“We in America need to hear many voices telling us that it is self-defeating to become like an enemy in order to defeat an enemy. As Germans learned under Hitler and Russians learned under Stalin, it is the internal enemy – the unaccountable elite that controls a country’s government – that is the worst and most dangerous enemy.”
Paul Craig Roberts
Paul Craig Roberts
“Adult people who beg that their mere inconveniences be regulated by the surrogate Mommies and Daddies of the bureaucratic state have no right to whimper and whine when they finally wake up and find that their freedoms are gone forever."
Garry Reed
Garry Reed
“You are always, at all times, in every situation, obligated to dowhat you deem right, no matter what so-called "government" and"authority" and "law" have to say about it. And when the tyrantsand control freaks, authoritarian thugs and megalomaniacs, try totell you that are an evil, nasty, despicable criminal and traitorfor daring to think for yourself, you have a right and duty tostand firm, and say, with confidence, "You are not the boss of me!"
Larken Rose
“If the achievement of a free society is to require that a million bleeding heads of torturing tyrants, damnable dictators, pandering politicians, sadistic generals, privileged policemen, criminal soldiers and psychotic, irresponsible “servants” be hoisted on pikes to surround the palisades of the free cities, count me in for the headsman’s role, for I will not dwell in my ice-cream-and-flying-ponies fantasies so long as to preclude my own action toward the attainment thereof.”
Mike Gogulski
Mike Gogulski
“The police are your enemy- unless and until they stand up and refuse, unequivocally, to participate in any more violations against peaceable people, no matter what their bureaucratic masters demand. No excuses. The lines are drawn between the people and the state.”
Kent McManigal
Kent McManigal
From the Darkness:
"We cannot tolerate outsourcing of state employees," she said. "We cannot tolerate privatization of our state employees' jobs."
Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand
Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand
"Every day we delay in implementing this strategy and increasing the number of troops there - which we all know is vitally needed - puts more and more young Americans who are already there, their lives in danger.”
John McCain, on sending still more troops to the failed war in Afghanistan.
John McCain, on sending still more troops to the failed war in Afghanistan.
“From a technical perspective, the recession is very likely over at this point."
Ben Bernanke
Ben Bernanke
"I think an overwhelming portion of the intensely demonstrated animosity toward President Barack Obama is based on the fact that he is a black man, that he's African American."
Jimmy Carter [Senility is never becoming for a politician.]
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