From the Light:
“You probably can get elected holding a chain saw and a severed head, but not if you know words of three syllables.”
Fred Reed, on elections.
Fred Reed, on elections.
“Yet the armed forces are based, at their very core, on the existence of an enemy to destroy. The very doctrine that governs your organization, your technology, and your methods, cannot exist without The Enemy. To accomplish that, the armed forces must do two things: they must devalue the lives of all who are not members of the nation, and they must set up an idol to supplant God.”
Stan Goff
From the Darkness:
"If I am sitting pretty and you've got a waitress who is making minimum wage plus tips, and I can afford it (the tax hikes) but she can't, what's the big deal for me to say I'm going to pay a little bit more. That is neighborliness."
Barack Obama, Marxist candidate for president.
Barack Obama, Marxist candidate for president.
"In my judgment, based upon the advice of a lot of people who know how markets work, this problem wasn't going to be contained to just the financial community."
Emperor Bush, liar and economic ignoramus
Emperor Bush, liar and economic ignoramus
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