Monday, July 16, 2012

‘Secede’ - A Declaration is Only the First Step

I received a lot of feedback after posting my latest video. I also received a number of recommendations on how to make such a declaration into a physical reality. From this I realized I should make clear the nature of such a personal declaration.

Please understand that this declaration/affirmation is just a first step. It must be followed with concrete action. Many folks contacted me offering a number of viable options to choose from. I think whatever plan of action you devise and execute is only limited by your creativity. If that runs out, you have the creativity of the entire human race to draw upon, which I believe is unlimited.

I remember years ago listening to personal improvement gurus. The one belief they had in common was the power of personal affirmation as the first step toward achieving a goal. Such an affirmation settles into your subconscious and directs conscious action toward achieving this goal. By sincerely creating a personal declaration of secession/independence, you have, in a sense, wired and programmed your subconscious toward directing conscious thought toward achieving your ambition.
This conscious thought manifests itself as ideas that materialize into action.

Though your plan of action is up to you, I would only caution against substituting your personal plan of action with joining a “movement” of some kind. Such movements are useful in locating and exchanging ideas with like minded individuals, but it would be unwise on counting on “mass produced” action to bring positive change to your particular, individual situation. Make sure you remain the director and not the directed. Don’t expect change (as it relates to you personally) to result from merely following and supporting the leadership of such a movement, even if they seem to share your interests and expectations.

The only real power an individual has is how he lives his life. Multiply this by millions and the result is change.

Related posts:

‘Secede’ Submission is Not Consent

‘Secede’ - The Constitution of No Authority

‘Secede’ - Jumping Through Hoops

Resistance is Mandatory

No rulers

No masters


1 comment:

Robert said...

"A Declaration is Only the First Step"; the next step is to waive all member-only benefits and privileges.

"When thou sittest to eat with a ruler, consider diligently what is before thee: And put a knife to thy throat, if thou be a man given to appetite. Be not desirous of his dainties: for they are deceitful meat."