Sunday, October 3, 2010

Quotes of the Week

From the Light:
"If you need it, you can't get it from The State, and if only The State can provide it, you don't need it."
Kent McManigal

“When the state becomes involved in deciding what is ‘fair,’ the result is that everyone seeks to unjustly take advantage of everyone else, to exploit everyone else. We all seek to control the state so that we can impose our vision of fairness on whoever disagrees with us. While the state guarantees conflict, the market promotes harmony.”
Glenn Jacobs

“The state is successful in its masquerade of moral legitimacy only because of our obedience, because, whether realizing it or not, almost everyone stands at the ready to salute without question to its authority.

The composition of the military, its members paying unconditional obeisance to mindless hierarchical controls, provides an instructive microcosm of all statism. Like the larger system of violence from whence it derives, the military relies on an arbitrary, dictatorial chain of command, a process through which orders take on the impression of validity. For the hierarchy to function — to prevent it caving in on itself from its own madness — the actions of its agents must be based on the source that dictates them rather than on a critical process of thought.”
David D'Amato

“As tensions grow in America, as divisions flourish, and the nation leads up to something unseen but ugly, prissy vindictiveness and moral sadism become normal. We have become a gotcha culture, watchful for transgressions meaningless but forbidden, so that we can make the malfeasor squirm.”
Fred Reed

“While the entrepreneur risks scarce goods (time, labor, capital) trying to determine future market conditions to provide his fellow man with a good or service, the political process promises vacuous public works which are, due to the way they are financed and allocated, necessarily inefficient, for they bear no resemblance to what you and I and everyone else wants.”
Manuel Lora

"‘My country, right or wrong.’ ‘Support our troops.’ That sounds good, until you realize they're just a bunch of heavily armed kids who are blindly doing what they're told in some fly-blown place they can't even find on a map. The Germans supported their troops when they invaded Poland. ‘Us’ against ‘them.’ Wave the flag. That sort of thing. It's like a gigantic replay of the Milgram experiment. It's just another dramatization of collectivism and jingoism.”
Doug Casey

“I myself heartily disapprove of the criminally insane US foreign policy, and I hate our modern government, with its unlimited separated powers of bankster, shyster, and huckster.’
Karen Kwiatkowski

“Government is the enemy of information, and therefore of truth. The enemy of truth is … well … the enemy.”
Thomas L. Knapp

“Prosperity doesn’t hinge on finding the right leader to rally behind. Although there will always be tasks that the most enthusiastic individuals will take the lead in completing, pervasive power structures are ultimately self-serving. Political leaders generally act from the belief that their personal power is what the nation needs.”
Darian Worden

“Government planning was never a good means to do anything, but at least there was a time when it set out to bring progress to humanity. It was the wrong means to achieve the right goal. Today, government planning is working as a maliciously effective means to achieve the wrong goal: I mean by this that if there is anything that government is actually good at doing, it is destroying things.”
Jeffrey Tucker
From the Darkness:
"My personal view is that it is probably wise to legislate some authority to the President, to take emergency measures for limited periods of time, with clear reporting to Congress, when he feels as if he has to take these measures."
Former CIA Director Michael Hayden, agreeing that the U.S. president should have the authority to shut down the Internet in the event of an attack.

“The idea of a longer school year, I think, makes sense."
B. Obama, looking to kidnap your children for an even longer period.

"We're talking about lawfully authorized intercepts. We're not talking about expanding authority. We're talking about preserving our ability to execute our existing authority in order to protect the public safety and national security."
FBI lawyer Valerie E. Caproni, explaining new regulations being drafted by the Obama administration would make it easier for law enforcement and national security officials to eavesdrop on Internet and e-mail communications like social networking websites and BlackBerrys.

“If we want the kind of country that respects civil rights and civil liberties, we'd better fight in this election.”
B. Obama, exhorting his fellow Democrat gangsters to work harder to maintain power.

"How can we imagine that a dangerous, illegal drug like marijuana should be voted on by the people?

Our two legal drugs, tobacco and alcohol, serve as frightening examples of legalization. Look at the alcohol industry. It does not make money off the 10 people who drink one drink a week. It makes money off of the one person who drinks 50 drinks a week. Addiction is incentivized in this business."
Kevin Sabet, a special advisor in the White House's Office of National Drug Control Policy, longing for the return of alcohol prohibition.

“Go outside your comfort zone and take a risk in every sense of the word. Because if America's best and brightest young people will not step forward, who then can we count on to protect and sustain the greatness of this country?”
Robert Gates, urging college students to forego school and kill for the state.

"We're not leaving Afghanistan prematurely. In fact, we're not ever leaving at all."
Robert Gates, showing why college students should forego school and kill for the state.

“What I hope to be able to avoid are any massive [budget] cuts. Those would be dangerous now, given the national security requirements that we have.”
Adm. Michael Mullen, the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff.

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