselves to become: both the means and the ends by which otherwise self-directed individuals are compacted into one manageable herd of indistinguishable parts. The U.S. government’s collectivist motto, e pluribus unum, is an open admission of the dehumanized and morally obscene nature of the state."
Butler Shaffer

"Thinking is man’s only basic virtue, from which all the others proceed. And his basic vice, the source of all his evils, is that nameless act which all of you practice, but struggle never to admit: the act of blanking out, the willful suspension of one’s consciousness, the refusal to think – not blindness, but the refusal to see; not ignorance, but the refusal to know. It is the act of unfocusing your mind and inducing an inner fog to escape the responsibility of judgment . . . Non-thinking is an act of annihilation, a wish to negate existence, an attempt to wipe out reality."
Ayn Rand

"Issues from defense to public goods to the free rider problem can never be solved by governments for the simple reason that governments aren’t about solutions, they’re always and everywhere about expanding the power, coercion and ego puffery for the elitists who run those governments."
Garry Reed

"The long-run consequences of some economic policies may become evident in a few months. Others may not become evident for several years. Still others may not become evident for decades. But in every case those long-run consequences are contained in the policy as surely as the hen was in the egg, the flower in the seed."
Henry Hazlitt

"We’ve allowed a lie to permeate our society and to become accepted as a universal truth. That is, that all of life’s problems are caused by outside factors– specifically, by people whose will to conquer nature as long as they physically can is stronger, and whose luck is better, than our own. There is no survival of the fittest, there is no luck. If you aren’t white and life isn’t going so well, a white person is keeping you down. If you’re a woman failing to reach personal goals, a man is pushing you around. If you’re a homosexual having a hard time, it’s because the breeders want to see you fail. It’s no longer even acceptable to blame biology if you believe you were born with the wrong parts and feel weird walking around– you’re simply the victim of mass misunderstanding of a scientifically un-provable physical malfunction."
Sam Rolley

"Tyranny comes easily when those seeking it need only corrupt a single Congress, appoint a single Supreme Court, or control the departments of one executive branch. In a confederation of largely self-governing states, those hungry to domineer would have to suborn fifty congresses. It could not be done. State governments are accessible to the governed. They can be ejected. They are much more likely to be sympathetic to the desires of their constituents since they are of the same culture."
Fred Reed

"Why are politicians – left and right – increasingly despised by reasonable people? Could it have anything to do with the fact that they will not leave people alone? That all they do – at great expense (to us) and with great pomposity – is decree how we will be allowed to live, what we must do and what we may not do? Most of these things being precisely none of their business to so order?"
Eric Peters

"Every Revolutionary movement, every 'ism,' posits a final, perfected society. Whether early pre-Reformation zealots like the Cathares or Lollards, various millenarian sects, the Illuminati followers of Adam Weishaupt, or the socialists, anarchists and Communists of more recent times, a future utopian vision is held up as the final goal, the final stage in mankind’s torturous path to earthly happiness and perfection. But that chimerical objective is always an illusion, and usually a bloody one, strewn with the corpses of thousands, even millions of victims, who stood in the way of its realization."
Boyd Cathey

"It’s important to remember that we don’t need a national majority of any kind to press for two key strategies in preserving liberty: secession and nullification.
We must have a system in which states always have a right to secede. Does that mean we always have to have a pro-secession position? It doesn’t mean that. But the option to secede should always be there.
And when people tell me that secession is terrible, I ask them if they opposed secession of Eastern Europe from the Soviet Bloc and if they opposed secession of the United States from Britain. They’re of course fine with those secession movements."
Ron Paul

"As I see it, when the rules of engagement are devolved to the military, and who knows how far down in the chain of command this goes, the risks of military clashes that lead to increased tensions rise drastically. It becomes easier for red lines of honor and face to be crossed. It becomes harder to back down. These too raise the risks of a larger war that no one in his right mind should want."
Albert Meyer

"In another way of highlighting the difference between Texas and California, think of them as two children leaving the same household. Texas seeks to leave the house and be an independent functioning person, to make his own decisions and be responsible for himself. On the other hand, California is the like the basement-dwelling teenager: he likes parental subsidies, but not the rules, and in a tantrum says that he wants to run away from home. California isn’t flirting with secession out of any deep conviction, they’re doing it out of spite."
Jessie Rude

"War is like a big machine that no one really knows how to
run and when it gets out of control it ends up destroying
the things you thought you were fighting for, and a lot
of other things you kinda forgot you had."

Thursday, July 6, 2017

US Crimes of the Week

Truthful headlines offering you more reasons to separate yourselves from The Regime’s madness:

Regime Seizes NY Skyscraper

Why? It is “linked to Iran.”

Anyone paying attention will notice that existing military branches exist more to aid aggression and conquest rather than defense. Considering the fact that “there’s no plausible adversary for the US to fight in this future space war,” the purpose of a “Space Corps” must be military hegemony for aggressive wars executed from space.

Will there be troops in the streets by the end of summer?

First sanctions, now selling $1 billion in arms to Taiwan.

The truth, in fact, is that The Regime has ignored their obligations under the nuclear agreement.

“International law requires governments to carry out comprehensive investigations of alleged serious human rights and humanitarian violations.”

This terrorist Regime just guesses.

He wants it for his “voting commission” to investigate voter fraud. The god-Trump doesn’t seem to understand that maintaining voting integrity is none of The Regime’s business.

A gentlemen from Mississippi explains it succinctly:
“They can go jump in the Gulf of Mexico, and Mississippi is a great state to launch from. Mississippi residents should celebrate Independence Day and our state's right to protect the privacy of our citizens by conducting our own electoral processes.”

The same hired killers who work for The Regime, get paid by The Regime, and follows (to the letter) all orders from The Regime- all to protect the collectivist enslavement by the King and his Imperial City. So where is the “independence?”

They tweet an illustration of George Washington at…….Gettysburg?

They don’t want you to know how poor their condition is.

Sickening idol worship from authoritarian pseudo-Christians. I will enjoy their wailing and gnashing of teeth when their god-Trump and his previous war criminal/Emperors are justly hanging from the end of a rope. 

It doesn't take much to thrill a US loyalist- just some hackneyed slogan, low grade theatrics, and cheap, childish, and intellectually vacant sentimentality.

These days, it's called "global action."

Pat Buchanan has a more sensible and rational solution.

Now you get to have you face scanned- and all without “congressional authorization.” You remember “Congress,” don’t you? You know, the people who supposedly “represent you” and look out for your interests?

Quoting and giving credibility to a despicable tyrant is bad enough.

But the “quote” is not even real!

Some good news for the resistance:

Maybe one individual out of thousands will see some justice.

Sweet justice! How enjoyable to watch The Land of Stinkin' Lincoln DIE!
Expect a flood of refugees to Texas. But first, they’ll have to wait in line behind the ones from California.

No secession necessary here. Illinois will merely collapse through default, auction off its assets, and be absorbed by its neighbors. 

They only need 48 hours.

If the referendum is positive, watch this event closely. Catalonia faces a hostile occupying power as do the American states and we can learn from their successes and failures.

Why remain a suffering subject? Why do you need a “US?”

Secession, anyone?

Monday, July 3, 2017

A Sickly Regime Symbol Becomes a Perfect Metaphor

According to NBC, an injured bald eagle was recently rescued in The Imperial City and was taken to an agency that specializes in wildlife rehabilitation.

Of course, the bald eagle is a dominant symbol of The US Collective. This particular bird was “having trouble breathing, was lethargic and was unable to fly”- not unlike the sickly, financially bankrupt and morally corrupt Empire it symbolizes.

This particular bird was “rescued,” though I see no such rescue on the horizon for the feeble dinosaur it represents. Only the hard core, fanatical, loyalist, few still view rehabilitation as still possible or even worthwhile. Better to let nature take it’s course and allow the inevitable demise.

I’m willing to wager that the bird’s symptoms are not a sign of any injury, but merely the indicators that this particular bird’s natural lifespan is nearing an end. This sickly bird now represents that previously mentioned ailing empire knockin’ on heaven’s door.

After all, every living organism eventually dies, just as no empire lives forever.

Why remain a suffering subject? Why do you need a “US?”

Secession, anyone?

Saturday, July 1, 2017

Quotes of the Week

Enlightened insights taken from the past week’s reading:

"Man’s mind is his basic tool of survival. Life is given to him, survival is not. His body is given to him, its content is not. To remain alive, he must act, and before he can act he must know the nature and purpose of his action. He cannot obtain his food without a knowledge of food, and the way to obtain it. He cannot dig a ditch – or build a cyclotron – without a knowledge of his aim and of the means to achieve it. To remain alive, he must think.
But to think is an act of choice . . . Reason does not work automatically; thinking is not a mechanical process; the connections of logic are not made by instinct. The function of your stomach, lungs, or heart is automatic; the function of your mind is not. In any hour and issue of your life, you are free to escape from your nature, from the fact that reason is your means of survival – so that for you, who are a human being, the question ‘to be or not to be’ is the question ‘to think or not to think.'"
Ayn Rand

"Over time 'the system' has evolved as a doctrine of life. It provides comfort and security for the group. Truth and inquiry beyond the system creates guilt, fear, hostility, and distrust. Society has parameters of thought that imprisons the population so that they respond only to suggestions of authority.
The essential thrust of psychological warfare is to build group consciousness that supports 'the system' against individualism and creative survival."
Bob Livingston

"My understanding of history has led me to the view that Western Civilization is in its final stages. The structuring and regulation of life-sustaining processes have proved as fatal to our culture as cutting off a bird’s wings would seal its fate. To forcibly deprive individuals of their self-directed, self-interested nature in order to serve some mythical collective, has brought us to where we are. Beneficiaries of this herd-oriented mindset are institutional interests with a highly-concentrated presence that could not be maintained without the coercive force of the state restraining the development of competitive alternatives that would arise in a free market."
Butler Shaffer

"It’s safe to conjecture, however, that there’s a cadre of activists who make their living by being professional brown or black people, who’ve rounded up some self-hating whites to act as their running dogs. The tactic has worked well for “community organizers” like Al Sharpton and Barack Obama.
People that perceive themselves as being underprivileged, or minorities, or People of Color, or whatever they want to call themselves, have captured the semantic and philosophical high ground. At this point, however, these people (am I being non-PC in using that phrase? Maybe… it’s so hard to stay current) aren’t driven by any rationality for things done to them, or their ancestors. They’re just being driven by hatred, envy, and avarice. A civilization is in trouble when vices have captured the philosophical high ground."
Doug Casey

"Libertarians understand that all information, all ideas, all wisdom, all expertise, all knowledge is diffused throughout humanity, contained in a multitude of individual brains. And the only way to tap into all of that knowledge is to eliminate the mechanisms that squelch open imaginative enquiry – namely governments – and allow all thinkers to think and share their thoughts with one another."
Gary Reed

"Although the classical liberals won some victories for the cause of free trade, their greater philosophy of global liberalism has been mostly ignored. The result is the continued creep of the warfare state and of domestic and international interventionism. Bombs and economic sanctions wreak havoc on foreign peoples and foster both retaliatory violence and sympathy for it among the victims of economic and military warfare. Retaliation also works to the advantages of states, which use it as justification for further encroachments on civil liberties at home, for example, through domestic surveillance programs and controls over movement within and across their borders."
Mathew McCaffrey

"The bad economist sees only what immediately strikes the eye; the good economist also looks beyond. The bad economist sees only the direct consequences of the proposed course; the good economist looks also at the longer and indirect consequences."
Henry Hazlitt

"Leftist politicians and the Democratic Party leadership have placed big focus on courting voters separated from severe mental illness by clinical diagnoses alone. And while the Democrats like to pretend that their focus on fringe elements– the desperate, the sexually confused, the depraved, and the unwilling to accept personal responsibility in any form– is the caring thing to do, it’s simply an exercise in utilizing the useful idiots among us to maximum effect."
Sam Rolley

"Corrupted power has always wielded its monopoly on violence to oppress unjustly wherever possible. That’s nothing new. But neither is human ingenuity, which has always been a master of the art of delivering freedom in all forms to those with the gall to seek it out."
Chris Campbell

"Governments will always oppress their minions if they can. The greater the pressure, the sooner the minions create a solution."
Jeff Thomas

"Let’s just bow down and worship veterans. Without them we would be speaking every language in the world except English, have no freedom of speech, and have no freedom to worship this Sunday."
Laurence Vance