Thursday, June 29, 2017

Us Crimes of the Week

Truthful headlines offering you more reasons to separate yourselves from The Regime’s madness:

Regime Complicit in UAE Torture

But no need for concern. The Regime reassures us that it follows “the highest standards of personal and professional conduct.”

They believe their rulers have not done “a very good job of pushing Russia out of the way.”

He reportedly was upset by pictures of “dying babies.”
Though isn’t it strange he has no apparent problem with bombing starving children in Yemen? Aren’t there pictures of them?

This time they’re predicting such an attack before it even happens. So now they can justify a criminal, preemptive strike. Another false flag in the works?

Looks like another “red line” fiasco is in the future.

And all killing, trying to win unwinnable wars.

They just collect it overseas, which makes it “legal.”

Expect them to try it out at this summer’s riots.

They agree with California tyrants that guns for protection in public may be outlawed.

Regime Media Resorts to Using Puppets

They decide to pander to low intellect, loyalist leftists to push parasitic invasions of North America.

Ms. Mushroom Cloud believes the god-Trump “stands for our values.” That collective reference, of course, pertains to those “values” held by ruling psychopaths.

The “Crime?” That such a disturbed individual is considered credible by the media and allowed to rule the lives of millions.

Sociopaths never seem to run out of things to regulate and control.

Some good news for the resistance:

He refers to truth seeking as “leaker worship.”

“You now have not only nation states trying to steal our stuff, but non-state, hostile intelligence services, well-funded — folks like WikiLeaks, out there trying to steal American secrets for the sole purpose of undermining the United States and democracy.”

Amen! May it continue!

Let’s hope they keep that youthful exuberance in the years ahead. Similar action preceded good results in Colorado.

Why remain a suffering subject? Why do you need a “US?”

Secession, anyone?

Monday, June 26, 2017

The Hope for Secession May Lie With the Young

In a symbolic act that offers hope for the future, the recent Texas Boys State mock legislature overwhelmingly approved a bill supporting Texas independence.

Declared the young secessionists:
“It is the common belief of this Congress and its constituents that our Republic stands to lose in its relationship with the United States… Texas and her peoples formally recognize and thank our neighbor the United States for her grace and mercy upon our Republic in her time of need. However, we cannot in good conscience continue this tie with our former Mother country. For God and Country, The Republic of Texas hereby Declares her Independence.”

Boys State seem like the type of individuals who will be future legislators, which should fuel optimism among secessionists. How ironic that this group is sponsored by the American Legion- a hard core, US loyalist, pro-military organization. It appears these young men are not following the script!

The time for inevitable independence is drawing closer, little by little. US loyalists have nothing left to defend their tyrannical collective but childish sentimentality and Lincoln’s desperate “mythic cords of memory.”

One awakened member stated it perfectly: “The U.S. is more dependent on Texas than Texas on the U.S.”

Other links:
Texas Boys State News
Wise County Messenger

Why remain a suffering subject? Why do you need a “US?”

Secession, anyone?

Saturday, June 24, 2017

Quotes of the Week

Enlightened insights taken from the past week’s reading:

"Common culture provides governance with much less government.  Destroy common culture and you inherently invite more government, more control."
Bionic Mosquito

"Self-determination is the ultimate political goal. It is the path to liberty, however imperfect. A world of seven billion self-governing individuals is the ideal, but short of that we should prefer the Liechtensteins to the Germanys and the Luxembourgs to the Englands. We should prefer states’ rights to federalization in the US, and cheer for the breakup of EU. We should support breakaway movements in places like Catalonia and Scotland (provided they are organic and not engineered by states and their spy agencies). We should admire the Swiss federalist system, where localism is a governing principle.  We should favor local control over faraway legislatures and administrative bodies, and thus reject multilateral trade deals. We should, in sum, prefer small to large when it comes to government."
Jeff Deist

"If a true UBI [Universal Basic Income] was put into effect, productive people are going to find it degrading, and unproductive people are going to take advantage of it. More important, it’s immoral, because you’re taking production from some people and giving it to others that have done nothing in return to deserve it. That creates resentment. Simply being alive doesn’t give you the right to demand things from other people."
Doug Casey

"The soldiers are not heroes but mercenary killers morally indistinguishable from hitmen for the Mafia. A kid joins the military, perhaps never having heard of the Pentagon’s next target country–Iraq, Vietnam, Iran, Afghanistan, wherever. It doesn’t matter. They are just countries.
Then one day come orders from Washington to go kill people in the country du jour. The kid does it. He doesn’t know the people he kills, who have done nothing to him and threaten neither him nor the United States. If ordered, he would as readily attack Switzerland–or Americans.
Guido and Vito. You tell me the difference."
Fred Reed

"If history repeats itself, and the unexpected always happens, how incapable must Man be of learning from experience."
George Bernard Shaw

"The conspiracy theory is a tool in a larger tool kit used by those who wish to decode the grossly imperfect and fluid narrative describing our world. When investigated responsibly, conspiracy theories function as part of a conceptual spectrum of analysis with which we can investigate government and corporate abuses of power and the manufacturing of ‘consensus reality.’ In the 21st century, when the very transmission of information can be considered criminal, being a responsible conspiracy theorist just means you practice due diligence and hunger for the truth."
Jake Anderson

"While patriotism is a form of affection, nationalism, it has often been said, is grounded in resentment and rivalry; it’s often defined by its enemies and traitors, real or supposed. It is militant by nature, and its typical style is belligerent. Patriotism, by contrast, is peaceful until forced to fight."
Joe Sobran

"The tradition of the West is embodied in the Great Conversation that began in the dawn of history and that continues to the present day. Whatever the merits of other civilizations in other respects, no civilization is like that of the West in this respect. No other civilization can claim that its defining characteristic is a dialogue of this sort. No dialogue in any other civilization can compare with that of the West in the number of great works of the mind that have contributed to this Dialogue. The Spirit of Western Civilization is the spirit of inquiry. Its dominant element is the Logos. Nothing is to remain undiscussed. Everyone is to speak his mind. No proposition is to be left unexamined."
Robert Maynard Hutchins

"The pain and injury of being attacked is all too real today for those in our own imperial capital. Some in Congress were victims of vengeful violence on June 14 [shooting of Republican congressmen].
If they have the wisdom and morality they often claim, Congress should develop empathy for this same grief and pain they inflict upon others using their military agents in far off lands. Angry vengeful barbarians are already lining up at their gates. Foreign and domestic.
For any real healing to occur, Congress needs to halt their support for senseless and unending violence and work instead for peace here and abroad."
Mike Holmes

"The consolidation of the states into one vast empire, sure to be aggressive abroad and despotic at home, will be the certain precursor of ruin which has overwhelmed all that preceded it."
Robert E. Lee

"Section 1.1.1 [of the ‘An Act to Amend the Canadian Human Rights Act and the Criminal Code’] tells us, for example, that some people 'self-identity with a non-traditional or non-stereotypical concept of gender.'
'Non-stereotypical'? It’s f*cking science. 
It’s perfectly fine for people to be whatever they feel. But that doesn’t change the laws of nature: human beings have 23 pairs of chromosomes, one of which determines gender. 
Aside from rare cases of genetic deformation, an X+Y sex chromosome means having a male wee-wee. An X+X chromosome means having a female wee-wee. 
What exactly is the stereotype here? 
Are magnetism and trigonometry also stereotypes? 
Has Western Civilization really reached the point where basic science and human anatomy are set aside to ensure that someone doesn’t get offended? 
Apparently we have."
Simon Black

Thursday, June 22, 2017

US Crimes of the Week

Truthful headlines offering you more reasons to separate yourselves from The Regime’s madness:

Regime Kills Hundred of Civilians in Syria

And that’s just the number “liberated from their lives” in the past week.

Fun doin’s in the Philippines.

Tyrants often share mutual interests.

“For thee, but not for me.”

They’re being punished for exactly the same “criminal” actions the US does with impunity.

Not enough human sacrifice is currently occurring to appease the war gods.

All done with the beautifully named “Cherry Blossom.” Sounds nice and friendly, doesn’t it?

The god-Trump feigns interest in protecting the “human rights” of Cubans while himself violating “human rights” on that very same island.

Isn’t it curious he doesn’t seem to have the same interest in “human rights” regarding his good buddies in Saudi Arabia.

Apparently, they have been a little bit too effective at taking out The Regime’s ISIS buddies. Coming up next- Air battles with Russian jets.

Wherever you find authoritarianism, you will find violence.

This is leftist logic in a nutshell:
“Those who disagree with me must hate me. By their very act of disagreeing with me, they are committing violence against me.”

Yet, he is still considered a hero among US loyalists. Why? He killed women and children in the name of the DC King, of course.

They call it “US policy” and “security assistance.”

They’ll probably use it as an excuse for getting their butts kicked.

Why remain a suffering subject? Why do you need a “US?”

Secession, anyone?

Saturday, June 17, 2017

Quotes of the Week

Enlightened insights taken from the past week’s reading:

"The abandonment of all human decency is the soul of military culture, and a needed abandonment. A pilot bombing Baghdad knows that he is splattering people, that they have done nothing to him or his, that he is leaving children screaming at what is left of Mommy with funny things coming out of her middle and gurgling. He knows this because it is impossible not to know what five-hundred-pound bombs do. But he does it anyway. He doesn’t care. If he did, he wouldn’t do it."
Fred Reed

"'We have to defend America!!!” From who? Come now. There is no nation on this planet that wants to conquer the United States. No one can afford to take on the debt."
Jack Perry

"This definition of freedom is fundamental. It means free people should be able to use their minds, bodies, and talents to advance their well-being (whether material, intellectual, or spiritual) as they see fit. It does not mean they can demand freedom from material want, or scarcity, or illness, or unhappiness, or unpleasantness generally. It does not mean anyone owes them housing, medical care, food, or a 'living wage.' It means, in sum, the freedom to be left alone. And this is precisely what the political class of all stripes cannot abide."
Jeff Deist

"Texas is a nation of laws and borders, and the multi-racial people of Texas expect that both be respected. It doesn’t matter if you’re from Sweden or Tijuana, you need to show deference and courtesy for the land you visit or want to call your home. But even with the issues caused by illegal immigration, I believe that there is more sympathy in Texas for an illegal alien trying to earn a living than there is with a violent politician trying to exploit them for political gain and the federal government they ally with."
Ryan Thorson

"Big business loves regulation, and the more complex the better.  Complex regulation kills off the little guy, the start-up.  Complex regulatory requirements drive up the cost of the product, which drives up revenue and margins.
Big business loves government-created markets which force consumers to buy products (that only big business can produce) that they would otherwise not want to buy.
Big business loves government programs, as big business does not then have to market and sell to millions of individual consumers but instead to a handful of bureaucrats."
Bionic Mosquito

"Even if friendly aliens landed on the roof of the White House and gave the government a cornucopia, they’d find some way to turn it into a nightmare. You’ve got to understand that government, and the people who work for it, are more interested in controlling people than controlling things. The problem is everybody’s thinking in terms of the government and the government’s problems. I’d rather solve problems that, say, Amazon, or Apple, or WalMart have. Those groups provide things that I want, and they don’t coerce or tax me like the government. People have to change their whole way of thinking about this.
Because the government, you’ve got to remember, has a life of its own. The problem is that it doesn’t survive by producing. It survives by taking things from its subjects."
Doug Casey

"The history of thought and ideas is a discourse carried on from generation to generation. The thinking of later ages grows out of the thinking of earlier ages. Without the aid of this stimulation, intellectual progress would have been impossible. The continuity of human evolution, sowing for the offspring and harvesting on land cleared and tilled by the ancestors, manifests itself also in the history of science and ideas. We have inherited from our forefathers not only a stock of products of various orders of goods which is the source of our material wealth; we have no less inherited ideas and thoughts, theories and technologies to which our thinking owes its productivity.
But thinking is always a manifestation of individuals."
Ludwig von Mises

"Climate alarmism is home to the Marxists of old who lost their cause when the Soviet Union fell and they needed a new vehicle to promote their utopian central planning ideology. But it’s also a cause embraced by the banksters, Wall Street types and multi-national corporations that stand to profit immensely off the money-laundering schemes involved in it.
The Paris accord in and of itself was based on false science: that CO2 emissions are causing temperatures to rise – the temperatures are not, and there is no evidence that the emissions do so – that there is some magical ideal global temperature that needs to be maintained and we know what that temperature is, and that by reducing said CO2 emissions the atmospheric levels of CO2 will drop and temperatures will stabilize."
Bob Livingston

"'Proud to be an American,” says one bumper sticker. 'One nation — indivisible,' says another. America was, of course, founded on the opposite principle… the idea that people were free to separate themselves from a parent government whenever they felt they had come of age. But no fraud, no matter how stupendous, is so obvious as to be detected by the average American. That is America’s great strength… or its most serious weakness."
Bill Bonner

"Teachers used to tell schools kids that anyone can be president. This is like saying anyone can go to Hell. It’s not an inspiration; it’s a threat."
Lew Rockwell

Thursday, June 15, 2017

US Crimes of the Week

Truthful headlines offering you more reasons to separate yourselves from The Regime’s madness:

Ex-Emperor Pisses on Populism

He says you should continue to trust the “institutions” that have tyrannized, terrorized and looted you for decades.

The Half-Black Lord of Darkness continues to make a fool of himself. This creature actually believes that “isolationism” (meaning minding your own business) caused World Wars I and II!

Does it also bother you that those with fish bait for brains claim to rule you- and have armed thugs to back them up?

They never miss an opportunity to commit war crimes.

To prove they illegally spied on you, they’d have to…..illegally spy on you.

If you actually read the report (and not just the headline, as so many do) you’ll notice no proof is offered that the Russian government was behind any of these incidents. The idea is to keep the meme alive that disparate voting systems are prone to hacking and the entire system must therefore be centralized. Such a situation, of course, would make it much easier for Regime agents or genuine foreign hackers to control voting outcomes.

They need “training” to properly terrorize overseas.

It was once said that what separates the US from other political collectives is that the military is civilian controlled. Not any more. Full blown banana republic status is not far behind.

US loyalists bow to two kings- The DC Regime and The House Of Saud.

Sanctions are nearly always a precursor to war. And in this case, the last war.

The War on Cash is upped a notch. Civil asset forfeiture increases its reach. Not only cash and Bitcoin is considered evil, but also prepaid mobile phones, retail gift vouchers, or even electronic coupons!

Why not include this on the weekly list? The Imperial City is poisonous to fowl, as well as humans.

Some good news for the resistance:

All they’re hurting are their desperate clients who work in the hotel kitchen.

Secession fever is spreading throughout Europe. Let’s hope it catches on in North America. 

Why remain a suffering subject? Why do you need a “US?”

Secession, anyone?

Saturday, June 10, 2017

Quotes of the Week

Enlightened insights taken from the past week’s reading:

"The abolition of historical memory is one of the worst aspects of modernity: it is certainly the most depressing. For the modern man, it’s an effort to recall what happened last week, never mind the last century. The news cycle spins madly and ever-faster, and the result is that we are lost in the blur of Now: for all intents and purposes, we are a people without a history, who recall past events – if we remember them at all – as one would summon a vague and confusing dream."
Justin Raimondo

"The bad news is that terrorism is politically motivated violence to achieve political objectives against innocents and non-combatants.
The worst news is that absent terrorism and its concomitant policies in everyday life, no government could survive a single day."
Bill Buppert

"There is not social service one, not one, that has not in the past been the province of the community or some agency within the community (family, church, guild) and that has been taken on by the state only because it first destroyed that province. There is not one of them that could not be re-absorbed by a community in control of its own destiny and able to see what its natural humanitarian obligations, its human­itarian opportunities, would be. Indeed, there is not one public service, not one, that could not be better supplied at the local level, where the problem is understood best and quickest, the solutions are most accessible, the refinements and adjustments are easiest to make, the monitoring is most convenient."
Kirkpatrick Sale

"I really doubt that one person in a million knows that the term 'public policy' is synonymous with government purpose. All federal judges know that 'public policy' is a cover term for government policy. This is why the judges and the courts consistently rule in favor of 'public policy' (government), especially when it comes to defining down morality (baby murder, gay marriage, transgender “rights,” etc.).
When politicians and bureaucrats talk about democracy and public policy, they speak with a forked tongue. They want you to believe that these terms refer to personal liberty. They don’t. They refer to the end of personal liberty."
Bob Livingston

"I suppose we’ll need to send more troops into Iraq—again. That place is like doing the Hokey-Pokey: 'You put your armored division in, you take your armored division out…you put your armored division in, and you shake it all about…you do the Hokey 
Pokey and you turn your exit strategy around…that’s what it’s all about!'"
Jack Perry

"The most dangerous man to any government is the man who is able to think things out for himself, without regard to the prevailing superstitions and taboos. Almost inevitably he comes to the conclusion that the government he lives under is dishonest, insane and intolerable, and so, if he is romantic, he tries to change it. And even if he is not romantic personally he is very apt to spread discontent among those who are."
H.L. Mencken

"A civil war is a fight between two or more factions for the control of the government. The war that took place between 1861 and 1865 was nothing of the sort.
Instead, it was a war of national liberation. The Southern states seceded from the Union—a right announced in the founding document of the U.S., the Declaration of Independence.
Thereafter, they never sought any control or even influence over the remaining United States of America.
The government is always a way for the few to exploit the many. The southerners wanted no more than to be ripped off and bossed around by their own people."
Bill Bonner

"Mediocrity, then, is an unavoidable feature of the human condition; it becomes terrible only when, as is so often the case nowadays, it is allied to unbridled ambition and the urge to power. Mediocrity is no problem at all when it both knows itself and is content with the proper fate of mediocrity; it is harmful only when it wants to dominate." 
Theodore Dalrymple

"Against the combined interests of the state, the establishment- controlled media and academia, the corporate-owned military-industrial-security complex, banking interests, the medical profession, and power-based feminist ideologues, the comparative appraisal of interests that are served by the state, and those of children – be they born or unborn – leaves no doubt as to the identity of the interests that will be protected by the coercive machinery of the state! Any hope for children – and as a necessary consequence, the future of our species – will be found only in the place from which our problems originate and can be resolved: our individual minds and souls."
Butler Shaffer

"We’ve all heard Samuel Johnson’s famous adage about patriotism being the last refuge of a scoundrel, but I’ve always believed it’s racism that’s the last refuge of a scoundrel. Race is what you cling to when you have no meaningful achievements of your own to display. It’s a safe space for the unaccomplished. That’s why there’s been such an explosion of racism on the left, especially among some of its less successful demographic groups. When you have nothing to offer, or when you just don’t want to make the effort to be successful or productive, well…at least you have your skin. And the left has proved to be expert at making everything about skin. With so many layabouts, welfare cases, entitlement whores, and blame shifters among the masses, leftist intellectuals in politics, the media, and academia gain lots of traction by continually reassuring certain constituencies, 'Hey, man, your skin color makes you special! Your skin color makes you deserving!'"
David Cole

Thursday, June 8, 2017

US Crimes of the Week

Truthful headlines offering you more reasons to separate yourselves from The Regime’s madness:

Regime’s Stasi Infiltrates Geek Squad

They recruit your friendly neighborhood repair man to spy on you and your devices. All in the name of “protecting” you, of course.

Just more impressive, eye candy video to soothe the paranoid and war loving loyalist.

The DC Death Cult’s blood lust is insatiable and the war whores’ quest for bloody profits is limitless.

She didn’t appreciate them stealing her shampoo- considered a dangerous weapon by The Regime.

I think we can safely assume that it doesn’t take 6700 pages to declare that no torture occurred.

Climate changing (which is what climate does) creates “instability.” And we certainly cannot have any of that, now can we?

Doing whatever it takes to keep the imaginary Iran hobgoblin alive and well- even when the “threat” behaves.

Most all of them are from the US created terrorist factory. No problem- just concentrate on all the cultural enrichment to come!

Keep telling yourselves the FDA is there to “protect” you from dangerous foods.

The Hypocrisy Tour continues. The Chosen One believes you must enslave yourself to the war mongering UN and NATO to “keep the peace.”

They (as always) say they don’t have enough, but without an audit, how do they know? To ask such a reasonable question marks you as an ungrateful, anti-American who hates The Troops.

Up to 15 years for sexting your girlfriend.

They call them “de-confliction zones” -They declare that no one not allied with them may venture within such an area. It’s kind of like saving seats at a football game and enforcing such a declaration with guns.

Some good news for the resistance:

It may be for a goofy reason, but their action is consistent with self-determination.

Maybe their leadership will realize, “Why do we need a US? We can bankrupt ourselves without any interference from DC!”

Though The Regime still exists, at least its surrounding Swamp got a little less stinky.

Not a bad idea, except he (like most all loyalists) leaves out a necessary condition:
Such an effort is a waste of time without withdrawing all US military  personnel and assets from the Middle East and thereby closing the terrorist “factory.”
Otherwise, all you're doing is creating a jobs program for hired killers that will never run out of targets.

Here’s one way to keep chipping away at the thieving welfare state.

Why remain a suffering subject? Why do you need a “US?”

Secession, anyone?

Saturday, June 3, 2017

Quotes of the Week

Enlightened insights taken from the past week’s reading:

"I form my friendships based upon neither diversity nor a lack of diversity, although there’s a natural, genetically based tendency to associate with people like yourself. I form my friendships based upon the character and the beliefs that a person has. The attributes that create diversity are stupid accidentals. The fact that diversity is emphasized draws attention to incidentals like race, sex, and gender, and diverts it from important things like character and beliefs. Diversity has become destructive. Cultural Marxists love 'diversity' because, in fact, they actually hate people. And themselves. They want to cause conflicts that work to destroy Western Civilization—which they also hate."
Doug Casey

"We’re not supposed to have one-size-fits-all democracy, [governance, morality, values, or anything] other than a common national defense to keep us safe and a common trade policy between the states! Everything else is supposed to be done at the state level. If California wants gay marriage and abortion and Georgia doesn’t, God bless ‘em, let ‘em have it! We’ll breed ‘em out of existence! But let ‘em have it until they all die off! If Vermont wants a single payer healthcare plan and Texas doesn’t, well God bless ‘em, they should be able to do it!"
Erick Erickson

"The government and its controlled media use conventional accounting terms such as 'spending' and 'debt' because these words hide the money fraud. 'Spending' and 'debt' are meaningless when money is created in infinite amounts.
But the words are important to the system because they imply that government finance is legitimate accounting. Even though these words are used negatively, they still have the same effect on the public mind. It works!"
Bob Livingston

"The state … in order to expand domestic markets, facilitate common defence, and so on, encourages the weakening of local communities in favour of the national community. In doing so, it relieves individuals of the necessity to cooperate voluntarily amongst themselves on a local basis, making them more dependent upon the state. The result is that altruism and cooperative behaviour gradually decay. The state is thereby strengthened and made more effective in its work of weakening the local community."
Michael Taylor

"There may be no greater and more honest symbol of government than mountains of human bones and skulls. It should adorn every flag. The one freedom the state always grants is your decision to be maimed or killed for them. They’ll never limit that option."
Bill Buppert

"The most perfect freedom consists in obeying the dictates of right reason, and submitting to natural law. When a man goes beyond or contrary to the law of nature and reason, he becomes the slave of base passions and vile lusts; he introduces confusion and disorder into society, and brings misery and destruction upon himself. This, therefore, cannot be called a state of freedom, but a state of the vilest slavery and the most dreadful bondage. The servants of sin and corruption are subjected to the worst kind of tyranny in the universe. Hence we conclude that where licentiousness begins, liberty ends."
Samuel West

"When Western governments are protected by air defense corridors enforced by fighter aircraft and surface-to-air missile batteries, they can afford to meddle. When Western governments are protected by thousands of heavily-armed troops, tanks, and armored personnel carriers they can hustle up in the snap of a finger, they can afford to meddle. When they have bunkers that can withstand a hit from a thermonuclear weapon, they are more than safe. Therefore, the terrorists will attack the targets they can hit: The unprotected, unwary public who don’t have the threat assessments telling them not to go to thus-and-so place today like the politicians do."
Jack Perry

"Yes, friends, this is what a college education has come to in America: Indoctrination training for the wave of mindless left-wing zombies who somehow plan to overthrow the country, take back the White House, eliminate all White people with ethnic cleansing, and then finally embrace their utopian society of secret police and totalitarian authority where everyone is disarmed except for the government thugs who enforce 'tolerance' at gunpoint. (Astonishingly, Leftists don’t even see any irony in that description…)"
Mike Adams

"The answer to oppression, injustice and tyranny is the same today as it was 50 years ago: if you want freedom, you have to begin by freeing your mind. That will mean rejecting violence, politics and anything that divides."
John Whitehead

"Certainly, the climate is changing. It does that. One of the great idiocies of our age is that the public, a large percentage of it, has come to believe it is unnatural for the climate to change. And that any change they find disquieting or unpleasant – such as a particularly hot summer or a hard winter – is unnatural and more than that, caused by man and his infernal machines."
Eric Peters

"You gotta remember, establishment, it’s just a name for evil. The monster doesn’t care whether it kills all the students or whether there’s a revolution. It’s not thinking logically, it’s out of control. When it gets down to having to use violence, then you are playing the system’s game. The establishment will irritate you – pull your beard, flick your face – to make you fight. Because once they’ve got you violent, then they know how to handle you. The only thing they don’t know how to handle is non-violence and humor."
John Lennon

Thursday, June 1, 2017

US Crimes of the Week

Truthful headlines offering you more reasons to separate yourselves from The Regime’s madness:

Regime ‘Loses’ $1 Billion of Weapons and Gear

A convenient way to arm their ISIS buddies.

Wait until these are “lost” (see story above) and ISIS (or whoever is the enemy du jour) gets a hold of these.

He lectures against “walls” while…..hiding behind a wall.

They trespass against their own subjects. Why wouldn’t they trespass against other countries?

They want to know who or what you sleep with and what sex you think you are……at least on the day you fill out the form.

“It’s everywhere. It’s constant. It’s nonstop. The good news for us in America is we have amazing people protecting us every day.”

Yes, the same useless assholes who “protected” us on 9/11/2001.

At least she’s still cognizant enough to know the alphabet.

They weren’t effective tax collectors for New York state Mafiosos. 

The Regime wants Assad out and are apparently willing to kill every civilian until Assad is the last man standing.

The open borders crowd is thrilled at all the incoming cultural enrichment.

He’s added the taste for Russian blood along with Vietnamese and Muslim.

They won’t be happy until all of us are kneeling, bowing, and weeping all day. Blame it on the collectivist belief that all should be saddened and suffer for the bad choices made by “the few, the proud.”

And as a result, further meddle in Texas affairs that are none of The Regime’s business.

Don’t be surprised to find that the well written op-ed piece you read or slick video you watch is produced by lobbyists for the War Machine.

The Confused Commie is there to show support for her parasites’ war against the producers.

The mentally ill now rule the rational.

And what positive benefits do you receive in return?………(crickets)

Some good news for the resistance:

These folks refuse to give up.

Perhaps those who rightfully view it as a “tragic, dumbass comedy” will see separation and abolition as a solution- even Yankee fascists like De Niro.

And since The US Collective is the number one target to be looted (think Algore’s carbon credits) expect the whole demonic treaty to collapse. If it pans out, enjoy watching the greenie weenies convulse in screaming hysteria.

Why remain a suffering subject? Why do you need a “US?”

Secession, anyone?